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File: 458 KB, 800x800, david2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2044304 No.2044304 [Reply] [Original]

This is who you are putting faith in, (((Ripple)))

>> No.2044313

looks like the guy from big bang theory, if u recall anon, he is a genius on that show. so yea i trust him

>> No.2044314

Looks like just about every other memed out crypto fag.

So yes.

They will put their faith in him.

>> No.2044318


>> No.2044322


No ones denying that ripple is Jews and no one like ripple because its big banks. But we going to make money.

>> No.2044323

David Schwartz is Chief Cryptographer at Ripple. David is one of the original architects of the Ripple consensus network. Prior to joining Ripple, David Schwartz was Chief Technical Officer for WebMaster Incorporated, a Santa Clara software developer. He developed encrypted cloud storage and enterprise messaging systems for organizations like CNN and the National Security Agency (NSA). Known as “JoelKatz,” he is a respected voice in the digital currency community.

>> No.2044336

literally "Jew" the coin

>> No.2044642
File: 133 KB, 983x801, IMG_2196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are xir's pronouns?

>> No.2044667

'Not liking' it because it's big banks is fucking retarded, if crypto charges ahead they arn't just going to fucking lay down, they'll be forced to do shit like slash costs to stay relevant and I for one want a piece of that

>> No.2044678

I don't like it because the manipulate the price to be whatever they feel like.

>> No.2044690

i get what you're saying but it doesn't mean the coin is going to moon just because the guy behind it is cute

>> No.2044697

They've been manipulating it in the right direction so far, but yes you're correct, a few jews could fuck the whole thing in the ass at a moments notice.

>> No.2044737

it's beyond that, ripple owns 80% of it's coins, so people see the giant market cap, but it's really only 1 billion

>> No.2044845

just shave your hair holy shit that looks awful

>> No.2044887


>> No.2045368


>> No.2045379

Thats the guy who will bring us millions! (but jump off in time plox)

>> No.2045381

he is saving for that hair transplant

>> No.2045383

He got the admission ticket to their promised land right in the middle of the face.

>> No.2045388
File: 55 KB, 625x415, 1429711754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we'll buy and sell our own coins

>> No.2045396


8. How many Ripples will there be?

The company plans to ultimately create 100 billion ripples. Half of those are to be released for circulation, while the company plans to retain the other half.

>> No.2045403

Thats what scares me most about Ripple, that these jews could literally sink the whole thing at will.

No matter how big the market cap is on Ripple, they literally have the power to make the sky fall on your head.

>> No.2045407

wrong way around

total supply is 100 billion, of which ripple owns 67 billion, the """""""""circulating supply""""""""" doesn't include the 67 billion that ripple owns and uses for price manipulation

>> No.2045421


Which would make absolutely zero sense. It would be like the Walton family dumping all their Walmart stock and crashing their own fucking company.

>> No.2045454

the sullet
... sadness in the front, but party in the back

>> No.2045461
File: 71 KB, 1226x519, xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to take profits

They already did it a month ago..

>> No.2045470

looks like a dude who can write an OS. ripple me timbers bro

>> No.2046254

All hail kikes

>> No.2046271
File: 99 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dude invented the backbone of 95% of all serious computing we do RIGHT NOW

honestly im glad Rippledad looks like a homeless person

>> No.2046287

You want a weird looking developer desu, never trust a normie looking dev

>> No.2046451

His last name is literally Schwartz

>> No.2046459

Thank god he looks like some neckbeard autist and not a chad. Never trust sleek Chads. They will scam you, invest in beta autists instead

>> No.2046479

I bought ripple without even knowing it was a Jew coin. This is fantastic news