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20441209 No.20441209 [Reply] [Original]

never felt more confident, increased sensitivity and best of all its not even noticeable. Women can't even tell.

>> No.20441240 [DELETED] 

It doesn’t matter. Women prefer circumcised men anyway because they’re are retarded

>> No.20441286

The foreskin is packed with nerve endings. This thing is not the same.

>> No.20441319

Who cares what they prefer? You just stick your dick in them

>> No.20441322

I know ill never achieve pre-mutilation feelings ever again but atleast there is a way I can get close

>> No.20441386

>women prefer
That doesn't matter if you're looking for one wife. You can always find a woman that prefers you if you keep looking. "Women prefer" is for people who are ok with having STDs. The opinions of sluts should mean nothing to you.

>> No.20441432

imagine cutting part of your dick off like a jew or sandnigger to please a woman

>> No.20441442

No they don't? If you're going to base any argument it should be that women prefer foreskin because that's our initial biological state.

>> No.20441501 [DELETED] 
File: 542 KB, 890x1169, Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never intend to get married retard. Women are worthless holes for pumping and dumping and nothing more. The institution of marriage is designed to fuck over men in as many different ways as possible to boot. The day the thot bubble collapses and women are replaced by super advanced Nipponese sex robots is the day humanity finally redeems itself

>> No.20441504

Why not restore

>> No.20441594

>God gives you great feeling body part
>Let’s cut it off because of God

>> No.20441596

atm it looks more like women will replace men with a crossbreed of niggers and fuckmachines while pathetic retards like you sooner or later kill themselves

>> No.20441615

I'm sorry you come from a broken home, I really am.

>> No.20441617

Bruh if I want circumcised I'd coom in like 3 seconds. I can only last like 10 as it is

>> No.20441648
File: 70 KB, 1024x903, 1569668055839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The day the thot bubble collapses and women are replaced by super advanced Nipponese sex robots is the day humanity finally redeems itself
I feel sorry for people like this.

>> No.20441657
File: 64 KB, 720x566, EC4B1314-44D8-405B-A747-F58316F1743A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You watch too much (((television)))

>> No.20441680 [DELETED] 

Mutt’s Law
Also name one pro of legally shackling yourself to a depreciative asset who’s sole purpose in life is to drain you of your time, money, and energy.

>> No.20441687

I dont, never have, grew up without a TV

>> No.20441708


>> No.20441713

>depreciative asset
autist confirmed. go your way boy, you will never be happy

>> No.20441714

There's a reason we call them the vaginal jew

>> No.20441749

What thing? What is this???

>> No.20441757
File: 34 KB, 630x400, this is you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The day the thot bubble collapses and women are replaced by super advanced Nipponese sex robots is the day humanity finally redeems itself

>> No.20441779

I'm not circumcised and I can last 5 or 10 minutes just fine, unless it's someone I just met and she's ridiculously hot or good at dirty talk. It's funny I remember being 13 and being embarrassed/ashamed about it just cause everyone else in America is cut, culminating in feeling like shit cause the first time I had sex I realized I had phimosis. Then I started doing research, stretched it out (easy fix though took a few months), still feels great, and now I'm 34 and am so grateful my dad chose to keep us intact. I also shoot monster loads, which I think is tied to the increased sensitivity from still having a foreskin.

>> No.20441806

Senslip foreskin replacement

>> No.20441811

nice story, based and good luck

>> No.20441874


the only Jewish boy in my grade was the only one of us who wasn't cut and he was the sexual king of our school despite being a super skinny skeleton and not that attractive. it was like some kind of horrible cuck porno where he'd fuck all the girls first, then pass them off to his friends.

needless to say i hate america.

>> No.20441887

self restoration is painful and if done improperly you could end up with a thin noodle dick that can only go half mast

>> No.20441903

This is a myth. It just feels better, it doesn't change whether or not you have premature ejaculation which is a separate disorder. Just watch any porn from an intact country.

>> No.20441984

>tfw I can't coom after 30 minutes

>> No.20442014

That only happens to me if I've been watching porn (quit 2 years ago, I suggest you all do the same) or if it's the second or third round.

>> No.20442160

I have this too and don't you dare complain. You realize almost all male pornstars have trouble cumming from penetration right? All you have to do is tell women beforehand and they will usually understand. Tell them you are on antidepressants if you feel like you really need to. Some women fetishize premature ejaculation like they are doing really good job, but most women appreciate someone who can fuck for 30 minutes.

>> No.20442263

Hell I have trouble cumming as a non-porn star, usually I need a good ol' rub and tug

>> No.20442352

yeah but I cannot ejaculate in a vagina, maybe without a condom things would be better.

>> No.20442433

Condoms and Jews suck.

>> No.20442514
File: 100 KB, 1337x1289, 1588968625307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women would rather you have a clean cut than your natural looking state

>> No.20442548

That is not true at all.

Nor is this.

>> No.20442565

sorry that you got jewed fren.

>> No.20442568

>Who cares what they prefer?
Bingo. Women also don't prefer getting hosed down with pints of semen straight to the face but I do it anyway because I enjoy it.

>> No.20442583

The kind of girl that's actually going to give a shit about whether you're cut or not is also the kind of girl you'll never want to sleep with more than once anyways, and once you're both naked she's not turning you down, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.20442608

cope more. imagine not ever feeling the extreme pleasure of a woman tonguing the inside of your foreskin

>> No.20442646

wish it wasn't truth fren. Zach really messed everyone up. he also ripped me off on weed because i didn't know what i was doing

>> No.20442713

Imma tell you what. I got a tlc tugger and I've been using it for about two months @10hrs/day.
It fucking works.
Just below the head of my dick, is a small remnant of foreskin. This is where the pressure is applied.
It has gotten longer.
Along with the new skin comes *some* of the nerve endings, because that's the skin being pulled/generated.

Between my link and my silver, once I have my foreskin (ish) back. I will have almost completely eliminated Jewish effect from my life

>> No.20442745
File: 7 KB, 250x238, 1589497568546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this cut bullshit would even matter to you guys if you were actually having sex. Like none of it matters if you're actually fucking. Stop coping over stupid shit and actually try to have sex.
If you want women who thinks slobs are attractive, then this speaks a lot. On top of that, I'm sure you want a chick who keeps herself clean and attractive and isn't hairy around the face/legs/arms/ass/etc.

>> No.20442760

Take your weird cut dick fetish and head on back to the desert.

>> No.20443153

your dick got jewed when you were a baby. american women just cope by saying "its cleaner" when really it isnt.