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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 512x581, bzx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20437421 No.20437421 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, you know I love you, right?
I want you to have a decent and peaceful life. I don't want to see you wagecuck for decades.
So please, just get some bzrx, even if it's only 1 eth. You'll be rewarded throughout the years.
Open your eyes and do not fall for the fud.

>> No.20437464

people who arnt throwing afew % into each established defi token are seriously missing out

>AAVE is almost back at 2018 ATH with 100x since dip in 2019
>COMP huge marketcap
bzx next

>> No.20437466

i threw the 200 eth i was holding into this. either this goes to zero or i make it

>> No.20437487
File: 73 KB, 500x701, 2020-07-08 19.56.33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

platform relaunch in august, liquidity incentives, staking, a big integration bringing in a lot of TVL, actual adoption, next big defi project hype, low marketcap

>> No.20437530

I skipped UMA and COMP and already sold my DMG

>> No.20437602

This. I hope they realize BZRX will surpass COMP before it's too late

>> No.20437616

Welcome aboard fren. I threw in 100eth, hoping for a dip around 15c to reload but doubt it'll happen.

>> No.20437912

Team has been throwing gems on telegram. New integration, new backers. Really curious on what they are and happy to have a bag of this.

>> No.20437970

What is the best place to buy this?

>> No.20437989

You beautiful brave bastard

>> No.20438114
File: 2.13 MB, 2847x1412, 17c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ehh i like BZRX but do you have any proof of this?

>> No.20438403

I loaded up so hard at .0006 it’s not even funny

>> No.20438537

Go for uniswap.

>> No.20438852

You guys are big whales

I'm holding 130K BZRX and will not sell a single one of those anytime soon.

10-20X to reach AAVE/COMP, but DeFi itself is growing so fucking rapidly. This project has so many catalysts its not even funny.

>> No.20439132

>You guys are big whales
>I'm holding 130K BZRX and will not sell a single one of those anytime soon.
>10-20X to reach AAVE/COMP, but DeFi itself is growing so fucking rapidly. This project has so many catalysts its not even funny.
this. i'm also holding 100k+.

>> No.20439176
File: 8 KB, 328x60, 666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bzrx will be bigger than comp. comp is just lending. bzrx is lending AND MARGIN TRADING. Margin trading is way bigger than lending. Look at Bitmex. It has multi-billion dollar daily volume.

>> No.20439206

when is suprise?

>> No.20439315

>when is suprise?
soon. it is a top 3 defi integration. that's all i know.

>> No.20439625

140k here. Would love to double this.

>> No.20440590

frens of biz. It is currently going past 20.5 cents. I wish you won't buy when it's too late

>> No.20441000

Here we go!!

>> No.20441035
File: 2.63 MB, 2320x1450, Screenshot 2020-07-17 at 6.55.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank Nick. you getting scammed again.

>> No.20441037

25k here, kinda wish I'd have leveraged some link on aave to go bigger

>> No.20441069

hope so anon, wanna see the bot who dumped 2mil at uniswap launch get rekt by a moonshot

>> No.20441070

this team working from UKRAIN....you putting money on them.. they disapper any time with your money. good luck

>> No.20441294

21 cents

>> No.20441417


>> No.20441570

yes ...from Ukrain. thanks Nick

>> No.20441631

BZRX was the #1 DeFi project, and will be again after they relaunch. It had more TVL than COMP. The product has already proven it's self. Marketcap is only 30m. COMP is 400m marketcap. 10x+ potential. COMP is only lending. BZRX is lending + margin trading. Margin trading is bigger than lending. Look at Bitmex. It has multi-billion dollar daily volume. It won't take long to 10x+. Lots of upcoming catalysts will pump the price. Platform relaunch, liquidity mining incentives, staking, a big secret to be announced soon (admin says it will be a top 3 defi integration), recently acquired interesting backers to be announced later, more exchange listings. All other defi projects have pumped and investors are looking for the next big defi project to invest in and BZRX is it

>> No.20441647

Is weird fud bullish?

>> No.20441711

how much you hold fren?

>> No.20442047

>Is weird fud bullish?

ignore the weird fudder. team is legit af. they were even in talks with coinbase to integrate with them at one point

>> No.20442339

we mooning

>> No.20442757

biz frens, we are going past 22 cents

>> No.20442792



>> No.20442935

Just know that it will surpass COMP. Easily reach 2.5$. Do what you want

>> No.20443178

Biz, unironically thank you for being such a gold mine. Can't believe how undervalued this, only DeFi platform with margin trending, was in top on defipulse, fees sharing via staking, liquidity mining, integrations, exchanges, fucking kek could it be any more obvious?

>> No.20443550

agreed, was using fulcrum and torque before the flash loan attacks. It was already a great platform and was flying up the defi charts. Can't wait.

>> No.20443681

Anyone who doesnt own some bzx right now is LITERALLY FUCKING RETARDED

>> No.20444129

it was, did you get in?

>> No.20444194

where do i buy, there is no liquidity on uniswap

>> No.20444217

uniswap has highest volume by far, https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bzx-protocol#markets

>> No.20444253

That’s where I bought

>> No.20444286

guess i'm retarded

>> No.20444304

Uniswap is retarded, hope to never have to use that shit again. Good luck

>> No.20444418

BZRX token holders get a % of the fees from the platforms

>> No.20444505

Very very early, my friend. This is going to $1 dollar AT LEAST, and $3 dollars+ if you're patient.

>> No.20444921

it won't take long for BZRX to be the #1 DeFi project again

>> No.20445038

26k buy for 25cent, watch etherscan. this guy wont be wagecuck anymore in 2021

>> No.20445215

$26k or 26k bzrx?

>> No.20445236

should do

>> No.20445256
File: 48 KB, 433x665, gmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're gonna make it!

>> No.20445305

My god it’s mooning

>> No.20445350

How much to make it?

>> No.20445382


>> No.20445396

$26k and a made man soon

>> No.20445495

frens. It just went past 26c.
As I mentionned earlier, this is your ticket for some big gains.

>> No.20445516


>> No.20445532

now it's not too late to cut your losses with this shitcoin

research CAP asap, read the whitepaper to know why it's undervalued


>> No.20445554

Last chance to get in before the train leaves. I was surprised to see how many people actually thought this was just another pajeet coin without realising that it was actually the second highest TLV protocol in Feb. Biz never changes

>> No.20446201

fuck off pajeet you're not getting any of my zerkies

>> No.20446626

im around your stack. feeling insecure from these other anons with 100k+

>> No.20446661


>> No.20447131

seriously, glad to know I'm not the only one

>> No.20447173

I just exchanged ETH for BZX using Uniswap. The transaction went through, but my metamask wallet has not updated to add the BZX. My balance is just missing the ETH. When am I getting my BZX or what did I do wrong?

>> No.20447210

Did you add the asset manually? Check etherswap if it's listed in the ERC-20 token section.

>> No.20447216

you need to add bzrx as a custom token, using the contract address 0x56d811088235f11c8920698a204a5010a788f4b3

>> No.20447356

Worked, thank you fren.

>> No.20447916

Taking off now, all the weak hands have dumped. See y’all on the moon

>> No.20448420

I am still not sure if you this will turn out as a scam but however I bought in yesterday and already made a few grands.
From one human to another I deeply want to thank you for your advise. This goes to all bizraelis that give decent advice here. Love you guys

>> No.20449173

where can i read more about the tokenomics. total supply scares me

>> No.20449247


>> No.20449522

read fast anon, these are crucial moments

>> No.20449558

thanks fren. and wow, the release schedule has me more bullish now. obviously not ideal, but much better than i was expecting

>> No.20449770
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>> No.20449866

I'm not gay and I hold bzrx. Make of that what you will.

Make of that. What you will.

>> No.20449956

BZRX was the #1 DeFi project, and will be again when they relaunch. It had more TVL than COMP. The product has already proven it's self. Marketcap is only 30m. COMP is 400m marketcap. 10x+ potential. COMP is only lending. BZRX is lending + margin trading. Margin trading is bigger than lending. Look at Bitmex. It has multi-billion dollar daily volume. It won't take long to 10x+. Lots of upcoming catalysts will pump the price. Platform relaunch, liquidity mining incentives, staking, a big secret to be announced soon (admin says it will be a top 3 defi integration), recently acquired interesting backers to be announced later, more exchange listings. BZRX holders also get a % of the fees from the platforms. All other defi projects have pumped and investors are looking for the next big defi project to invest in and BZRX is it.

>> No.20450304