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20436133 No.20436133 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you in the biggest ecosystem in blockchain history anon?


The market for renewable energy smart grids is predicted to be worth in excess of $14tn by 2030 - The largest energy companies in the world WILL capture all of this, through the chain they built, Energy Web Chain.

The only real objection that you may have is that you don’t trust us biz guys. And why should you trust us, I mean, look at us. We’re a bunch of fucking sleazy salesman, right? Wrong. I am the man that will make you rich, but don’t just take my word for it, believe these schmucks…

Some of the validators:


+ 120 further ecosystem members - combined revenue = $3tn.

Ok, now i’ve got your curiosity, let me get your attention….

Chain development funded by the World’s largest energy companies

Chain built by Gavin Wood

Largest energy companies in the world host nodes

The energy markets ‘top 10’ host governance meetings bi-weekly for EW

40m Tx on Testnet in 10 months, 1m on mainnet (on ONE dapp!)

Named as one of the 10 biggest consortia in Blockchain next to IBM and Hyperledger

Bullet Proof tokenomics

More validators and major members due to be announced

Fully SEC approved (videos of the SEC joining EW team at meetings!)

Tier 1 exchange incoming

You are blessed to be here right now anon, with this opportunity in front of you. At 30m circulating, the mcap is around $150m. This is going to $5bn QUICKLY. Thats a guaranteed 30x in one of the most secure investments in crypto. Then let it grow from there.

This is the next unicorn. Strap in motherfucker.

ENGIE Partnership Below

>> No.20436138

Today’s Partnership Insight


Turnover: $69bn

Validator: Yes - (hosts nodes and attends bi-weekly governance meeting)

In partnership with Ledger (yes, that Ledger!) Engie have already released a dapp - The Energy Origin - on Energy Web Chain which has generated millions of tx in only several months.

“The technology being used by ENGIE, a giant utility with 170,000 employees in 70 countries, comes from French startup Ledger. That company's main business is creating secure storage for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but it has recently expanded into security for Internet-connected devices, through a new unit called Ledger Origin.

The TEO-ENGIE partnership was Ledger Origin's first step into the new field, with development beginning in 2017. TEO and Ledger are installing tamper-resistant tracking devices on Engie's renewable energy sources, including windmills, so data about their energy production can be recorded to a blockchain—the same kind of database that underlies Bitcoin.

Engie has installed dozens of Ledger's devices on its equipment in France and Brazil, and plans to bring the equipment to the U.S. by early 2020. By the end of 2020, the company hopes to have connected 1,000 energy sources to the system, and 100,000 by 2023.”





>> No.20436167

When lambo

>> No.20436268

Is this our wallet Ledger? Thats insane

>> No.20436301

Yes anon

Billions of smart devices will be onboarded to energy web chain (according to Vodafone themselves - check the tweet!) and Ledger will secure them.

This is absolutely huge.

>> No.20436671

Overvalued. 300m mcap. What dApp on mainnet are you talking about? Bulletproof tokenomics? It's proof of authority which means big corporations will need the token for validating transactions and get fees and they already got their tokens for free from the foundation. The other thing tokens are for is for development but dApps will use their own token so you don't need ewt. Tokenomics are a big fail, especially for 'investors' like you. Oh wait, hodlers will say 'bit what about all the did's?' Well they cost like 0.0000001 per did so it's peanuts. There's ample demand for ewt and too much supply. OVERVALUED. And look at the big names. Blockchain is aboit REMOVING the middleman, not make them richer and more powerful. Yes, let's support a project with players who literally destroyed this planet and lied their asses off. The green market is full of inefficiency and lies of 'green' certifocatrs. Ewt will only make it worse.

>> No.20436691
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I have been accumulating this +2 months already. I admit, if my morals were lower I would FUD this here, but since we live in clown world anyway there is no need. Imagine missing ETH or BTC second time because you filled your bags with Ghost, Kleros, Doge etc except this time the sings are clear. there is no other project with this strong fundamentals.

>> No.20436738

dApps will use EWT eventually though they have their own ERC20 or other tokens. EWT will not only be used for gas but also other utilities like registration of assets and their verification, staking and all.

>> No.20436778


So which one of you is right? I have a big bag right now. Should I increase it or sell it all?

>> No.20436822

Depends whether you believe that little Johnny in his mums basement is going to run the future electricity grid or whether it will be the worlds biggest energy companies.

He’s also wrong, mcap is 150m and it’s going to hundreds of billions

>> No.20436834

Lol let’s believe the anarchist.

Anarchists always remain poor.

Whether you like it or not, the largest energy companies will continue to dominate.

>> No.20436855

Sold some EWT for GRID+ here.
I hope it was the right decision.

>> No.20436869

The team is hardly talking about tokens, they only talk about impact, projects delivered, projects in progress. Their partners are talking about them.

>> No.20436870

This seems ok but I agree tokenomics suck.

It’s not in these energy companies best interest to have a high price it means using EWT will cost them fuckloads.

Utility token that needs to stay low. Bad buy.

>> No.20436900

Not true again, the token is volume driven, like eth.

But let me guess, you said the same amount eth at $5 KEK

EWT has multiple utility layers - look up the new tokenomics of EW:DOS

>> No.20436935

Never going to be adopted beyond niche single use. At least your making the founder rich

>> No.20437027

whenever biz puts out weak fud but with significant effort, its a buy signal.

Thanks anon for confirmation of my riches.

>> No.20437050

I don't care. Enterprise adoption is still a meme anyway, otherwise hundreds of DeFi scamcoins wouldn't have pumped thus far over the last few months.
Invest in the team and shill potential. Thats enough usually.

>> No.20437104

Still a meme?

Stay poor anon. This is why you got rekt in 2017.

These guys actually host nodes and govern the chain, adoption is here.

>> No.20437116

Just bought £10 worth, I'm going to be rich

>> No.20437120


Ok actually this looks promising and despite being 150mil mc seems undervalued... am I missing something here? Why isn’t this bigger

>> No.20437131

Smart cookie

When Vodafone are shilling it, you know it’s good.

>> No.20437143

Because a shitload of early birds bought it at 50 cents.

>> No.20437146

Mainnet only went live in September, enterprise focussed beforehand but now dedicating some resource to making this fly - listed on kucoin this week.

This is going to 10bn easy.

>> No.20437160

Like a lot of early birds bought BTC at 0.50 or link at 0.10.

What a moronic statement

>> No.20437180

where is KuCoin confirmed?

>> No.20437210

retard alert

guess what anon early birds bought BTC and ETH at 6$

>> No.20437229

on KuCoin rofl its been list few days ago

>> No.20437272

on KuCoin rofl its been list few days ago

When you got Vodafone tweeting multiple times how proud they are working together with EWF you know you made it.

For burgers: Vodafone is a huge telecom company Verizon bought their US market share in 2013 for 130billion


>> No.20437304

How is it even possible it’s so unknown yet?

>> No.20437381

Communities shit themselves when a guy who works at a household name likes a post from their project on LinkedIn.

EWT gets actively tweeted and praised by dozens of the largest companies in the world.


>> No.20437408

I can't think of any reasons

>> No.20437442

could have bought this so much earlier, but oh well, will moon hard anyways.

>> No.20437457

It was $1.80 the first time Chico mentioned it, feels bad

>> No.20437475


dont even mention it, i could have bought it below $1 but decided not to despite being a legit project from the get go. oh well $4-5 range isn't bad either.

>> No.20437483

Still going to 100x over next couple of years

>> No.20437577

When I first became aware of it from that Chico vid I had just recently went in big on ren so I had no significant funds to get in, I still could/should have put something, at the end of the day a little bit is better than nothing

Ah well, no point dwelling on it

>> No.20437584

i have 4,000 EWT, will i make it anon?

>> No.20437609

yeah, not sweating it, it's the comfiest hold you can imagine.

>> No.20437746

How many do you need to make it?

What’s a conservative price prediction for next bull run?

>> No.20437759

Yes, yes you will anon.

Jolteon’s will make it.

>> No.20437770

it's so fucking obv.
>fud the shit out of the next guaranteed 10x
>weak hands sell right into your lowball bids

>> No.20437776

1000 suicide bag

10000 to be a millionaire this year

Remember : VERY LOW RISK

>> No.20437830

For how long can we expect a price like this? I only have like 700 lol.

>> No.20437871

Until the next validator is announced - could be absolutely massive for this space

>> No.20437945

EWT is proof of authority same as VET except it was built by the co founders of Ethereum, and has more partners than VET already. For anyone arguing tokenomics then look at VET lmao. If VET can do what It has done in supply chain and the market cap for ewt is still under 200 mil in the energy market you must be off your face on method if you can’t see what’s coming. Biggest utilities company in the world with 1 million employees state grid China is in partnership with EWF. Ignore this shill are your peril

>> No.20437968

From Lition (lit) whitepaper: "Energy Web Foundation is an open-source blockchain designed for the energy sector with
support for light clients and confidential messages. It is driven by large corporations such as E.On, PG&E and Shell, and caters to the needs of these large conglomerates, therefore prolonging the shortfalls of these inefficient markets and leading to excess profits and continued market
domination by these corporations. EWF relies on a Proof-of-Authority consensus mechanism
(with authority given to the conglomerates), which defeats the open nature of a blockchain. As it
is a fork of the Ethereum mainnet, it also has many Ethereum-related shortcomings, such as the
inability to have both public and private sidechains and to delete data. Also, unlike Lition, it has no use cases that have been brought to commercial production, let alone mass markets."

>> No.20438242

Okay so I should bet on lition in the hopes of what?

The companies you mentioned are driving the energy markets and they made their choice already, perhaps if Lition builds out a useful Dapp on EWC they will have a chance.

>> No.20438294

Let me translate anon:

"we, Lition, were unable to attract any partnerships of any significant value to our ecosystem so we will criticise those who did"

The entire Lition community would shit themselves if they had just one of EW's partners.


>> No.20438336

I started researching... the partners, projects dont end. gavin wood involved somehow? make it stack?

>> No.20438418

Hilarious, especially since Lition is partnered with SAP, Microsoft, Salesforce, Ethereum Enterprise Alliance, N26 bank, GASAG, Raiffeisenbank.....

>> No.20438445

The use blockchain to REMOVE the middleman. A decentralized peer 2 peer marketplace. If you have solar panels, you can sell your energy to others. If you don't have solar panels, you can choose to buy energy from others who do. See? No engie or any other energy supplier in between.

>> No.20438806

Who owns the grid infrastructure that is necessary for power to be stored and transferred?

You have already lost, see Lit at $0.

>> No.20438828


SAP and Microsoft are paid partnerships and even then aren't at all relevant to the energy space element of Lit.

N26 and thereafter are literal 'whos?'

>> No.20438841

etting rid of middlemen is great but we NEED operators to maintain the grid. what's more likely to succeed, a competing project that needs access to grid OR grid operators building the blockchain infrastructure themselves. to me its obvious EW will win the race

>> No.20438840

wht to buy nig?

>> No.20438870

The mind of a lition investor:

“I am anti EWT because they have big partners and I’m anti-establishment”

*posts a list of lit partners that would be considered the establishment*

>> No.20438887

Kucoin fren

>> No.20438990

The grid operator will always be a player and has to be paid. With ewt or lit. I was talking about the energy supplier. Think about it, you're only paying for their big buildings and personnel. They aren't necessary with blockchain, yet EWT wants to keep them.

>> No.20439115

So they will accept lit?

As opposed to using the chain that they themselves funded?

The delusion levels are strong here.

>> No.20439277
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Funny thing is, this is one of 130 members - dozens of which are household names.

>> No.20439296

okay Engie is HUGE


"Combined with the existing Triple H deal, the new Prairie Hill and King Plains deals bring Walmart and ENGIE’s collaboration to more than 500 MW of wind power in the U.S. market."

I've seen Wells Fargo and Walmart both entering into agreements with Engie renewable energy sources could be a far stretch but with 2030 targets I'm loading up on EWT

>> No.20439330


>> No.20439355

They've also committed to $17bn of investment into renewables over the next TWO years...

I would bet that it involves their blockchain solution - EW.

>> No.20439684

I’m gearing op on EWT, CMC Update + tier 1 exchange incoming!

>> No.20439771

and more household name validators

>> No.20439975

Rocky Mountain institute co founded the EWF and have just gone into an agreement with Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs. Oh yeah and Wells Fargo is in partnerships with both Engie and Shell, both validators on the EW chain. And it’s all to do with renewable energy.


>> No.20440422
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This coins win condition is that Litions mainnet stays broken lmao

Im not gonna bet against rich and the gang

>> No.20440740


Forgot lition was running on a centralised server comprising 5 PCs in the CEOs office. Kekstar2000

>> No.20440772

So... EWT + Wells Fargo???

>> No.20441470

just joined the official channel on Telegram seems early af

>> No.20441562

A fuckin POA cartell monopolist bandit chain?
Where you the poorfag token hodler are dependent on the mercy of energy mafia ?

Where they earn all the fees and you get nothing ?

I tell you something :

Put your cartell shit token in your dirty ass.

>> No.20441605


Think this is the right move.

GRID is mooning again today, I think it's their hardware being used for ETH2.

>> No.20442665

EWT will be at $50 by EOD. Screencap this. Some big people behind the project and not to mention all the huge partnerships.

>> No.20442699


I’d rather be part of the energy mafia than left behind staying poor

>> No.20442727

Keke eth2