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20434894 No.20434894 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 27 and a virgin

>> No.20434928

>what does it feel like

>> No.20434940


I go to sleep thinking if I'll ever be a dad
Never marrying a thot is my code of law

>> No.20435513

just find a hot escort in your area, you can easily fuck a 9/10 thot for less than 100$

>> No.20435529

Just be yourself

>> No.20435570

Same, except im 25

>> No.20435625

Every year you wait, that's another 5-10 bodies your future wife will have under her belt.

>> No.20435685

I kek'd

>> No.20435699

>he goes for roasties
>not freshies out of highschool

>> No.20435743

28 yo virgin here.
I rejected all 5 girls who tried to have sex with me because their degeneracy put me off.
Two of them were attractive to me but I was too disgusted by shits like tattoos, piercing and the obvious fact that at least a dozen of men fucked them.

In the meantime plain janes don't excite me at all since I fell for the pornjew beating my meat to fetish porn for 15 years, hating myself for being so weak.

Otherwise I'm pretty succesful professionaly, /fit/ and now thanks to ETH and LINK financially comfortable.
I want to have kids though but at this rythm I will die alone since I don't want to settle for a post wall roastie.

>> No.20435758

There's a reason why you see a lot young asian girls with old men.

>> No.20435775

How to put up with their autism amd bitching? Copious amounts of alcohol? How do you meet sloots?

>> No.20435802

One of my siblings found the remnants of a fap session in the bathroom and I’ve been feeling bad about it since. I’m not a virgin but yeah

>> No.20435808

>I rejected all 5 girls who tried to have sex with me because their degeneracy put me off.
i'm 26 and i was in a similar position. at the end i decided to pull the trigger with a roastie just to get rid of my virginity, and i glad i did that, because my first time was cringe as fuck

>> No.20435845

It would've cost you nothing to not say that, but you still did

>> No.20435922

Virginity is much more preferable then being a promscious fuck boy. Either virginity or marry a virgin wife and have kids. Your accumulated power should only be used for having children, otherwise you are wasting it on a roadtie and that is of no benefit to your or anybody. Also do not masterbait.

>> No.20435925


>> No.20435946

Ain’t no freshies out of high school in 2020. It’s over unless you managed to secure a young girl when you were young in school and married after school

>> No.20435959

how do cope with being a complete fucking loser? you failed at life kid. i hope you have 10k LINK suicide stack

>> No.20435960

find a young inexperienced woman, she wont even know.
Tell her that she is so tight that she made you cum instantly

>> No.20436006

Pathetic. Imagine being so weak you give in to the peer pressure of the modern Weimar and put your dick in some roastie hole that has already seen the cum of hundreds of different men, just to be seen as normal. Shameful and disgusting. By fucking that roastie your penis has touched hundreds of men’s penis you gross disgusting faggot.

>> No.20436007

from personal experience, i didn't manage to coom on my first time, which i guess i worse than cooming too fast.

also i didn't know my condom size, so i tried normal ones and they didn't fit, so i pulled the trigger on the xl ones without trying. turns out they were too tight and killed my boned

and finally some positions that you see in porn are extremely uncomfy without a pillow, so the girl will see through your bullshit right away

>> No.20436018

>By fucking that roastie your penis has touched hundreds of men’s penis you gross disgusting faggot.
i used a condom, checkmate virgin ;^)

>> No.20436032

>Virginity is much more preferable then being a promscious fuck boy.
Incel cope

>> No.20436193
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sex is now forbidden because covid 19

>> No.20436207

FUND gives you passive testosterone
I'm not sure exactly how it works but it does, after I started holding my close rate literally rocketed

>> No.20436304
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>19 and a virgin
does it ever get any easier?

>> No.20436345

you fucking retard.
you make her stand up, bend her over, head in the bed. this way she cant see you fucking around trying to put the condom on. and you will have no problem findING the hole as you can inspect it without her knowing. You can also have a good sniff sniff....BRAPP

>> No.20436368

yeah, i didn't know that. i also couldn't find the hole, i thought it was higher, kek

my point is, i'm glad i did all the cringy stuff with a roastie, at least now i have some experience and cuties won't get turned off because i can't sex

>> No.20436514

the BRAPPPPPer sniff is the best part, especially the first time

>> No.20436652

Get a load of this guy LOL

>> No.20436696

Nobody would ever get a load from this guy. Hes saving his dick for retirement.

>> No.20436718

>found the homosexual who secretly likes dick and has thus no problem with other dude's ejaculate
you also love anal, anon, don't you? but it's okay. /biz/ is a tolerant board.

>> No.20437279

it was cringe because you had it with a person you wren't meant to, retard
it'd have been amazing if you had it with the right person at tge right time, regardless of quirks.

>> No.20437313

cope, i would've still tried using my only undersized condom

>> No.20437699

you will now at 30

>> No.20437799
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Men have Logos compared to females, and so have less of a need for the pair-bond mechanism to have a successful marriage since they can use their logical mind to supress their limbic system, but make no mistake, you burned your pair-bond mechanism forever for essentially no reason.

>> No.20437891

>implying i gonna marry ever
lmao, have sex incel

>> No.20437933

The best way to enjoy a worry-free sex life is to have a vasectomy.
It is extremely cheap compared to the potential headache of being burdened for life with a child, which is a very high possibility since you have no control on whether the female will abort or not.

I encourage you to have a vasectomy, for your happiness and your enjoyment.

>> No.20437947

just use condoms bro

>> No.20437988

You are on /biz/, do not tell me you did not tally the cost of a lifetime worth of condom copared to the cost of a vasectomy.
And what if the female tries to put her child on you, claiming you are the father ?
With a vasectomy, you can not only prove that you cannot be the father, but you could also sue her for money !

Don't you want more money ?
If so, have a vasectomy.

>> No.20437990


>> No.20438008

Just start out with fat chicks bro.

>> No.20438197

30 y/o boomer reporting in for the incels. I’ve nutted in so many women it’s not even funny. Bareback full thrust no fucks given. Lots with condoms too but obviously it’s shittier. 100% clean. No kids. Currently with a cutie 25 y/o Latina gf who worships me. Cum in her all the time. Just talk to women anon they want the dick and don’t want kids make sure they take the pill and it’s right time of month. You’d be surprised how all that shit you’re too shy to talk about is actually well received if she’s into you. And if you’re really scured do like based fuckboi and slip plan b in her oj in the morning since you’re so thoughtful and kind to bring her breakfast.

>> No.20438205

>You are on /biz/, do not tell me you did not tally the cost of a lifetime worth of condom copared to the cost of a vasectomy.
i'm not poor, i can afford condoms

>And what if the female tries to put her child on you, claiming you are the father ?
do dna test and avoid sticking the dick in the crazy

>With a vasectomy, you can not only prove that you cannot be the father, but you could also sue her for money !
see the first reply

>> No.20438216

Mike Tyson did not gave sex for 5 years in order to win the champion belt. Let that sink it.

>> No.20438235

I lost mine days before my 30th birthday, was just afraid of my potential wizardry powers. I would bring chaos and destruction over the realm...

It was nothing special, sex is overrated and over valued.

>> No.20438437

Running the dices and not hitting anything is not proof Anon, it's luck.
Luck runs dry, get a vasectomy.

DNA test will soon be outlawed, as things degenerate more and more in this late stage of civilisational collapse.
Get a vasectomy.

>> No.20438478

Sounds like schlomo doesn't want you breeding goy. best do as he says.

>> No.20438488

Yes, the thought of goyim filth breeding is a nightmare to me.

>> No.20438507

>calls thots degenerate
>is a degenerate coomer himself

>> No.20438596

you must lose your virginity before you turn 20.
It is of the utmost importance.

>> No.20438659

I'm 29 and not a virgin. Just be yourself.

>> No.20438902

>does it ever get any easier?
Coping with virginity is probably the only thing that gets easier, unless you're severely retarded and find other losers to reaffirm that your misery is anything but self inflicted, elliot rodger as an example. I'm 27 like OP and I wouldn't have sex even if you paid me (unless of course it was someone I really liked, which I've yet to find), when at 19 it felt really embarrassing.

>> No.20438992

I was never embarrassed about it. As a matter of fact, I was shocked when I was told by the internet that so many people fuck around early, supposedly. But then I read studies about virginity being on the rise and many (if not most) people not caring about sex in a relationship, actually not fucking around THAT much, etc. Which will only become more normalized in the future. So meh...

>> No.20439510

Youll probably be disappointed tbqh

>> No.20439724

28 with a mil networth.
Still virgin

>> No.20440319

Lost my virginity 3 weeks ago. It was shit