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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20433778 No.20433778 [Reply] [Original]

So the recent FUD from the fake asset management firm. At first I thought it might have been an elaborate FUD by someone on /biz/. But the Chinese translation and poor English means it’s likely someone in China.

It also turns out they’ve been emailing people their report. Somehow getting their hands on chainlink holder email addresses. This looks like something bigger.

Remember that this current pump started in China when all the BSN nodes started. There have been some huge buyers recently, and then this comes,

It looks like there’s a big buyer who wants some weak hands to sell. Unironically. The buyer is based in China, has been buying for a few days now and has published this because they still plan on buying for several days. The more people that sell or short, the better for them.

Remember that next time you think of spreading the FUD. You’re taking biz away from your fellow white man and giving it to chinese fraudsters.

>> No.20433797


>> No.20433818

Honestly, it’s probably just the pajeets.

>> No.20433833

lmao bro its true though. chainlink has no purpose now and is overvalued for what it provides. this entire market is pure speculation though. tread carefully. even if something like this is released its still bad news and people will sell. watch out anons.

>> No.20433846

Take your meds

>> No.20433864

This is obviously not schizoposting.
Someone in China is spending a lot of time to try and reduce demand for link. Why?

>> No.20433870

The amount of time and effort in that report is just too crazy. Even if they whipped that up in a few days, it's just nuts. Why do people do this? Why are people this sleazy? Obviously a chinaman or pajeet who else is capable of that morally?

>> No.20433894

are these dumps FUD too?
enjoy going broke

>> No.20433912

It. Was. Fucking. Emailed. To .me. this. Morning. By. The. Fake. Lady. Who. Was. The. Author. Of. The. Report. How the fuck did they get my email?

>> No.20433926

You probably are right, OP. I got this thing mailed and I am a Chainlink ICO buyer.

>> No.20433928

I dumped my LINK

>> No.20433947

ICO buyer list was hacked about a week ago. Amazing that they used that.

>> No.20433964
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, HaveALittle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks are soulless husks with no sense of higher consciousness.

>> No.20433967

I am not ICO buyer. Not even close. What's another avenue they could get email info?

>> No.20433978
File: 2.01 MB, 500x280, diealready.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with all the big buying recently
post events of said buys because most of these transfers are just stakes for smart contracts for the past month

>> No.20433993

Can't refute a single point in the report.
>b-but line go up
yes just like every other exit scam in history

>> No.20434022


>> No.20434033

Not even at all false. Truth will always prevail though, LINK will still moon.

>> No.20434046

I could refute every single thing in the report.

But instead I’ll say this:

Why did they copy the name of a real asset management firm?

Why can’t we see the team?

Why have they made no other recommendations?

Why do they have no social media presence?

Why was the website bought in December 2019?

>> No.20434068

literally all of these are fallacies
if you can refute the points then just refute them and everyone can move on

>> No.20434087

Besides the racism, this board is actually somewhat decent. I thank my white brothers


A Mexican

>> No.20434092

Track these IPs, biz, they might be Chinese

>> No.20434098

That was fake? I sold my stack of 7.5k. fuck..

>> No.20434131

Kek this is taking begging people to stop fudding to the next level. Just be patient

>> No.20434133

maybe so they don't get a bunch of thugs following them.
if you get angry about people downplaying your investment, it's a shitty investment.
If you FUD Apple and the price goes down, I'd be extremely happy, why? Apple would still make a ton of profit and I'd see higher rate of returns on my newly acquired stakes. The only way for me to be angry about FUDing Apple, was if I was in a exit scam scheme trying to time my departure selling my stakes to a greater fool, and that's all most crypto is, trying to sell to a greater fool. If you believed in the business side of Chainlink, you'd have bought shares of the company, not useless tokens that can be ignored or replaced at any time.

>> No.20434307

> I could refute every single thing in the report.
Go ahead. Start with the several failures on oracle data, proving the whole thing is not reliable, continue with the team addresses involves in price manipulation, and end with all the partnership that do not use the network and are just announced for pumping the price.

>> No.20434656


>> No.20434761

>Remember that next time you think of spreading the FUD. You’re taking biz away from your fellow white man and giving it to chinese fraudsters.

Thanks for telling us you finally figured out what this project is about last month. If you're retarded enough to fall for the FUD, then you don't deserve to profit off of Link.

> t. some black dude.

>> No.20435170


>> No.20435283

What about the Korean translation?

>> No.20436246


>> No.20436610

Sell your LINK for ARPA anon. Unless you have $200k in a ledger in LINK you aren't gonna make it.

>> No.20436624

How much ARPA to make it?
I believe in the market cap theory

>> No.20436640
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Ummmm anons chinks gonna seeth then chink out to save face

>> No.20436665

Checked and true

>> No.20436689

Report the email as spam.
Remember every email provider is very quick with sending emails to spam rather than inbox if things gets reported.

I got this email too and few things was worrisome to me:
>They spent an entire article of pages just to FUD.
>An "investment firm" did this, meaning to what avail? Their entire existence is to create and take opportunities.
>They wrote about what a "big opportunity" this is for investors to short link and never buy again.

Few other things too but the only thing you really need to consider is

>An investment firm spent time, effort and money. Sending email isn't free, getting an email list isn't free or easy if it's targetted.
Meaning, they spent a lot of resources to get this out.
Would they do that if they had nothing to gain? Fuck no, it's an investment firm, not FCC or whatever else government entity warning investors.

Before you act, we can definitely conclude, it's in THEIR BEST INTEREST, not yours.

>> No.20436707

Yea but their best interest is not necessarily getting LINK. They could actually be short and be underwater from this unexpected pump and are trying to push the market back down to exit/profit.

You really should just read the articles points, thats the only shit that matters. If the points are valid, the firm being fake doesn’t change that.

>> No.20436722

hmm the same could be said about XRP but yet, there it is, a cancer on the top 5.

same could be said about bitcoin, really

>> No.20436735

They made this entire campaign out of their own best interest, whatever reason that may be (stack up, exit, short)...

If you think for a split second they tried to convince you for your own good, you better think again cause they don't give a shit about you.

Even Palm Beach Confidential utilizes the momentum they can create, and you Pay for a subscription there.

>> No.20436752


>> No.20436852

I did not participate in the ICO and still got the email. Maybe some exchange? I bought on Binance, FTX and crypto.com.

>> No.20436872

Imagine people falling for spam.
I receive viagra emails as spam just like this one. This email ended up in trash bin next to the viagra and get rich quick emails lmao

>> No.20436875

you can't fud a true devoted autist

Us NEETS will die lazy and poor or lazy and rich

no matter what

>> No.20436901

And this is what you white devils get for always cursing out China and their peoples saying "chink" word. We always win in the end!!

>> No.20436906

fucking scam I saw a PDF in my email I didn't ask for it felt just like ransomware scams they use PDF files to deliver virus. Not a chance I would ever open that PDF file and if you did you should scan your PC.

>> No.20436941

Are you telling me it's stupid to buy viagra from spam?

>> No.20436971

Meh this report just contained the exactly same fud that's been around since 2017. Literally copypastas from the web. Nothing new in that report they just compiled all fud into one document.

low effort would not fall

>> No.20436983

Equally stupid to sell an investment based on a spam email I guess

>> No.20437005

I never said it wasn’t in their best interest. That doesn’t mean my interest and theirs can’t align. It doesn’t have to mean it is some trick to get my Chainlink, it could just be that they actually are short, and this pump has caused them to lose a lot of money. All the points they made could be valid points. In that case our interests would align, I should sell.

>> No.20437024
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 250x250_0xmr1_1-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold my LINK for 0xMR and I'm already up 49%.

>> No.20437094

>Remember that next time you think of spreading the FUD. You’re taking biz away from your fellow white man and giving it to chinese fraudsters
Exactly. Memes are funny and all but I'd rather not see my own kind get fucked over by a big entity from a communist country.

>> No.20437395

>linkies didn't read the report

>> No.20437418

And I did participate in the ICO (with 3 accounts) and I didn't receive an email in either one of those

>> No.20437431

It’s just bantz faggot, we don’t hate you. We only hate chinks and dislike pajeets but find them like autistic children who won’t stop lmao

>> No.20437453
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>> No.20437473

>Start with the several failures on oracle data
There have been zero oracle response failures.

>the team addresses involves in price manipulation
Literal bullshit

>all the partnership that do not use the network and are just announced for pumping the price
The partnerships are always announced by the partner first, not Chainlink.

>> No.20437479

didn't someone claim all the ICO participant details were hacked like a week or two back?

>> No.20437500

>There have been zero oracle response failures.
To be abundantly clear: none that are due to the Chainlink oracle network.

>> No.20437504

>You’re taking biz away from your fellow white man and giving it to chinese fraudsters.
most LINK holders are unironically some variety of brown, black, homosexual, leftwinger or woman

>> No.20437864

Serious question: what database of emails did the Zeus Capital trannies/chinks use to spread their disinfo report? Where did they get it from?

Could it be related to this >>20437479 ?

>> No.20437913

some data broker, could be anything, correlating your shadow profile with regularly checking link on cmc or etherscan or whatever

>> No.20437928

China is participating in the vast hacks recently going down as an all out effort to hurt American profits and destabilize as much as possible before the elections. Trump is not fucking around with China and China is trying to fuck around.

>> No.20437951

thanks for holding my bags linkies, i dumped everything at $8.61 and will buy it back from you when it corrects

>> No.20438150

and that's a good thing

>> No.20438763


>> No.20438785

You mean curryful.

>> No.20438819

Tell that to Trump, chang

>> No.20438837


>> No.20438875

Why did half the link owners FUD link for years?

>> No.20438911

Sup newfag

>> No.20438933

I was being ironic

>> No.20439228
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