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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2043310 No.2043310 [Reply] [Original]

"That’s why the guys from bitcoin drive me nuts. Because they think “Oh this is how we’re going to be free“. No, you’re prototyping Mr. Globals digital currency. ~Catherine Austin-Fitts Source"


>> No.2043315

wtf i hate easy crypto gains now

>> No.2043330
File: 52 KB, 277x300, feelsgood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but muh bitslavery feels so good man
>I can buy carbonfiber titanium kneepads now
>when they put it in my mouth do I swallow all of it

>> No.2043332

>old boomers can't into tech and obsess over shinies
Not news.

>> No.2043335

I can't wait to exchange my Bitcoins for millions of this New World Coins to store them on my microchip implant.

If my early entry to cryptos lead me to being rich in the New World Order, I won't even be mad.

>> No.2043350

>I can't wait to exchange my Bitcoins for millions of this New World Coins to store them on my microchip implant.
>If my early entry to cryptos lead me to being rich in the New World Order, I won't even be mad.

= definition of a sell out

I would gift you some vaseline but I can't send any to your wallet.

>> No.2043362

By getting into tech do you mean following alpha trading bots while merely shilling nonsense on the internet?

Crypto is the penny stocks for lazy "money for nothing" millennials that luv collective gangs so bad because they are scared to go off on their own.

>> No.2043765

Gold, silver, land. Everything else is a scam. Also real money is gold and silver. Money is not currency becauae currency is not money. Cryptocurrency is electronic version of paper currency. A scam again. Just wait for times of Weimar republic and we shall speak after that.

>> No.2043814

Yes and you know that satoshi dude ? Apparently he is in a mine printing bitcoin !!! I heard it on the news !! They just made the paper press scam again ! Only gold and silver mah boys, I love to keep them bullion in my 20 000$ safe buried under my house, instead of storing an infinite amount of wealth in a piece of paper with bitcoin. JKK, Math is sooo stupid lel how could you store wealth on a piece of paper ?? Those millenials are crazyy

>> No.2043830

get lost gramps crypto is the future

>> No.2043876

>Gold, silver, land. Everything else is a scam. Also real money is gold and silver. Money is not currency becauae currency is not money. Cryptocurrency is electronic version of paper currency. A scam again. Just wait for times of Weimar republic and we shall speak after that.

Understands economics

>> No.2043882
File: 9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autismo mcgee strikes again

>> No.2043893

It is YOUR future and your future looks riddled with meme dreams crashing down hard on you.

I still can't believe you have no idea just how bad you are slaving for them.

>> No.2043896


so just accumulate crypto profits to buy those things instead of trying to do it on the stock market, lol that simple

>> No.2043909

/biz/ 95% crypto slave talk now

That is the definition of autism when you digest too many lead sinkers.

This is what desperation looks like.

The panic has set in now watch for the parabolic freak out.

Can't wait to see who they blame this time for the bubble popping as calculated alpha hft bots dump at $2200 USD.

>> No.2043910

Don't you get it? This guy here, OP of a quality post on a mongolian origami forum, has all the answers to the financial system of the world. You are an idiot if you don't believe him. After all, he did call you a slave. So go dump all your crypto right this very second. Slave.

>> No.2043921

Just like how it was going to crash at 1k right? Oh wait a sec, you disappeared after your autistic predictions failed. Sorry, hard to see you all the way up here at $1500/coin.

>> No.2044217

No need to dump it.

Instead go all in and wait for crypto uphoria.

Watch as it goes parabolic.

Ride the trend to the top like all slaves do.

Feel the Mt. Gox flow into your veins.

If you can't come to terms with the fact that you all can't cash out at the top then there is no hope for you.

Trends get set by trend setters not slave coasters.

Some very wise people got out around $1000.

They are the ones already making moves elsewhere while you are still clutching on to "muh crypto".

Let's face it you just go where the rest of the sheep go and have no idea what you are doing defending a meme like it is your mother.

>> No.2044266

> you have no idea what you are doing

You have yet to produce any proof whatsoever of your claims. Typing like a (((prophetic))) autistic kiddo doesn't count.

>> No.2044292
File: 119 KB, 1280x645, gemini2200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think these glitches happen shit head?

Do you even have any brain cells left in the slaved out bit brain of yours?


Do you really think for one second that trading and timing of major dumps is real?

>> No.2044299

Does having such a low IQ hinder your ability to do other things in life? How's your social life?

>> No.2044310

>must be a future architect
>could be a future jizzuit

When they told you "shhh" did you spit or swallow?

>> No.2044327

>gold is real money
Lmfao, gold is highly manipulated and volatile. It's as about as real money as tin, copper, or steel. Just wait until lab-made gold is easily mass producible and your gold loses most of its value.

Sorry grandpa, real assets are assets that produce income, anything else is worthless unless you use it as a small hedge. Stocks, bonds, rental properties, small businesses, machines. Those are real assets.

>> No.2044329

> Trying to use logic on this blithering retard

Nice try, though.

>> No.2044625
File: 29 KB, 477x477, cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaah why are people turning profits from this new strange thing

granpas general ITT

>> No.2044631

>Cryptocurrency is electronic version of paper currency.

Lmao is this fag serious.

>> No.2044652

>Ignoring that penny stocks post literally zero increases while the entire crypto market has doubled in value in the last five months

The closest analogy is forex trading with an alien civilization. The market is going to keep expanding.