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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 193 KB, 998x1200, bowlebased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20426815 No.20426815 [Reply] [Original]

I have secrets to reveal about Chainlink and it's future. I can post proof of my inside connections if you need them.

However, if you want to hear them I need to know you all are serious about the project. I am linking a Monero wallet. If 3 Monero isn't deposited within 4 hours, I will not post what I know. THIS IS THE ONLY TIME I WILL BE GIVING THIS OFFER.


>> No.20426881
File: 1.25 MB, 1904x9632, Scammed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scam.... obviously. Newfags never learn.

>> No.20426891

Just sent Chainlink to that wallet, when will you double it and send it back?

>> No.20427190
File: 2.92 MB, 2212x2950, 20200716_184144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a scam. Here's proof.

>> No.20427243

Oh thank god you provided a Chainlink letterhead, now we can definitely trust you sir.
For a second I thought you were just some dumb scammer. Hold on getting my monero out right now

>> No.20427260

>I own a printer
Yea, obvious newfag is obvious

>> No.20427275

Hey OP, I have an idea: why don't you eat a bag of dicks

>> No.20427316

You are not in this together. You do not believe. You will not make it.

>> No.20427333

kek anyone who falls for this deserves it

>> No.20427339

whats the proof? you just printed on a computer paper...

>> No.20427348 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up now

>> No.20427356

I didn't think they let you use the printer at Mumbai internet cafes. Interdesting.

>> No.20427362

Only Sergey's chosen will make it. I feel sorry for you, honestly.

>> No.20427363

We sure as hell aren't in this together.
> Helpful information but first, monies

Sounds like shlomo

>> No.20427375

You don't know anything we don't know. Quit looking for attention.

>> No.20427381

You are a faggot looking for 3 monero to help pay for your sex change

>> No.20427389

Kek have a bump

>> No.20427394

No thanks i dont care about this shitcoin

>> No.20427395

I'm taking a huge risk here. If you don't care about my well-being, then you don't deserve this knowledge. Fuck off, nolinker.

>> No.20427440

Real ChainLink team member here.
OP is a faggot.
Memo? Seriously?

>> No.20427460

Obvious troll and nolinker. Remove yourself.

>> No.20427475

Prove it retard. OP seems more legit than you.

>> No.20427494

>Chainlink official docs
>everything spelled correctly

fake and gay

>> No.20427522

Okay OP, I'll bite. I'm sending 0.05 XMR. Can I at least get a hint?

>> No.20427545

$1000 EOY

>> No.20427553


>> No.20427574

Thank you, Marine. It feels good to see a real, true Stinker in a thread full of seething nolinkers.

For you, here's a hint: decimal places.

>> No.20427575

>everything spelled correctly
absolute pottery

>> No.20427594

please strongly consider killing yourself

>> No.20427610

give viewkey. i want to see how much you have

>> No.20427633

I changed my mind and 2 monero. just need someone to send .5 more

>> No.20427649

so now you're a poor pajeet with insider info?

>> No.20427680

That's some God tier shitting right there

>> No.20427687

and sent 2*

>> No.20427705

Guys what the fuck. Google image reverse search doesn't bring up anything for the memo OR the pepe. This is huge. Is this a chainlink insider only pepe? Keep an eye on the details.

>> No.20427708

That's obviously not me. NGMI.

>> No.20427719

think you responded to wrong person fren

>> No.20427809

Yes I own 10k link with my dad, bought in between .60 and 2$. So I am in it. Asking for money is scammy this place is a dump

>> No.20427865

Quit LARPing and go seethe about getting priced out somewhere else.

>> No.20427919

Just tell me, fren. Ignore the nulinker scum.

>> No.20427957

I sent 2. can we get the info?

>> No.20427983

Has this worked for you before Ranjesh? You'd better hope Gupta doesn't find out.

>> No.20428058

I have not received anything yet. But I plan on posting info even if only half of my goal is met.

>> No.20428077

You bloody idiot, this is an obvious scam. No insider here has ever requested money.

>> No.20428147

I didn't actually send. Just entertaining the larper

>> No.20428205

It has now been an hour. I have only received 0.25 XMR so far. Another warning: THIS IS YOUR ONLY CHANCE.

>> No.20428233
File: 261 KB, 888x894, 1553059931454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention SCAMMER:

You will never, ever, EVER get even a single serg (0.000000000000000001 LINK) from me. Never fucking ever, do you hear me?

You are a miserable parasite. The only thing you should be inside of is a cage to restrain sociopathic subhumans like you

I assure you that you will get nothing but bad karma from this pitiful attempt. Repent, leave and do not bother me or my colleagues ever again.

>> No.20428272

Not really a scam. If you don't want the info don't send money.
Just wait and see what happens if you're skeptical.

>> No.20428297

I understand your skepticism, but I cannot agree with you. You have evil inside of you which is why you made such an odious post. You hands are weakening. You will not make it.

Interesting that you bring up sergs.

>> No.20428341

get fucked OP no "insider" would be fishing around /biz/ pennies

>> No.20428450

Actual insider here.
Don't send this guy anything.
Sit back, relax, enjoy your gains.

>> No.20428453

bump, gaylord.

>> No.20428458

Are you fucking retarded? Even if it wasn't a scam which it 100% is do you not see how this would be seen as a scam. To not even give any breadcrumb whatsoever and just have faith that OP is not a parasite faggot is beyond anyone with half a brain.

>> No.20428465

Stop wasting the ink in your dad's printer.

>> No.20428470

HUGE thank you to the fren who sent 0.5 XMR. You will make it. Never underestimate the power of positive thought.

>> No.20428473

One of biz's finest days - I kekked hard

>> No.20428582

I actually belieb but have no Monero or way to get it at this moment also I don’t really care about info beyond cool factor since 1k is certain. You should say a little more to convince why you should be believed I think

>> No.20428606
File: 8 KB, 227x222, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you fucking retarded? Even if it wasn't a scam which it 100% is do you not see how this would be seen as a scam. To not even give any breadcrumb whatsoever and just have faith that OP is not a parasite faggot is beyond anyone with half a brain.

>> No.20428609
File: 425 KB, 1440x960, DkrYwQrU8AAwDtR.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag. This is now a Link Marine thread. Post ranks and assemble. Slay this newfag.

>> No.20428635

>Inside here
>Please give me money
Op should be banned for a week for e-begging desu

>> No.20428659
File: 65 KB, 678x598, 1594577706364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey here. I know this is you Martin and you're fired. I never liked you and we all make fun of you at the office behind your back because you can't finish a single Big Mac™

>> No.20428670
File: 684 KB, 1463x1000, p6rpyxitfo6di5dn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No marine or insider has EVER demanded payment on /biz/, stupid newfag.

>Pretending to have insider info, demanding payment with untracable XMR, uses a printed piece of paper that would take 15 seconds to make in Word as "proof" despite Chainlink being a remote company, shaming those who point out your faggotry as unbelievers, uses our terminology to try and appear as one of us, uses mobile IP in a exremely obvious attempt to feign interest (id: MO06k9OP), replies to his sockpuppet to build positive reinforcement for those who comply, pretends to have received payments to make the amount needed to release the "info" smaller as a last ditch bait

Verdict: guilty of street shittery. Give up you evil fucking rat.

>> No.20428720 [DELETED] 


>> No.20428779

Chainlink is not for liars. Cope harder.

>> No.20428788

what a stupid nigger!
This was your plan? Print
on a piece of paper and try to use it to beg for XMR?
Truly pathetic OP

>> No.20428824
File: 62 KB, 640x360, 1533180955064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are coming for you newfag. We see and know more than you could ever hope to about this project. You will fall like so many others before you.
Fine work marines. Push the advantage and hold the line. Trannies may be inbound.

>> No.20428887

THANK YOU to the true marines who sent 0.1 XMR and 0.2. We are all in this together frens.

>> No.20428949

sent my good sir ;)

>> No.20428951

Exciting times are ahead. Feels good to be a link holder

>> No.20428955
File: 1.90 MB, 350x197, REEEEE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go fuck your selfie

>> No.20428978

Proud indian btw

>> No.20429014

Your anger belies inner turmoil. A true link hodler is at peace. Your hands are paper. Seek guidance.

>> No.20429061
File: 757 KB, 1020x1020, Originals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ Officer Ranks
- General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 75001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK

+ Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK

+ Enlisted Ranks
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK

True marines know newfag.... Nice to see you changed your VPN. Guess we will have to report your XMR wallet.

>> No.20429197

THANK YOU AND BLESSINGS OF SERGEY to the marine who sent 0.7 XMR. You are an iron-- no, ADAMANTIUM handed. You have already made it.

>> No.20429370

I don't think you can report XMR wallets dude

>> No.20429431

THANK YOU to all the generous linkies out there. I have now received enough AND MORE XMR. Everything I know will be dumped in approx .5 minutes. Get ready.

>> No.20429543


>> No.20429593

Gentlemen i am in urgent need of talented singers. must be a link marine and have at least 15 years experience with javascript. >>20429074

>> No.20429597
File: 2.99 MB, 1185x1600, RIPbasedbowle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I know is this:
The smallest unit of link in the future will be a "Linkle," which is 18 decimal places out. 14 places out is an "Ari." 8 places out is a "Sergey" and 4 places out is a "Nazzie."
Link can be known by many different nicknames. One is ChainLink. Another is CL. Beyond that, there is ChnLnk, Linkies, Lonkos, Linkium Shards, and Link Coins. Sergey prefers Old Navy.
Bless up and goodbye,

>> No.20429621

i'd insult you but your life must be punishment enough

>> No.20429658

People deserve what they got sending any modicum of value to your obvious bullshit.

>> No.20429819
File: 1.46 MB, 217x217, 1476658297080.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exchanges don't like deposit addresses being used for scams fren.

>> No.20429865


>> No.20429881


>> No.20429890

you can make as many addresses as you want lmao
how new are you to crypto?

>> No.20429993
File: 71 KB, 840x768, 1590353511576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the gayest thing i've read all day. i feel bad for anyone that gave you money.

>> No.20430015

not every address is on an exchange btw

>> No.20430782

I regret beliebing op truly was a fag