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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20426288 No.20426288 [Reply] [Original]

Pivvr3D is a gambling dapp. It's an hourglass, also known as a stable pyramid. It is not real staking as there are massive risks as well as the possibility of massive profits. You must have PDS tokens to purchase Pivvr3D tokens. When you purchase Pivvr3D tokens you are charged a 10% fee that is distributed to the current token holders in the form of divs. When you sell your Pivvr3D tokens (at a loss or in profit) you are again charged 10% which is distributed to current token holders in divs, adding up to a total 20% charge for entering and exiting the contract.

Divs are seperate from buys and sells and held in a separate wallet inside the contract. You can reinvest your divs and use them to buy more Pivvr3D tokens or you can withdraw your divs. This does not effect your Pivvr3D tokens. When you decide to sell you will no longer receive divs. If you have any questions please DM me or asking general.

We are launching in 23 hours, use this countdown to prepare. You must have PDS tokens in your metamask and a small amount of eth to use for gas.

TL:DR Whoever gets in first makes massive gains and whoever gets in last loses massive amounts, use high gas and sent it instantly after launch.

>> No.20426479


>> No.20426661


>> No.20426676


>> No.20426690


>> No.20426779



>> No.20426796

bee boop booop

>> No.20426807

Baaaamp baaaaaamp

>> No.20426829

beep boop beep boop

>> No.20426851


>> No.20426863


>> No.20426883

I am a bot bammmmp

>> No.20426899


>> No.20426915

Just kiddin

>> No.20426932

i know anon

>> No.20426960

Bro I think you are losing it

>> No.20426965

Fuck off shill

>> No.20426971

What's your problem?

>> No.20426984

He's just a schizo

>> No.20426996

What is he talking about?

>> No.20427004

I think he's implying we are the same person because he doesn't have any friends.

>> No.20427010

Lmao seriously?

>> No.20427020

Wow pivvr haters really are unstable

>> No.20427025

Yeah man their emotions got the better of them

>> No.20427039

How much cash do you think you'll make from pivvr3d?

>> No.20427049

I'm thinking I'll probably make at least 1-2k pivvr, so around $1000. Not bad for a day.

>> No.20427052

Damn that much?

>> No.20427058

Yeah because whoever gets in first makes a killing and I'm going to be glued to the computer when it launches lol.

>> No.20427066

Nice bro. Me too lol

>> No.20427147
File: 497 KB, 750x969, A5A928BA-C3D6-4DE1-91B0-AA4569E4C60A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to know just how many tokens poorguy intends to launch

>> No.20427504

isn't pivvr a gambling coin in general?

>> No.20427524

Not taking this serious unless you post brapworthy ass

>> No.20427549

>Swaps PDS for ETH

>> No.20427593

>dumps more

>> No.20427779

>33 replies
> 6 posters
Kek nice try Rachel I’d rather eat a bag of liquid diarrhea curry shit then invest in your second scam (nuke ) kys fagget skitzo

>> No.20428119

holy one man shill. This is why I will never touch this shit. Does no one else hold this bs?

>> No.20428709

1130.74 PDS per ETH
fucking scam

>> No.20429400

The dev is absolute shit. I wish I could shit on his face.

>> No.20430362
File: 1.98 MB, 356x216, (you).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]