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20412643 No.20412643 [Reply] [Original]

I’m white and I hold RLC

>> No.20412718

Based af

>> No.20412729
File: 70 KB, 1000x600, 50-cent-car-laugh-1000x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit that's dumping as we speak?
Remember this face when RLC goest to 0.5 EOW

>> No.20412742
File: 69 KB, 856x500, Monobarrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Life Chad

>> No.20412837

>dumping as we speak

It’s at $1.20 it’s literally up 15% in 12 hours.

>> No.20412933


>> No.20413323
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>> No.20413376

Goddamn right.
>pic is the average link holder

>> No.20413397

>posing as a white person to get them to sell their first worlder LINK stacks
Nice try, Dimprash

>> No.20413449


>> No.20413468

>dumping vertically
stay poor washed up nigger

>> No.20413538

I honestly have a question about rlc. Is it pegged to a certain amount of computer time or is it percentage based of the entire computational resources avaliable.
How do they control for increases in computational speed and impacts on the cost of the coin?
From my view as a computer scientist this may be a currency that will be used heavily but the investment value seems slim.c

>> No.20414203

Ask them in Slack.

>> No.20414924

Have you even read the white paper?

>> No.20414970
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>> No.20415028


>> No.20415125

So you two retards spend all day shitposting about this scamcoin and you don't even know how it works kek

>> No.20415224

It's an open market. People have jobs to do and RLC, people have computers. The miners charge an amount of RLC and the people who need computing pay in RLC roughly based on market value and expected profits.

>> No.20415231

wow that isn’t very inclusive. I don’t know if you are aware, but black genocide is being carried out right now in America thanks to white folks turning a blind eye to police brutality.

>> No.20415288

You are a computer scientist right? Figure it out Mr. Big Brain Academy. Why do you depend on this cesspool if you are so smart. Don’t even bother replying. Any reply to me will be seen as cope and I will discard the image of your post into my brain’s recycling bin.

>> No.20415576

>Any reply to me will be seen as cope
Oh no looks like you got me in 4D zugzwang anon I'm no match for these high IQ pnd groups

>> No.20415831
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>I honestly have a question about rlc. Is it pegged to a certain amount of computer time or is it percentage based of the entire computational resources avaliable.
The price will be settled based on supply and demand, every worker pool is free to set its own price and every job/task proposer its own (both in RLC).
Think of it as an order book like on any exchange but instead of buying a token, you buy the processing of a task.

>From my view as a computer scientist this may be a currency that will be used heavily but the investment value seems slim.
The token will be used in 2 cases:
1) as a stake for validators processing gasless transactions on the sidechain (think PoS)
2) as a stake by workers to disincentive bad behaviours (feeding fake/wrong results), the more critical the job the higher the higher the stake should be

You can check their article about tokenomics here:

From my point of view as the marketplace grow the demand for the token will follow and the rising marketcap and distribution will generate stability. That said I expect an explosive speculative phase that RLC didn't really have up to now.
We already saw with Bitcoin that cryptos with a fixed supply have a declining volatility.

>> No.20415873

Manlet gook

>> No.20415890
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Stop preaching to niggers that don't even comprehend what "decentralized confidential cloud computing means"

They probably all think most of Amazon's profit is from selling physical shit and don't even understand they took over through cloud computing and that this is the next level both logically and in terms of profits

>> No.20415893
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I meant to post this graph

>> No.20416614
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So making it 100% idiot-proof, this is a good investment, that will provide a good stability?

>> No.20416838

They have pioneer tech, consistent delivery, incredible usecase, a big war treasury and a large network of companies. If there is such thing as a "not too risky" investment in cryptos then iexec is in the top 5.