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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20409853 No.20409853 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20409937

DYOR and buy the dip.

>> No.20409952
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>> No.20409954

looks like an onion
thats cool!

>> No.20410224

if you can, DCA on the juicy dips.

a 1m stack will be something similar to a 100k Link stack now.

one look at the scope of this project and you'll see how hard this shit will pump when the projects are live

>> No.20410444

I'm holding this and VRA

>> No.20410479

rode LEND to $0.22
rode BNT to $1.38

gonna ride this shit to $0.1

>> No.20410532

go to the discord of big defi projects and check what many whales there are buying
hint: yes, it's this.

>> No.20410595

I haven't seen one single substantive post about the functions of this project. Is there anyone with actual knowledge of this coin or is it just a scam?

>> No.20410638

its a scam dont worry. you can see all the "redpills" in here

>> No.20410809

AKRO is a defi token looking to cash in on this cash grab (and they are) The CEO is a woman and has spent her entire career shilling “emerging markets” She stammers in all her presentations and obviously doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Huobi is a chink exchange that scams people all the time and even they have halted all trading on this scam token. Most of their 4 billion supply will be dumped on anons without end under the guise of “mining incentives” The only people trying to pump this coin are the nolinkers who missed out so they are trying to essentially make their own moon mission by getting together a bunch of discord trannies to pick a sub sub 10 mil mcap shitcoin with a halfway decent website (404 errors all over the place lol) Don’t lose your hard earned money

>> No.20410818

its spoon-feeding brainlets like you that fomo at the top of any run. one click on the main site and you can get a good summary of the scope of the project

>> No.20410884

i wonder what other project shilling "emerging markets" has been on a bull run as of late. heard of RSR?

guess which protocol will not only be accepting USDT, USDC but RSV? stay poor fudster

>> No.20411483

Will be build on Polkadot's Parachain, which is a hub for other huge blockchains like Neo, EOS, Cosmos etc. You do the imagination.

>> No.20411876

yes. but the first dApp will be on Ethereum with Comp, Aave, Bzrx, DyDx, Curve and Maker integrations.

Polkadot's parachain integration will be subjected to Polkadot being launched

>> No.20412809

How much time are you going to copy paste this FUD?

>> No.20412994

if you know, you know

>> No.20413044

I've been seeing too many Akro threads of late. I need time to get more. Can people shut the fuck up about it, please?

>> No.20413090

you had 1 month to prepare. 1m stack to fking make it

>> No.20413100

0 redpills in half day of thread

Ok think i got it tnx anons

>> No.20413160

the real redpill is that it's
defi, undervalued, and just launched
if other shitcoins like BAL/Compound are anything to go by, them giving away most of their shitcoin as liquidity rewards is bullish
that's about it, it's very simple

>> No.20414091

I keep buying the dip. I’m around 3.5 million at the moment.

>> No.20414149

oh great another shitcoin

>> No.20414184

Same. I’ve got around 1.6 but I have an ocd so I’d prefer to accumulate around 2 million before this takes off.

Stay poor

>> No.20414584

redpill is you have 80 eth locked in
Cool tnx

>> No.20415441

No for real 7d ays im opening this dumb threads and all i got shilled is it will moon because it uses defi hype lol

>> No.20415684

Defi on on steroids slated for polkadot once substrate is finished. This little sub 10mil MC token is going to make me very very rich. Lending and borrowing, staking, yeild farming, polkadot. Each thing i listed has been bulling, akro is all of them and I didnt even mention pensions.......dyor and get a bag.

>> No.20416178

So its just connecotors for defi platforms+someday polkadot defi that still dont exist+pensions on blockchain meme?

>> No.20416188

Ana is speaking right now fags

>> No.20416292

looks like peter gregory from silicon valley

>> No.20416523

Not connectors, akro is building its own products. And yes polkadot isnt live yet but by all means, buy a speculative instrument after the remaining products are launched and everything is running on polkadot. Thats surely the way to get a low entry.

>> No.20417363

yeah but there is reason defi meme is all on eth lol

>> No.20417928

I bring the pumping back yeah

>> No.20417950

Can't stop stacking this. 1m checking in. Even after getting into Ren and Bnt for cheap this feels like a bigger moon mission compared to those.

There's DeFi adoption on Ethereum and then you have normal friendly DeFi adoption on Ethereum and Polkadot.

Liquidity Farmers can stick to their dApps. This will be the de-facto building block for decentralized financial instruments

>> No.20418092
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And guess who got into this?