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20408458 No.20408458 [Reply] [Original]

are we allowed to stop keeping this hush yet?

>> No.20408481
File: 75 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 300 BNT short of 10k

>> No.20408518

when is v2 coming out? do we know the results of the audits?

>> No.20408539

what's your exit strat?

>> No.20408557

Dear /biz,
Why is Bancor dipping?

>> No.20408564

not sure about the audits but v2 is within the next 14 days

>> No.20408655

Well if the audit is successful and v2 delivers, there's no reason why BNT won't start sucking up liquidity from other DEXs.

I've heard price targets around 10 dollars so I will start laddering out at around 7.

>inb4 audit fail FUD gets posted

>> No.20408832

Audits failed and team are waiting until the last day of the month to announce V2 will be delayed. This is not FUD.

Bancor has not solved impermanent loss.

Uniswap is launching their own token soon and will remain the AMM market leader.

>> No.20408861

The team admits Bancor is a security token and it will never be listed on Coinbase.

>> No.20408874

Nobody is keeping it hush, there is just such a cacophony of shitcoins at the moment that it's lost in the noise.
>laddering out
fuck i hate jargon
>This is not FUD
Oh right, it looks a lot like FUD, but I guess it's not kek

>> No.20408877
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>> No.20408891

It is only a matter of time before the SEC goes after Bancor.

>> No.20408918

>Nobody is keeping it hush

The last 5 or so threads I've seen on here since the chainlink blog shoutout had no more than 15 replies with OP getting shamed for raising the topic

>> No.20408929

Bancor is the most hacked crypto in history. The most recent hacked happened last month.

>> No.20408963

No one is going to provide liquidity on Bancor and risk losing all their crypto to another hack.

>> No.20408980

look at this fud kek


come on anon how much longer do you need to accumulate?

>> No.20408984

Im still struggling with taking out eth from idex because of the withdrawl limit, please do me a solid guys and keep it lowkey for the next 2 days, no current news on telegram regarding V2 so no need to hype it up just yet

>> No.20409014

Bancor isn't DeFi. It is centralized. The team can steal your funds at any time. They demonstrated this last hack by stealing funds back from the hacker.

>> No.20409015

That's just straight lack of interest, anon, there's no conspiracy. /biz/ has honestly been kind of shit when it comes to DeFi so far. Completely missed SNX, missed COMP, has only started shilling AAVE now. It's a weird blind spot.
I think biz is now just 70% LINK maxis and 20% pajeets, which only leaves 10% of people to actually look into new projects and a far smaller proportion of that to actually figure out what's good.

>> No.20409016

no worries


>> No.20409022

Yeah that's literally the same guy in every thread, lol, it's hardly some concerted effort.

>> No.20409023

not selling before $21

>> No.20409071

>Yeah that's literally the same guy in every thread, lol, it's hardly some concerted effort.
it's almost the end of the month and no V2 announcement. Getting nervous?

>> No.20409078

What if it doesn't even break $3?

>> No.20409111

I recommend selling and buying back after the audits failed/V2 delayed announcement dump at the end of the month. That's what I will be doing

>> No.20409129 [DELETED] 

it will dump to 60m

>> No.20409141

>I think biz is now just 70% LINK maxis and 20% pajeets, which only leaves 10% of people to actually look into new projects and a far smaller proportion of that to actually figure out what's good.
Pretty much nailed it. I'm happy for the Linkies but they unironically killed the board.

>> No.20409156

It dumped 10% when they straight up found a vulnerability and then instantly rebounded, what sort of dump are you expecting if it's delayed a couple of weeks? 5%?

>> No.20409170

99% dump

>> No.20409173


>> No.20409188

>I'm happy for the Linkies but they unironically killed the board.
this. and the uniswap pajeets were the final nail in the coffin for biz

>> No.20409197

why are retards attracted to a coin that had significant discovered flaws and eagerly await a likely equally broke piece of shit?

>> No.20409239
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>tfw you will never relive comfy 2016-2018 /biz/

>> No.20409285
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I bought 3K sats BNT
I bought 80K vits PNK
I bought 320 sats LEND

all because of 4chan convincent shilling's
the 10% good is all we need

>> No.20409298

Rose-tinted goggles fren. We gotta make sure we stay active on discussions pushing good projects, countering PnD scams, and reducing LINK fud to help out the newcomers. We're all in this together.

>> No.20409370

Is the consensus to buy BNT?

>> No.20409455

well you're in a Bancor thread, so... no.

>> No.20409481

>why are retards attracted to a coin that had significant discovered flaws and eagerly await a likely equally broke piece of shit?
it has lots of bag holders who bought at ico and are down 99% and lots of brainlets bought because of the meme contests they are running

>> No.20409670

Anon....hurry and get your bags. The lame fud is getting old.

>> No.20409791

it's 8x and you should be selling now for shit that hasn't mooned yet like Suterusu.

>> No.20409829

>Anon....hurry and get your bags. The lame fud is getting old.

>He thinks it's FUD

>> No.20409998

I'm listening

>> No.20410519
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I'm fighting for the old /biz/. I can't blame Linkies for striking gold and retiring, I would have done the same.

Case in point: Ampleforth

>> No.20411445


>> No.20411498

It's going to pump in the next few days. New leg up.

>> No.20411541

And yet the token is up 100%. Kek.

>> No.20411597

Consensus is yes. Go look at the weekly charts and compare them to LEND. Same thing will happen.

>> No.20411618
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You guys are in the wrong DEX.

>> No.20411684

folks,this is the response of a faggot

>> No.20411725

its the new star wars movie "the return of the faggot fudder"

>> No.20411882

>16th = end of a month..

Does india have 20 days a month u fking pajeet?

>> No.20411903

Coinbase literally announced in June they are one of the frontrunners for being added on coinbase

>> No.20412396

sure thing, just for you bud

>> No.20413336

Nice spam.

>> No.20413731

This. Big news. Much up.

>> No.20413962
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It's a literal piece of shit. I swapped all of mine for RSR.
Anyone else that wants fat gainz will do the same

>> No.20414517 [DELETED] 

dumping to let everyone see what a shitcoin this is

>> No.20414558

literally just let v2 come out, geta coinbase listing and sell the news. nothing else to do witht his shit

>> No.20414823

Can you elaborate?
I am all up for a quick cash grab then exit, but I was thinking holding to EOY.

>> No.20415443

Eoy hold is smarter than quick dump. You'll get priced out and wish you held.

>> No.20415817

Level of fud is laughable desu. BNT finna do it to em soon. 10 dollars EOY

>> No.20415822
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>Same thing will happen.
looks like I've found a comfy hold

>> No.20416014

is there any reasoning or math behind the $10 price target? I know it has a relatively low market cap but what's stopping it just hitting half that

>> No.20416036

$BNT is the most undervalued defi project right now

>> No.20416168

previous ATH in 2018 was around 10 bucks
i can't see any reasoning behind that price target

>> No.20416240

It's the hype around v2 combined with coinbase listing

>> No.20416339

that was right when everything pumped though

I know but why $10, is it just a number out the ass or what

>> No.20416482

>that was right when everything pumped though
yeah, that's exactly what I mean. 10 bucks would be a nice target but I can't really see it getting there unless there's a massive shift like:
>CB listing
>sudden and massive shift of DEX liquidity to bancor
>high staking yield

>> No.20417068

>CB listing
We know BNT is on the shortlist for CB listing
>sudden and massive shift of DEX liquidity to bancor
If v2 does what it says it does, then with solving impermanent loss and allowing single token liquidity pooling, it should attract a lot of liquidity
>high staking yield
see above

>> No.20417633

how many shitcoins have been featured on cuckbase shortlists and actually made it on though?
BNT is a solid project but they block burgers from using it. might be a tough sell

>> No.20417801

Hard agree, the only shining light is that DeFi is going absolutely nuts right now and coinbase is smart enough to realize it.
They already have KNC, COMP, MKR, DAI
And they have Aave, BNT, and REN on the list.

If coinbase execs want to make more money in fees, they will list DeFi shit before it really starts popping off

>> No.20418051

SNX did a 50x in 2019. BNT arguably has much more going for it and they are adopting the same token model. 10$ is very much possible

>> No.20418336
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this fud again....

>> No.20418393
File: 540 KB, 1421x917, cuckbase listings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CB listing stats
about ~20% listing rate so far

>> No.20418471

>Hard agree, the only shining light is that DeFi is going absolutely nuts right now and coinbase is smart enough to realize it.
>They already have KNC, COMP, MKR, DAI
>And they have Aave, BNT, and REN on the list.
>If coinbase execs want to make more money in fees, they will list DeFi shit before it really starts popping off
bnt isnt a governance token yet. that is one of the requirements to get listed

>> No.20418495

look CB are smart do you think they want to list something that could bring them heat from the SEC or NYAG?

>> No.20418530
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>> No.20418554

Out of their ass

>> No.20418669

think outside the box a bit anon
BNT was launched during the 2017 ICO hype where things were played fast and loose
the sec have been working through a backlog of ICO enforcement actions: https://www.sec.gov/spotlight/cybersecurity-enforcement-actions

there's a reason why bancor pulled the plug on burgers last year (https://support.bancor.network/hc/en-us/articles/360029588431-US-Service-Restriction)), probably because they were getting scared about the SEC coming down on them.

nyag is going after tether/bitfinex (https://www.coindesk.com/tag/nyag)) + they only allow cryptos with a (((bitlicence))) to be traded by NY residents

saying that LINK was a scammy 2017 ICO and they still got listed so who knows

>> No.20419032

>bnt isnt a governance token yet. that is one of the requirements to get listed
anything on the roadmap for that?

>> No.20419255

how long are we holding boys?