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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20407552 No.20407552 [Reply] [Original]

>"I have 300000$ in stocks"
>"I have 300000$ in crypto"

which one will impress girls more?

>> No.20407584

Liquid cash

>> No.20407590

a big dick

>> No.20407595

Probably sticks because the average basic bitch probably still thinks crypto is just internet coins that do nothing

>> No.20407597

Neither. She'll be impressed by Chad even if he's not rich

>> No.20407600

Crypto sounds cooler

>> No.20407601

>I have 6 millions in Chainlink

>> No.20407621

I really have to handle the source.

>> No.20407655

>"I have a 100k watch and a 200k car"
if you want the gold digger experience...

>> No.20407657

Girls like guys who like expensive, depreciating, assets.

>> No.20407675


>> No.20407699

>"I have 6 bullets in this $89 Taurus revolver I got from a pawn shop. Now undress, bitch."

>> No.20407745

It doesn't matter since women are retarded. Just tell them what they should like and you're all set.

>> No.20407786


>> No.20407857

goddamn theyre so pretty
I feel powerless around beautiful women I just want to get on my knees and submit to them
they could control me like a puppet I hope they never realize my weakness

>> No.20407865

are these girls hapas? i have a thing for hapa girls

>> No.20407876

Crypto, because if you are dumb enough to spend money on crypto, you are dumb enough to spend money on her.

>> No.20407878

That's why you'll never get laid.

>> No.20407883

>telling women how much money you have invested
You are absolutely retarded

>> No.20407888

When you hit about 30 or so you'll stop giving a fuck and speaking out as your testosterone levels fall, along with your respect for women

>> No.20407901

Why is that?

>> No.20407904

girl only care about how much money you will spend on them.

>> No.20407939

Wauuuuuza these girls are begging for the BBC

>> No.20407950

Hello Chang, what does your insectoid portfolio look like?

>> No.20407979 [DELETED] 

This. Stocks and crypto means nothing if they can't spend it

>> No.20408004

she is right though

>> No.20408026
File: 189 KB, 928x1000, 88B0DD0E-6C56-472D-AEEC-16F321AC65A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like her?

>> No.20408037

And if you're a chink or pajeet in a white country, you might as well kys.

>> No.20408044

Trips of truth except I’m in my early twenties and the only times I’ve gotten laid are when my respect for them was at an ATL

>> No.20408052

>I have partial ownership of companies.
>I spent money on internet beenie babies.
What do you think OP?

>> No.20408108

>I own outdated boomer financial assets that I can't talk about without putting everyone to sleep
>I am highly invested in a developing and exciting tech market that will revolutionize the world and I make high risk high reward financial maneuvers that outperform decades of stock market in less than one week

>> No.20408121
File: 110 KB, 398x400, 1594199349110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the right guy is hotter but the left might be better at fucking. Who are they again, I need to simp this LINKIE gains.

>> No.20408140

Left one is hotter, he doesn't need to show as much of his body to entice the same sexual response inside my PP

>> No.20408144

Yeah I can see where you're coming from but I like the right one's face better.

>> No.20408154

Because it's none of their fucking business. Don't even tell your friends how much money you have invested

>> No.20408161

Do girls really want to be impressed? I thought they'd be too intimidated to sleep with me

>> No.20408195

Strip them down and have a pleasant afternoon.

>> No.20408227

But what about flaunting your wealth to gain the interest of gold diggers and then pumping and dumping them right before they think things will start to become serious between you two?
Probably because you look like the hunchback

>> No.20408267

How do I strip those two godesses down without having the cops called on me?

>> No.20408283

You can do that without revealing how much money you have. Dress nice and go to a nice club or something. Be more subtle about it

>> No.20408319

300000 in shoes, dresses and make up

They don't

>> No.20408343

>which one will impress girls more?
I have a 9 incher.
But when it comes to money, the best call is "my dad has given me X in cash".
A man who has worked for his money has a harder time spending it on whores who are obviously not worth it.
Bitches prefer daddy's boys.

>> No.20408361

Who gives a fuck? She exists to puke on your cock, why would you care how she feels?

>> No.20408365

>want to coom
>hop on /biz/ for good quality thots

>start working out
>browse /biz/ during recovery time
>highest grade thots show up

every single time
you fuckers

>> No.20408381

she cant spend either of those. now if you show her your black card then her lips will open and her clothes will disappear.

>> No.20408410

>Girls like guys who like expensive, depreciating, assets.

this lmao

>> No.20408419

supplement test and continue to not respect women

>> No.20408439

>Be more subtle about it
I see where you're coming from, but I suppose a Rolex and a Lambo will work just as great.

>> No.20408967


If your target is Lateesha Brown, maybe

>> No.20409012

Those are men....

>> No.20409130

how do i let tinder whores know that i have a big dick, without spooking them out?

>> No.20409167
File: 132 KB, 794x964, C43EDE08-B0BB-44EE-B20A-2215DD371A9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trick question: women love shiny things the most.

>> No.20409518
File: 2.21 MB, 1956x2027, 1454698916473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200k car

>> No.20409520

>caring what women think

>> No.20409674

>Bet red on roulette table. Comes out red.
>OMG guys, I just beat the S&P500 in less than 5 minutes!
Brainlet level finance.

>> No.20409736

>Ay yo I gotta 10" dick
TyroneCoin everytime

>> No.20409783

>being this autistic
oh ho ho ho ho ho bwa hahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.20409899

Stocks obviously. They won't understand either but at least the stock market has Chad associations with suits money and social status.. Basically stuff from movies etc

Crypto sounds autistic af. I'd never tell a girl this.. Even though I'm into crypto myself.

I'd probably say I'm a trader or investor or something. At the end of the day they don't care as long as you're perceived as high value in society and can offer them security and excitement. So /biz/ is fucked either way

>> No.20409956

one of them likes crypto the other one likes stocks

>> No.20409999


>> No.20410029

Join the police

>> No.20410046

3000000 in stocks gets a pretty good capital gain (women don't care) but pays you a couple of hundred grand so you can buy her nice shit (women love this)
3000000 in crypto gets you audited when the bitch you told you had 3000000 in crypto to gets sick of watching movies in your mom's basement and tells the IRS after she dumps you

>> No.20410074

i unironically have zero interest in women that look like this. They look like fucking dolls. I will take an average looking normal woman over this all day long. Also never reveal your stack to women.

>> No.20410075

Whichever one will make them more money.

>> No.20410119

300,000 sticks = huge faggot

>> No.20410139
File: 86 KB, 680x748, 1593074881004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not telling them at all. A decent car, a nice Apartment, some nice clothes and a wallet with a few hundred/ thousand dollars in it. And most girls won't be able to tell you apart from someone with millions in the bank. It's only when comparing you with people with 100's of million's+ that they would even know.

Girls like to play the guessing game. Also get a big cock.

>> No.20410143

A 300000 car

>> No.20410171

Neither, because wealth in stocks or crypto is wealth that she can't readily leech off you. She wants all your wealth in liquid dollars so she can make you spend it on her.

>> No.20410316

> <3
Nice quads

>> No.20410609

@fairyanaaa on Instagram is one of them

>> No.20410765

Life really isn't fair. How can some girls be this pretty. I never see girls like this in real life. Even if I did I probably wouldn't know what to say. Maybe I can have a daughter that looks as good

>> No.20411794

White incel cope

>> No.20411926

they dont care which, most will stop listening after "I have $300000..."

>> No.20412005

>thinks crypto is just internet coins that do nothing
She's not wrong then

>> No.20412020

These two are really hot. Succubus tier.

>> No.20412069
File: 42 KB, 512x512, ERQxy8UjRdbC-_port.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whichever girl does anal

>> No.20412109

unironically this

>> No.20412130

The correct answer is: Who gives a shit?

>> No.20412135

This. You can't buy her shit with stonks and having 300k invested doesn't get (non-jewish) ladies moist

>> No.20412873

>open up their instagram
>blacklivesmatter in description
>close tab
Why do women always do this?

>> No.20412899

Gold, specifically physical gold. It’s like a magic pussy opener

>> No.20412953

Do you think being pathetic turns them on?

>> No.20412955

anyone know who they are?

>> No.20413017

This. If you didnt get pussy in highschool/college you are never getting any

>> No.20413163

You have to marry an asian woman then. Only hapa girls can reach this level.

>> No.20413211


>> No.20413217

$300000 in beanie babies

>> No.20413254

Stocks if she's dumb.

>> No.20413789


>> No.20413823

A picture of you doing a pull up wearing tight athletic shirts with lighting that outlines your bulge.

>> No.20413832

the girls in op are apparently some black/hispanic mix with tons of makeup and photoshop

source: spent afternoon cooming to the sluts and browsing roastie drama about them in the process. fuck you OP

>> No.20413872

>Girls like guys who like expensive, depreciating, assets.
actually true

>> No.20413874

>>I have 25000 Bitcoin
>>wow how much is that in usd
>>come on ill show you. Ill also send you some so you can play around with it

>> No.20413878

I was trying to figure out what mix they were. I don’t see any black in them though. I see some sort of Asian hybrid.

Kinda hard to tell when they wear a FUCK TON of makeup.

>> No.20414020

God damn, kys quick, or jerk off. These girls(male) are a dime a dozen

>> No.20414221

They're actually something like 10% Asian but they really try to over examplify that fact with tons of Photoshop and what not to make themselves look more Asian

>> No.20414452

>only 6 digits


>> No.20414477


nobody cares about gay ass old people "investments", do you have a lambo? Do you have a rolex? Do you have a luxury apartment? NO? Then fuck you

>> No.20414504
File: 22 KB, 600x400, tBVJag8i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The car. Chicks love the car.

>> No.20414561
File: 439 KB, 860x828, big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll fuck Chad for his genes then use your money to raise Chad's kid.

>> No.20414568

Very true.



Ugh, sounds creepy, neckbeard, get away from me.

>> No.20414596

you are coping beta because you know these hot women would never choose you so you basically sour grape all over the place pretending you "don't like them" to save your ego

Pathetic really

>> No.20414645

crypto sounds more "dangerous" so I think she'd be more impressed with that

>> No.20414689


>> No.20414701

the irony is pretty hilarious

>> No.20415580
File: 27 KB, 439x603, oTLJ8HV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is how a girl sees you when you start talking about crypto.

>> No.20416679
File: 16 KB, 360x450, endless pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>go on a date with a girl for the first time
>pretty cute
>8/10, blonde, small tits but seems pretty intelligent
>night is going pretty well, somehow start talking about money
>both say jobs, salary, rent
>i start talking about my interest in the stock market
>she sorta leans in to me
>she playfully whispers to me ''so how much money do you have in your bank account like.. right now?''
>i stutter to her its mostly tied up in index funds and crypto nonsense
>she sorts laughs and backs up

I wish this wasn't a true story.

>> No.20416774

Brah, your mistake was talking about anything more than your job.

NEVER bring up your investments until after your married.

>> No.20416852

Nah, it's okay, he shorted a dumb bitch who doesn't understand how to not be a wagecuck shabbos goy forever.

>> No.20416977

i guess, i always just wondered if i had everything liquidated in to fiat if her reaction would have been any different.

might be because im autistic as fuck

>> No.20417115

This and being fit

>> No.20417745
File: 522 KB, 720x720, you_are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this can not compensate your little dick

>> No.20417799

no, it sounds faggotry.

It doesn't sound dangerous.

Nothing to do with computers sounds "dangerous" and "hot".

You know what'd be hot to women -Danger as in dealing with drug cartels and illegal arms trade. That would make pussy wet since there is actual risk of male violence, not some pale faggot skinny arms clicking away on mechanical keyboard

>> No.20417935

Expensive car, expensive cloths, expensive everything. Women only respond to appearances. Even if you are poor. Dressing up and pretending to be rich like niggers do will attract the vile female creature

>> No.20418191

Every time I look at girls on the internet/social media I become infuriated by the thought of having equal political rights as organic sex zombies.