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File: 2 KB, 250x250, 28D3A755-C328-4E28-8A2E-50A921F4B4AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20406631 No.20406631 [Reply] [Original]

Faggots, what the fuck should I buy?
I have just 300$ to invest give me some advice. Already holding LINK fuckers

>> No.20406686

man i put money in this at 3.36 and i have way more now than what i put in due to the rebase shit. IDK how long this train's gonna last but youre not too late for the ride

>> No.20406790

redpill me on swap.

>> No.20406838

Why biz don’t see the real value in ampl???? Just look on uniswap #1 in volume and liquidity. Liquidity providers of ampl/eth received the most possible incentives in the crypto space right now. What would you think if the mcap scales to several billions???? Whales arz going to sit there receiving a ton of money, with low risk. Anyone who does not see value in ampl is retarded.

>> No.20406853

ampleforth was ignored for 1 year. it sat at 1m marketcap. then team decided to pump and dump it. they paid for ads, hired pajeets to shill it, created the geyser. the team hold 50% of the total supply and are dumping it. after they have dumped it will go back to 0

>> No.20406884

> imagine actually believing this

>> No.20406938

You know absolutely nothing about how AMPL works.

>> No.20407301

Buy AMPL. Hold. Buy AMPL dips. Hold. Until you have $250K in AMPL you should not consider much else.

>> No.20407316

hes right about the paid ads

>> No.20407345

>team invested in marketing
biz state of mind

>> No.20407415

products often speak for themselves. paying for the topslot of a literal who pool website is... desperate. as is hiring someone who got literal who IOST token to top 50

>> No.20407676

Literally a paid Uniswap ad
>oh no no nooo noooo
Come on anon..

>> No.20407697

If you are a linktard then you need to be holding a dick with your mouth.

>> No.20407854
File: 93 KB, 800x800, jeffypoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well spoken white canadian dude launches SWAP last thursday
>use case is providing trust to the exchange of crypto between sender/recipient
>this eliminates the need for third party when buying/selling goods/services
>this also solves the problem of exit scams and ICO dumps
>coin is already gaining traction in the cryptosphere, being added to 6 exchanges in the past 6 days
>Founder Jeff is gonna reveal the addition to a big exchange today (if phone call goes well)
>Jeff has a long history in crypto, being the creater of uptrennd, a decentralized social media platform

>> No.20407882

Ample is a pyramid scheme

No idea what swipe is. If that's the coins you've settled on then maybe try going all in on red, or just skip to the ending and light the money on fire you stupid motherfucker.

>> No.20407941

Simply buy more AMPL weekly. Thats all you have to do.

>> No.20408158

I think I’m too brainlet to understand why I just got like 50 AMPL free but I kinda like it lol.

Seems crazy to hold and just get free money.

>> No.20408376

Checked out AMPL, but imo SWAP has better pumpamentals in the short to medium range, and maybe even some longterm potential if they deliver.

>> No.20408436

you mean like how holding any other token that goes up in value gives "free money"? As the market value grows, so does your share of it. It's not really that hard to get.
Also congrats getting on the train. This is gonna pay out every day for a looooooong time.

>> No.20408679


I’m getting more on the train as we speak. If I can average a $100 bucks a day in free AMPL I never have to work again.

And that’s besides my LINK stack.

>> No.20408701

I know there will also be contractions but basically from what I understand on average during growth phases it will be net positive to simply hold, which is what I’m best at.

>> No.20408924

AMPL is literally the opposite of a pyramid scheme, dumbass! Are people too stupid to understand the protocol just distributes newly printed money fairly among it's holders instead of giving it to miners or stakers..
There is nobody "Winning" over other peoples bag...

So OP, if you are smart:

>> No.20409744

High IQ detected.

>> No.20409749

Ampl is just a lot more satisfying than other coins pumping.

>> No.20409828


>> No.20409856

buy bzrx now and hold for 2-4 months

buy ample when people think it is dead

never heard of trustswap

>> No.20409870

You are pathetic, nobody wants your mumbai coin fuck off.

>> No.20410768

buy mainframe boys this is the new defi pump and dump shitcoin

>> No.20410928

Dude, think outside biz PnD box. Educate yourself. Sometimes it’s better to remain quiet and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt