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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20405078 No.20405078 [Reply] [Original]

>LINK hits $1k
>You’re an OG with a 10k stack
>That gives you $10,000,000
>all that waiting just to make 2% of what this 25-year-old mutt makes to throw a football really good
Why didn’t you become an athlete, /biz/? Some of the dumbest nogs on the planet will always be richer than you because they can run fast or throw far.

>> No.20405107

theres one of him and like 5,000 10k link fags

>> No.20405115

Its kike entertainment for npcs.

>> No.20405124

I'd rather stay home in my pajamas thanks. The hardest part of my day is when I have to right click for something.

>> No.20405136

yea i know thats why i bought 75k links instaead of only 10k ,

10,000,000 was too lttle for me

>> No.20405138

Then why not make money off those NPCs?
There’s still gobs of pro athletes with contracts well over $10 mil

>> No.20405155

>>You’re an OG with a 10k stack
newfag alert

OGs have at least 50k

t. top 300 wallet

>> No.20405172

Still poorer than half the quarterbacks in the NFL and virtually every MLB or NBA starter

>> No.20405182

being an influencer requires much less effort anon

>> No.20405188

There's a lot of competition, and it takes a lot of hard work to get that good. Plus you can't work as a pro player forever. They deserve to get paid well. Think of how much money big games bring in too.

At least before Covid. I miss sports.

>> No.20405199

I'm only top 900. Feeling inadequate.

Yeah but they have to move around and stuff.

>> No.20405208

hazardous job though, one unlucky tackle and you could be a vegetable
also im not fucking selling, especially not at a measly $1000

>> No.20405211

ill have 9 figures when link hits $1k

stay mad idiot

>> No.20405213

So what? Those niggers are poorer than all the multimillionaires and billionaires. What’s your point?

>> No.20405218

If you were in charge of a globohomo corporation maybe. Next year super bowl is going to be about corporate america imposing white guilt and "systematic racism". Fuck these niggers anyway.

>> No.20405249

thats why we should stop watching these clowns , paying for tickets and channels.
its not even fair.
its one thing that corporations pay them huge money, but for retarded working and middle class to pay them, buy their tickets and idolized them AND give tax money to make them new stadiums and training is just retarded.
well, i guess retards paying their hard earned cash to make people millionaire is justed in a way.

>> No.20405254

in 10 years, his salary will be below minimum wage.

>> No.20405263

B-b-but nazis told me niggers were worthless!!!reeeeeeee!!!!!

>> No.20405264

the point is, he didnt do shit.
basically undeserved money.

>> No.20405940

when does that happen anon

>> No.20406052
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They are worthless though and no sports star changes this since they are fed from a system essentially created by Whites and paid for by Whites and Asians as well as first estate migrants. Niggers are trash and outcompeted by borderjumpers.

>> No.20406121

my issue is that why we still watch this shit!
its totally making me crazy thinking a middle class would PAY to see a game, watching dudes play with a ball and make 10 mil each.
am i too jaded and dont know what fun is, or people are just npc?

>> No.20406157

The people are dumb NPCs.

>> No.20406227

Why are you so salty?
You want everybody to be poor like you? Are you a communist pinko fag?

>> No.20406261

Just be a pro athlete bro

>> No.20406269

The point is that those overall are billions spend on late Rome-tier childplay with no greater usage case. Plus the zapped attention. If it was up to me commercial sport would already be banned.

>> No.20406292

There's always going to be someone richer than you dumb cunt. That kind of attitude will insure you are miserable until the day you die

>> No.20406851

B8 or you're a retard that doesn't know how markets work

>> No.20407275

He's a nigger, that money will literally haemorrhage away into cars, drugs and shiny things. A million in a linkies hands will go further than 10 in his.

>> No.20407618

Hyperinflation Inc?

>> No.20407768
File: 27 KB, 247x236, Concerned Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the attention.

>> No.20407831

Any wagie can play crypto roulette after flipping burgers for a few years. Those "dumb nogs" in the NFL are a genetic elite group, the absolute best on the planet at doing what they do. 99.999% of people are not born with that ability.