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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20401401 No.20401401 [Reply] [Original]

What motivates you to keep going, /biz/? Unless you're driven by pure discipline.

>> No.20401411

that's a man

>> No.20401447

I wanna make H proud

>> No.20401517

The burning desire to the world cleansed from the judaic filth and its negro pet cancer

>> No.20401545

Call me a simp but cute girls unironically keep me going. I don't want to feel inadequate around them anymore, maybe it's a mindset problem for me.

>> No.20401554

If I stay still I feel like I'm already dead. Like I'm just waiting for the end. Gotta have that growth and movement.

>> No.20401595

Pure unabated discipline

>> No.20402135
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depressed may as well be depressed with many to pass on

>> No.20402167

*money, FUCK

>> No.20402201


Boredom mostly, I'm doing well at my job but its a bit slow these days. Legit did fuck all the last few months but got an A+ performance review and promotion. If I had a fat bag that would be neat I guess.

>> No.20402226
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I hope to bring justice to all those who have wronged us

>> No.20402266

art. i'm the world's greatest living painter, but i'll never be recognized as such in my lifetime. with how shit contemporary art has become, i'll be lucky to even be a footnote in art history. that's why i'm trying to get rich with crypto, to buy some land and build a studio, and spend my life painting what i want and not what the crooked art market wants

>> No.20403143
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>> No.20403158

Have a kid and give them a better life than me, other than that just pure hedonism and the fueling it

>> No.20403280

This all day.

>> No.20403307

to hurt people
just like how a jew is motivated

>> No.20403504


Post some of your work anon.

>> No.20403547

If you have to ask you're not going to get it. It's a mental journey that can only be learned through life and spirit, not taught.

>> No.20403656

I’m motivated by wanting a big tiddy abby Shapiro wife to bear many children, and acquire resources to make sure we can escape the poverty that will befall most of the middle class over the next few decades.

You just sound a little angsty.

>> No.20404018

can i see some of ur work anon?

>> No.20404039

you're going to be disappointed when you figure it out

>> No.20404053


>> No.20404073

I want to drive fast cars and exterminate the jews

>> No.20404083

hooker and blow money. this is why i want my LOKI staking gains to net me $750 / mo. i will blow it all.

>> No.20404094

Based and mission-pilled

>> No.20404113

You’re finding approval from cute girls. Eventually, you’ll push passed that phase and search for approval from yourself.

>> No.20404114

If you rely on motivation, you will fail
Be disciplined and make things habitual and you will succeed
This applies to everything

>> No.20404128

nah. i just had this thing from very young age.
but i just dont want to get trapped and want to get away.
hurting homeless is not fun.
they got nothing to lose.
hurting a millenial financially though...oof thats so delicious

>> No.20404220

Eternal recurrence

>> No.20404284

holy fucking based

>> No.20404304

I have nothing else. I'm unable to work for a living and I fail at this I'll end up homeless or worse.

>> No.20404390

This, motivation is bullshit, motivation is emotion, you will never be in control of it

>> No.20404547

Too lazy to give up.

>> No.20404681


>> No.20404728

i will rub that link wealth on my frenemies so bad that they will kill themselves.

>> No.20404854

Debt due to gambling, booze, smokes, drugs.

>> No.20405202

the avoidance of paranoid visions of potential pain
I'm a multimilionare by the way

>> No.20405225

Gains and Big Macs.

>> No.20405232

how did u make it

>> No.20405386

Gonna get rich off crypto then take the millions in profits to start my own foundation to curb racism against Jews and Blacks. A plan I've had since stumbling upon this place filled with faggots who thinks racism is cool. Nope! The day we eliminate racism is the day Earth becomes Heaven.

>> No.20405394
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>> No.20405399
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My 10000 link is the only thing keeping me pushing this broom.

>> No.20405444

My status let's me have a hot, genius wife who makes me coom on our grand holidays together.

>> No.20405453

If only racism was an actual issue

>> No.20405494
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Mother of God. You're going to make it so hard anon.

>> No.20405512
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Thank you. I needed that.

>> No.20405528
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Hey self, how's it going?

>> No.20405573
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Nothing much, wagie master is permitting us to work 12 hours, just making the most of it.

>> No.20405634

Is that some new construction site?

>> No.20405704
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No, asphalt plant.

>> No.20405794

>this is the wagie life waiting for you
i dont want to leave university now

>> No.20405812

Hahaha funny thing is I have a masters degree lmao.

God damn college was a waste.

>> No.20406133

well said fellow link marine

>> No.20406357

Are you a jannie in the matrix ?

>> No.20406365

t. bag holder

>> No.20406495


>> No.20406683
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What motivates me to keep going? My experience is that when you ask a question like "Why is it important to have the best quality data for a given candidate?", you may have already received a reply such as, "Because we are building a new web crawler. In the coming months we plan to improve the performance of our new crawler." They are developing a cross platform data mining tool which aims to find the best possible answer for any given question, from all kinds of data sources, to search engines, to finance advisors, to government and education.

In short, nothing drives me to keep going because this is a simulation. I will not allow you to predict the outcome of this study by asking , "Why is the data so good?".

>> No.20406687

Jill > Claire
nuClaire > nuJill

>> No.20406803

i would rather work there than some wagie cubicle in the big city

>> No.20406814

I definitely lost all greed some months ago. Its a devastating , pointless feeling. Im 31.

I have gone trough depression twice. Once emotionally and once like I dont give a F anymore.

Dont really know what motivates me. Now I wanna change environment, speak my own language in my country, start something new. So maybe thats what motivates me.

But yeah, at some point when I ve tried so many things with many failures , one day comes where it seems like a good question.

>> No.20406859

I’m driven by developing an abundance mindset.

> went to university as an 18 year old virgin (never even kissed a girl) with no game or ability to talk to women.
> currently 24 years old. Have now had 2 girlfriends and fucked 40 women.
> now don’t care about women. This is the benefit of the abundance mindset - i.e. having an abundance of something makes you not care about it
> now I’m trying to develop an abundance mindset about money (through holding link) and also about my body (through gym and physiotherapy)

>> No.20406900
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What gets me through the night?? Well.... First and foremost, I want to thank you all for being part of my community, and I would also like to thank the Reddit community for helping me get this far. Ass to butt facials! This is my secret. Please give me your full name (and address), and I will see you in the future.

Awooh hoooooo! AOOoh hoooooo! AOOoh hOO!

This is my personal story, and I want to thank you all for being with me.

>> No.20406974


>> No.20406994

>went to university as an 18 year old virgin (never even kissed a girl) with no game or ability to talk to women.
>> currently 24 years old. Have now had 2 girlfriends and fucked 40 women.
How did you from that to that?

>> No.20407079
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I don't know what keeps me going anymore. I guess it's getting worse with each passing day, but I have no idea what it means, because I cannot understand it, but I can remember all of the emotions that have been building up for the last 30 years, and it is frightening to me to think about. I think it has something to do with my inability to process and cope with the fact that I am so broken. Every night, I eat one of these burgers which my wife laces with erectile drugs and I am forced to coom. This is what Sergey did to me. Why do I do it?

>> No.20407093

Boring life. I never though boring life could have some benefits but here i am.

>> No.20407298

Giving my kids a better life than this shitty nightmare. Nothing works out in my life. Not going to bore you with the details. The world is corrupt, selfish and broken. I wish I had taken on a selfish prick mindset in my early life. It wasn't until I was 35 (42 now) that I started putting me first, professionally anyway.

Don't do favors for colleagues unless there's an immediate and clear return. Don't be afraid to screw someone over to get ahead. This is the only way that the world functions. It's better for the world to fear you than pity you. Evoking pity is a path to your total social and professional ruin. People at your work will forget you 5 minutes after you walk away so you owe them, including your boss nothing. You do you. 80% of people are sociopathic pieces of shit anyway. Like I said, I waited until I was 35 to take on this mindset. It was late in the game but it has made all of the difference. My life is still screwed up from being profusely nice for the first 35 years.

By the way, I'm a researcher (Ph.D.) at a known pharma company.

Good luck Anons.

>> No.20407315

Take your pills dumb schizo

>> No.20407357

I'm a PhD level researcher but it's a dead end position. Didn't want to scoreboard as the score indicates that I'm losing badly. Just wanted to give context. Job titles don't mean shit either.

>> No.20407381

Nothing, really. I am depressed like most here. But in my case, depression makes me keep going, I mean what the fuck else am I going to do? So I just keep working/saving/investing since that's all I can do.

>> No.20407400

If I complete this list of task I am gonna order me a pizza
Things like this motivates me
Gamify and reward based system see I see consider myself an animal that cant do shit without some reward
Soon I will try to learn discipline it's so fucking hard

>> No.20407946

Pure hatred

>> No.20408706

depends on what you got it in

>> No.20408726


>> No.20408862

You don't have to descend to their level, but still play the game.

>> No.20408896
