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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20399924 No.20399924 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you still holding this? I ended up selling it a few days ago but something keeps telling me to buy back. Should I?

>> No.20400194

20 cents EOY

>> No.20400531

At least keep asuicide stack, you will rope if it moons

>> No.20400673

whats suicide stack

>> No.20400691

0 cents EOY

>> No.20400701

Probably about 50k

>> No.20401030

Hilarious Helen Keller tell me more

>> No.20401105

holding until refund at least

>> No.20401154
File: 290 KB, 648x568, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caught lying in the whitepaper, what a surprise...

>> No.20401163

STA will moon again. and when it does the virtuous circle mechanism will kick in bringing us all to riches previously thought impossible.

>> No.20401222

That isn't a lie, buying STA gives you exposure to those coins as long as there is STA in the pool.

>> No.20401254

Man you are a fucking idiot if you consider that a lie. Learn how to read complete sentences before making statements of your own. You come off as a dolt

>> No.20401311

The Statera ecosystem has 3 tokens, guess which one literally isn't connected to the pools asset holdings? I'll give you a min to look at their graphic and figure it out

>> No.20401482

Hey sweetie,

it's getting past your bedtime. Do you still want me to read you a story tonight? Ok sweetie perfect, there was once a retard who couldn't understand concepts beyond his tiny little brain, we called him the Little Engine That Could Not. The End

>> No.20401593
File: 210 KB, 1080x2349, 1556482574893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>points out a contradiction in the whitepaper
oh now, how much are you down anon?

>> No.20401613

I lost 1k on this guys, my first investment. I shouldve sold near ATH. Right now I have about $750 in LINK/RLC, just gonna hold long term. I'm fucking tired of losing money that i barely have bros..

>> No.20401676

Sweetie, you're not very good at this are you?

Still so proud of that moment you packed your own lunch for your first day as a wagie

Hang in there sweetie it'll get worse before it gets better. Don't try to KYS again unless you are actually going to commit

>> No.20401955

I think most of us have been there at some point. You might lose a thousand here, and then make a hundred thousand somewhere else. Crypto is crazy like that.

>> No.20402032

thank you that makes me feel better :)

>> No.20402753

so is STA still doing the whole index thing with Synthetix, link, btc, and eth?

>> No.20402856

Yes, but they had to change it so that STA is not directly in the pool, you add STA to the uniswap liquidity pool, and then the resulting liquidity token gets added to the pool. It is one more step, but you get rewards on both the uniswap pool and the balance pool

>> No.20402882

Weak fud. Pathetic, really.

>> No.20402890

I'm not sure if it will stay that way. It probably depends on whether balance labs fixes the exploit. Also, there is the official balance pool, and an additional one that someone else created that has $40k in liquidity

>> No.20402919

if i was going to buy STA and just hold in metamask with no "staking" is STA incentivized to go up like it would have originally or would i be better off just buying those 4 coins/tokens?

>> No.20403066

The deflation still occurs and STA is still tied to the other coins, so if they go up it puts buy pressure on STA. The mechanism is slightly different but the end result is the same

>> No.20403097

...really? I'm not invested in this shitcoin, but come on at least try harder to fud it

>> No.20403144
File: 7 KB, 1080x810, la-s1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swoooses soon

>> No.20403176

That is a scam. The logo is even made from a pink wojak

>> No.20403177

Moved most of my shit over to meridian network but I still keep a handful just in case as you never know

>> No.20403291

I all-in'd at 10 cents and I've been too depressed to sell because I'm down 85%. I've been focusing on working out and wageslaving while diversifying how I make money. I have a passive income earning me about $500 a week, which should help earn back my principle.

>> No.20403294

Balancer Fund down, price dropping daily. Telegram banning and silencing people who interdicted this week ago, and tried to bring productive conversation how to get past this stage of STA. STA only moon 1$ rite!!!!?

>> No.20403317

Some of you might remember me from the STA threads but I have just over $700 from my $5000 after a year of crypto trading. I don't know what to do next with it, I feel a little defeated desu

>> No.20403358

I cant swap my statera, is it just because the eth value of it is now is too low for it to swap? or is there just no liquidity on uniswap?

>> No.20403365

I'm down from 7 eth to 1.5. Not life changing money but still annoyed nonetheless. There'll be other chances on other coins

>> No.20403379

John, fuck off. Do we have to tell you this daily? You are welcome to sell and move on

Set slippage to anything above 1%

>> No.20403433

Almost like I perdicted what was going to happen. But now instead of having someone in chat who was trying to create realistic short term price perdications, and how long term potential could still be initialized, you have someone selling their huge position. Sorry i'm not eating slippage, its going to take a why for me to off load my bag. I will post in every STA thread, if you don't want to be called out, don't do shitty things.

>> No.20403477

You also predicted 0.006, yet you weren't right about that were you?

>> No.20403492


I'm sorry you guys are being affected by everything. The team decided it was best to ban people who were giving realistic price predictions, so people like you got caught in 1$ lambo spam. I will be dumping for a long time, unfortunately anything above .0001 is profit for me.

>> No.20403514

Post wallet larper

>> No.20403515

oh is this the retard who used all of his families savings and is now saying it's statera's fault he's a shit father?

>> No.20403524

I put my Ampl gains to this. Ez 5x

>> No.20403544

I said we would probably touch it over next few weeks and then range .007-.01. I hope you see that it is probably going to happen. I will be here with a thread when it does, with screen shots from chat. Funny because banning someone who was a huge supporter and holder, literally is causing negative price action because I have sell my position.

>> No.20403580
File: 832 KB, 250x219, 1584490201826.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are full of shit. Your vague and obvious predictions come through, and your specific ones fail, yet you think you some fucking oracle. You are pathetic. I had you pegged from your very first post

>> No.20403704

Lol. I was only person in chat saying we are going down. At .023 I said within days we would be .015. That was called FUD. Only other price chat was about 1$ pumps and moon missions. Its ok to to be bullish, but you start banning people giving realistic price expectations, then you are just trying to create a fake vacuum, that sucks people like above, into buying into something dumping. Now they are disgruntled becuase they didn't get truth that STA is dead in water for at least 3-5 months. Then a pool compontent of STA pumps 40% and STA dumps. Created more issues, with your unrealistic price. But no hard feelings, I'm noone and nothing, I happened to just be really early to this. So STA can ban who they want, lie to who they want, karma is always fair.

>> No.20403851

Again, retard, you and I and every other person here knows you weren't banned, so why keep up the pretense?

>> No.20403939

This will moon, screenshot this.

>> No.20403953

They unbanned me which makes it worse. They did a balancer, tried to silence me and say I was wrong, but little noise and next thing you now refund. I called balancer a POS for what they did/ Now STA is a POS for being the same type. Greed in an alt channel chat room, to ban a huge support, is disgusting.

>> No.20404019

You were never banned. I was there. You went to the main tg crying like a bitch about being banned, like you do in these threads, and I checked immediately because all of your messages were still there, and lo-and-behold, you weren't banned. That was within seconds.

Post your wallet and prove that you are a whale and you are selling. I'll wait.

>> No.20404129

Its unfortunate it had to end like this. I was ride or die for STA., because of faith. I don't need to post anything, your opinion or belief of me is irrelevant. Here are the 3 truths. 1. STA is going to keep going to down, for months. 2. I have a bag, I will keep selling my bag. 3. I will post in every STA thread forever, I may have been silenced from telegram chats, but I wont be silence here. Maybe you all should be realistic and truthful with members so the mood isn't gloom because you could make more gains in top 10 MC coins right now than STA.

>> No.20404167

I’m comfy in the top 10

>> No.20404174

Sure thing faggot larper.

>> No.20404226

a literal exit scam and you still shill this? how heavy are those bags.

buy LOKI and free yourself of the pain and suffering.

>> No.20404246

>sweetie posting

Lmao his bags must be boulders

>> No.20404248

I'm starting to think Fredick might have been a good guy, because he was villanized by chat just like I am now. I'm starting to see the greed and wool being pulled over holders eyes. How many other people were silenced, while 1$ and bread memes were spammed? Where does it end?

>> No.20404249

stat killed so many anons portfolios, really sad honestly, it was such a good project, still is, but at this point there's too much blood in the water

>> No.20404414

Just keep working up those ranks

>> No.20404713

When will be the refund? Is there an time frame?

>> No.20404797

Balance Labs said most likely within 2 months, so up to 6 weeks, but we are at their mercy so it is anyone's guess.

>> No.20404805

This i hsve a suicide stack of 200k bought for 10 eth... Got a good price and im. Satisfied to take the chance even if it ends up going to 0 the upside is too high to not put some in.

>> No.20404848

Literally me

>> No.20404877

>i have sell my position
Poo. In. Loo.

>> No.20404902

Smart man.

>> No.20405519

OG STA Marines. Most will ignore this. If you were here for 1inch uniswsp v1 get out now. You have 24 hours. The v3 kids won't believe or know what I'm talking about. You have been warned.

>> No.20405650


>> No.20405681

Lol your ID just screams "Downvoted" haha.
Anyway what's the deal with v1? I was in STA v1 then got effed over.

>> No.20406062

Your schtick was very easy to see through but you certainly would have been allowed to keep it up because you were just roleplaying an investor with a negative outlook. When things actually did go negative though you couldn't help yourself and had to lower your bar to the point where it was too obviously unrealistic and not believable as being truly interested in the project. Now I missed how it happened but someone seems to have knocked you completely off your game and you've gone full retard.

>> No.20406117

When i try to buy sta on Uniswap the transaction keeps cancelling, anyone know why?

>> No.20406204

Its almost always one of these:
You have to been on uniswap2 not uniswap1
Change slippage to something other than the default, like 1.03%
Use highest gas
type in the output field of uni, not input, and use a whole number without decimals

>> No.20406241

I was one of the first holders and some of the memes you see about STA are mine
That said, don't buy this shit, there are other projects that are exploring what Statera first did, but better. Sta is dead.

>> No.20406503

Since you asked him, I will tell you too, I am up over 10k$ even though it is still over 90% down, thanks for asking, you won't get our bags idiot, but I will throw you few grans when it reaches 0.5$ at least.

>> No.20406587

Yeah man, just drop the act, you were not banned and you were treated with utmost respect like everyone is, just gtfo man

>> No.20406662

Bs. Balancer works smoothly, Delta token brings in good burn rates and the Phoenix fond is making me happy as fuck right now. Thank god for the good community on>>20403317
Telegram or i would have sold the bottom like a true bizraeli retard.

>> No.20406702

show wallet pajeet

>> No.20406717

what projects?

>> No.20406808

I actually feel sorry for John Doe now.
At first I thought he was just trying to subtly FUD in the TG in order to swing his stack a bit. Not the best way of going about things, but it happens, meh

But now I just think he's a bit stupid. He clearly believes STATERA is gonna go on to great things, yet he's claiming to sell his entire bag? LMAO


I don't know if he's just a child, or he's still LARPing in order to try and swing his stack - either way, it's getting beyond embarrassing for the man.

>> No.20406855

It's all about the Stonk now

>> No.20407160

big sta announcement today remember i said this gentlement around 5/6


>> No.20407260

what is it though

>> No.20407266

I was stupid for believing STA's motto that it is community driven. I was banned, my post were all deleted from reply windows. They unbanned after I complained. If you think telling people we are likely to see sub .01 while refund situation is handled, and people jump to make external profits as "subtle FUD" you are just as bad. Greed and lies is what caused people to be bag holding now. I did beleive in STA, but after the action of the team banning people for informing them on why and where price is going, its over. That is a sign for money grab, they are milking this ship to the ground. If you are down right now, just remember, treat that money like its in your hand, walk away with it. A runoff will happen by whales if we see slippage cost not worth risk. Alot of people have big bags with still great ROI. Be warned low is not in yet.

>> No.20407341
File: 99 KB, 847x793, 1594891557701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you get it, yet?
Why haven't you given up. It's been one month since the ATH and I have been telling you since then to sell. Why aren't you? Do you really believe the refund will save you and pump the price? No. Nothing will happen. Sell. Sell now and don't look back.

>> No.20407528

1$ EOY

>> No.20407568

Again, more nonsense.

You were saying we could see 0.004 at one point, that's a bit different to saying "we could likely see 0.01" haha. Your low predictions were getting lower with every post you made.

Statera definitely isn't a MOON ONLY group, there's been loads of discussion about price ups and downs.

Whatever, John. I wish you well in whatever you do next. All the best.

>> No.20408434
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>> No.20408550

Man, just let it go already, you can fud all you won't but there is nothing you can say that can't be disputed, gtfo man already

>> No.20408569

Don't change those IPs anon, just go

>> No.20409031

Hella lot of activity for a coin many people are calling dead. I think I’ve lost a spot in the top 40s this week.

>> No.20409842

At least you realize you are a nobody. That is truly all that matters

>> No.20409896

Well said. Or in other words he's a faggot

>> No.20409913

Not even close I just enjoy shitposting more than the next anon

>> No.20409942

Buy aleph

>> No.20410122

Statera is a total joke

>> No.20411116

Lowest prediction was .005 at that was on the premise a cascade flash sale happened because of multiple whales exiting. My prediction always was .015-.019 for last week and this week. Then down to /07-.01 until refund. I guess STA dumped earlier than expected. If I said that in chat now, you'll would praise me for my .015-.019 bullish prediction. What a Joke. Keep trying to squeeze money out of new people, not working well anymore. Keep killing whales, your beach is going to disgusting, noone wants to visist.

>> No.20411296

You seem very needy, John.
Like a child who needs constant attention.
You're not important enough, sorry. And making anti-Sta posts every day for the rest of your life and selling your entire stack ultimately won't make even the smallest bit of difference in the long-term.

All the best.

>> No.20411332

And yes, I realise I've just fed your attention-seeking by replying again, haha

>> No.20411345

I'm still holding
If I lose the money I invested in Statera I'll be fine. However if I sell now and it moons later I'll probably kill myself

>> No.20411385
File: 33 KB, 303x298, based2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought back in. The whitepaper was fucking amazing

>> No.20411389

You are a parental figure and should be telling no one any bedtime stories, ever.
I am glad you are not capable of giving birth.

>> No.20411430


Same person. Shit coin. And schizo bag holders

>> No.20411462

Alot more pools has also been created by others that have some good money in it

>> No.20411694

Welcome back

>> No.20412352

It looks great. Very professional, and the maths are outlined perfectly for any potential investors.

The team are working their balls off behind the scenes, this is plain for all to see

>> No.20412490

Ok, move on to buying Link at 9$, bye

>> No.20412995

STFU John u are schizo. Legit STA was fun ride few weeks ago. Move the fk on man. Unironically I took profits at .12 and put into CL. Guess what those profits are double, and STA down 95% kek. KYS john

>> No.20413031

Has any fundamentals changed?

>> No.20413072

Read the whitepaper. Released like 12 hours ago

>> No.20413106 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 620x400, 1594749221535 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you didnt buy stonk, lol the statera 2.0 dev exited scammed and disc guys are delusional lol 55k stonk for 1 ether and they ttrash talk statera lol pathetic

>> No.20413179

Nice reverse John, won't work this time faggot...

>> No.20413371






New Statera Wiki Site, Deleted old site and upgrade, come check us out we have , links to various balancer pools, general info, faqs, youtube videos and statera art, usefue links and guides

This Saturday we are starting a weekly prize pool if anyone is interested

>> No.20413641

Fuck off you schizo fk. You fks aren't putting statera in title trying to dodge filters. Your mom should have swallowed John

>> No.20413838
File: 221 KB, 1280x747, Statera chads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diamond hands baby. Thanos will return when the refund happens. You better be accumulating at these prices.

>> No.20413869

Will pump soon.

Easy 5x

>> No.20413955


they are lieing to you...when this go below .01 then what? spam moon? I give warning. They have lied to everyone. They are banning people from chats.

>> No.20414022

Fuck off pajeet no one likes you.

>> No.20414208 [DELETED] 

Fudders heavy today huh boys

glad i dumped STONK token, lol 60k stonk for 1 ether rip

>> No.20414250

You see guys, this kind of shit stains are only people fuding STA, same with chainlink and everything else...John are you bipolar?

>> No.20414285

Statera team is gonna refund 100k and balancer is refunding 400k. To show you guys how strong the devs and community is. Apart from this Statera balancers pools have over 130k pooled without the refund

>> No.20414337

CMC when?

>> No.20414433

I agree that you are giving realistic price predictions and you have said yourself that you expect price to rise after refund, so its a matter of waiting and being patient. You could be focusing on this positive aspect but instead of making out the project is completely dead when its not.

>> No.20414462
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>> No.20414587


>> No.20414607

Keen for refunds to Re-pool and start earning some BAL again.

>> No.20414657

To late. To money projects that make money, I was very emotionally and financially invested in STA. But as soon as team members with power tried to ban me for having discussions on how we could get past this stage of STA's life, I lost all faith. Thats all there is in this zerosum game of crypto. Can STA still hit $1 someday maybe. Will my stack personally end STA...NO. But all these microaggressions will eventually build up and suppress STA longer and longer. You lost a whale and supporter, and turned me into an antisupporter with all post FUD how im lying and just was fudding chat. I'll do everything ion my power to be in every post that pops up until my position is completely done.

>> No.20414707

Being banned form telegram is not end of world or project, thatch the thing about admins or mods in chatroom, all have own opinion and bias. theirs still disc, twitter, reddit, youtube groups. loosing faith because one mod dint like your statement does not reflect community as a whole. it does however in your case feel bad can see how it affects you

>> No.20414749

buy or sell, but crying about banned from telegram will not do much. buy or sell my friend if you feel that way.

>> No.20414811

Also your words " I'll do everything ion my power to be in every post that pops up until my position is completely done." that you said, sounds really pathetic. if you hold a bag and you want to fud but also want to your price to go up so you can sell, sounds off too me. do you understand what you are saying, if you are a real whale. you would wait for price to go up and sell, but you will also pop and fud every post in your own words. doesnt sound right. maybe your just a fud after all

>> No.20414865

Statera is their telegram. Reddit/Twitter profile is small. The majority of all internal and long term personnel reside in telegram. You can keep trying to gaslight me like I wasn't banned tempoary, or that its not a big deal to me. But my risk management is that simple. That member tried to silence realistic price discussions for what? Did it stop STA from dumping? Does everyone feel better just spamming rockets and bread? Even in the end, I'm still grateful for financial opportunity STA provided me. It was a pure idea, but people ruin projects sometime. I hope they change and see that banning OG supporters doesn't help. But not my project, only thing I can do is share information and control where my capital is placed.

>> No.20414921

I think you misunderstand my position. I have already made beyond resonable money in a month with STA. My position now is my chest for 2022. I personally won't market sell for slippage reasons, but morally I won't lies be told. Might be a shock to you, but not everything is about adding another dollar to your bank.

>> No.20414931

Ok that sounds good, but whales fud to lower price. Yet you said you are a whale and are going to fud. Makes no sense sir. maybe you should go to the hospital get yoursel checked out.

Whale wants to fud so he can sell his current bag at higher price??? = profit???

im sure you did get banned but yoru not fooling everyone. buy or sell.

>> No.20415003

Call me Fredick or whatever you want. I won't be acquiring a position no matter how far STA dumps. Me going into every post is to counter act the apparent silencing in telegram, so others don't get misguided with STA current trajectory.

>> No.20415063

yes, people who bought under 1 cent still holding.

>> No.20415130

>literally classic PnD that already dumped
>pool liquidated by pajeet exploit
>bag holder cope shit in every sta thread
it's literally fucking dead. just leave it.

>> No.20415238

>literally classic PnD that already dumped
First of its kind with working product*
>pool liquidated by pajeet exploit
Yes because balancer didnt fix it even when they knew about it
>bag holder cope shit in every sta thread
Bag holder cope shit in every biz thread*

>> No.20415315

sta can't refund the 100k if they wanted to, they don't even100k in their dev wallet and the donation wallets are pretty empty, das why they are w8ing for balancer to refund hoping the price will go up... wtf is gna make the price go up now? the dev wallet has luke 50k in it, is that enough? u guys make ur decision

I love sta been here since 0.005 but this team seems pretty crappy I c why ryan went to stonks and the STONK teamdevs there say the team was horrible

>> No.20415392

They are misdirecting people, and banning you in chat if you say anything that doesn't align with STA mooning to a dollar with 24 hours. Any all statements from them should be taken with a grain of salt. I would exercise extreme risk management at this point.

>> No.20415504

I was scrolling and saw this absolute COPE post. I considered ignoring it, but I had to fucking stop, comment and laugh at you pathetic loser. you got DUMPED on, your thanos was STRIPPED naked, you literally are a fucking cuck. how's that Balancer pool refund looking pussy nigguh?

fuck you and lmao at your fucking life. move on. maybe stop investing in literal scams.

>> No.20415519

Imagine being so autistic you say you got fake banned in telegram for days and before that only saying we are going to 0.0005

>> No.20415574

yep I see ppl getting banned all day for questioning anything & like 5 admins jump on them about it calling them fud this was such a good idea and I'd being let down by a completely unprofessional team so many red flags from the start can't believe I ignored them not even. fudin go in the main chat and ask about the refund see hw they respond lol lucky if u not banned

>> No.20415593

Bought day 3 and sold at .1 and never put anything in the pool. Bought today again. So i made more money with only that investment than you will ever make with your pajeet job.

>> No.20415599

Post screenshot where I said .005. Add the context, you are just gaslighting right now to try and silence me here.

>> No.20415659

Look at your own post retard. If you are going to fud then atleast do it good.

>> No.20415660

how did stonks get on cmc so quick but sta is still struggling and making videos with UpNext crypto they paid him $6000 and got scammed all his views comments likes FAKE

>> No.20415674

Stonks lol stonks

Stonks holders showed up?? Ryan not part of stonks lol

1 ether is 60k stonks lol I’m sure they’re doing good they’re dev exit scammed and told everyone to hodl lol

>> No.20415705

Lol your gaslighting is so sad. I said post the screenshot and add context. Maybe you are the mod, you dont read and just ban when number < 1$

>> No.20415731

Why are you still in these threads? You seem obsessed, literally every STA thread you come here telling you were banned and other bs.

>> No.20415749

I never said, keep trying to gaslight and hide.

>> No.20415767

It isn't $100k it is the STA that was in the balance pool at the time of the exploit

>> No.20415779

Someone on biz called him a faggot and he has been using low effort fud ever since

>> No.20415783
File: 37 KB, 887x213, stonk suicide squad alert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stonkers showed up

Let me guess deflation bad patch coin wait never mind deflation good we might or might not have in in our new coin that used to have it but now it doesn't have it bu it will have in the future. lol stonk devs dont know what they want lol remove deflation for quick fix add deflation back for quick fix lol pls answer this stonk holders???

>> No.20415798

Why not? I have more capital in STA then you do most likely. Why are you in this thread? Truth hurts, maybe pettion for mod to be removed who bans supporters from telegram for trying to have realistic predictions.

>> No.20415829
File: 84 KB, 895x519, stonk suicide squad alert 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much a daily in STONK DISCORDS AND TELEGRAM

daily discussions about statera, its all they talk about in STONK DISCORD AND TELEGRAM. but come out and say statera has nothing do with us and we are diffrent. Yet call it a sister project and their dev was statera holder and copied

>> No.20415853
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>> No.20415865


>> No.20415968

Well guys look like that got rid of the Stonk bag holders lol.

>> No.20416037

Why tf are anons still persisting with STA. Cut your losses and go in on MRDN by end of Sat and you'll make it all back.

>> No.20416114

The mrdn dev posted statera in some of this twitters hes bullish on sta,

>> No.20416125

it's 100k worth of STA my friend

>> No.20416159


>> No.20416200

There is none

>> No.20416317

BALANCER POOL had over 500k liquidity in Statera Index Fund.

The ratio was
20% Statera
20% Chainlink
20% Bitcoin
20% Ethereum
20% SNX

So um if you do simple math that leaves

100k Statera which statera devs refunding
400k Balancer Refund

if you need anymore hlep with math check out coolmath.org

>> No.20416344

Read this please


Im sure you brain can handle it

>> No.20416387

They are reimbursing the tokens that were in the pool, not the value. What kind of retarded fud is this supposed to be? Anyone that had money in the pool would know you are full of shit, anyone without money in the pool wouldn't care

>> No.20416461

You weren't banned idiot. Stop this BS FUD.

>> No.20416534

Ok you are wrong,

if you know anything

when you pool you get bpt

bpt represents value of the pool

do you understand know

when you pool 100 statera you dont keep statera you get bpt which represesnts value fo pool

so if pool has 500k and i pool 100k of stat or eth i will receive BPT equal to 20% of pool value understand now????

>> No.20416587

apologize math was wrong

if pool has 500k i pool 100k i will get

100/600 = bpt equal to value of .166666 percent of pool

>> No.20416601

>when you pool 100 statera
You would then have 20 STA + 4 other coins
You would get reimbursed 20 STA + 4 other coins

>> No.20416621

multiply .166666 x 600k equals = 100k my value pooled not tokens. because tokens are bought and sold by balancer. so you get bpt which represents value of pool

>> No.20416816

Please stop trying to gaslight. Just like my price predictions were fud. You can silence me in telegram, but not here.

>> No.20416896

You know you're onto a winner when people from another project can't stop talking about you, and one man who doesn't believe in the project any more also can't shut up about it.

I'm more bullish than ever on STATERA!

>> No.20417000

I know right our copycat token has daily threads talks about us lol

>> No.20417046

How does Uniswap actually work the automatic buy/sell walls order? I've been in SmallLovePotion tokens and the buy wall was 2x even 3x shallower than the sell wall.

>> No.20417987

do the math

>> No.20418034

Guess it’ll start when Balancer reimburses pools