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20399888 No.20399888 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the discussion and support of those anons who have accepted the Quest to become remote pentesters. I am OP, my email is OSCPanon at protonmail. You may contact me via email with any questions related to hacking professionally, or learning to do so.

Link to original guide (Path to Pentest - Anon's Quest):

Link to the last General thread:

So what are you doing to further your Quest this weekend anon? Here are some good resources and things you could start working on:

Free ebook downloads for several of the books I cover:

-Noob-friendly complete guide to OSCP content (with very helpful links):

-Another book recommendation and guide to the PWK training:

-IppSec (HtB walkthroughs):

Learn Linux (free courses from Harvard, Dartmouth, Redhat):

Learn Linux (Bandit - Over the Wire):

Learn Metasploit (free course from offensive security):

Learn Python (free course & codeacademy. added youtube source):
https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCCezIgC97PvUuR4_gbFUs5g (Corey Schafer channel)

Start creating your virtual lab with VirtualBox (Free):

Free Windows VMs from Microsoft:

Build your hacking OS (Kali & Parrot):

Vulnerable VMs to practice against:

Vulnerable lab & CTF community:

>> No.20399898

free Burp Suite course (Burp Suite is the no.1 tool for web app testing):

Other Resources (podcasts, tech reading, misc):
https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/36/ (great podcast. Ep.36 is about a pentest)
https://wheresmykeyboard.com/2016/07/hacking-sites-ctfs-wargames-practice-hacking-skills/ (collection of online CTF games)
http://ctf.infosecinstitute.com/ (CTFs for beginners)
more to come...

Link to Certification Info:
https://www.elearnsecurity.com/certification/ejpt/ (Junior Pentester Cert)
https://www.offensive-security.com/information-security-certifications/oscp-offensive-security-certified-professional/ (OSCP - The ultimate goal of aspiring pentester)

Thanks to everyone who replied to my email with the guide. My protonmail inbox is now a beacon of hope. I really appreciate your warm regards, and your positivity proves to me this is going to be a worthwhile venture.

Monetization section (updates soon):

Bug bounty site (hack large companies and websites for bounty rewards):

Hackerone also runs this site, which is for learning:

As always any questions are welcome, and I will answer them as soon as I can throughout the day. If you want to discuss other remote work opportunities in tech, outside of hacking, that is fine too. And anyone who wants to chime in with advice on such a topic is welcome to join in.

You got this anons!

>> No.20400287

I noticed a few anons looking for the IRC lately. I'm not running one any longer, but a few anons started a new one here: pentestrvzliacvo.onion/6667

I made this thread because I've seen that there's been some activity looking for the IRC, these threads, and myself. I'll be honest, I'm just too busy to do many of these threads or keep up the old server.

I'll stop by when I can, and I hope the archives provide enough incentive for you all to make it. I'll be here for a few hours tonight taking Qs like we used to do.