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File: 43 KB, 990x500, derin-cag-vitalik-buterin-ethereum1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2039987 No.2039987 [Reply] [Original]

>Ask an ETHcuck to make a single example of a circumstnce in which they would need a smart contract to run
>no answer

Can't wait for the bubble to pop

>> No.2039991


>> No.2039992

Says incredibly nervous man for the 10th time this year. When will it pop anon? Tomorrow? Next year? 5 years from now? Are you just gonna move the goalposts each time and laugh when it does finally happen?

>> No.2040001


Driverless cars was my idea. The possibilities are endless

>> No.2040002

you dont understand dude, this is a new kind of a economy. its a totally different paradigm away from the old ways. its not a bubble, its a revolution.

>> No.2040010

>markets are irrational forever
gr8 b8 m8

>my 20 bucks became 60 therefore I am waiting here patiently to become a millionaire
stop making all of us cryptofolks look bad you fucking pajeet niggers.
Noticed how there's literally no argument in your post? Notice how you ETHcucks still can't find a reason why I would have to use a smart contract to do any kind of job or transaction that I couldn't do otherwise with any other currency? You don't, because you're bubble-baby.

Driverless cars don't even need a blokckchain, let alone a smart contract

>you dont understand dude, this is a new kind of a economy
nice meme
>it's a totally different paradigm away from the old ways. its not a bubble, its a revolution.
That's cryptocurrency, not smart contracts. They are literally fucking useless and only a meme word to meme nigger into spending their welfare bucks to make Niggerlik richer. Daily reminder your prophet and saviour sold a good chunk of his own ETH when it was 20 dollars. Not even he believes in his own shitty meme currency.

>> No.2040013

Fuck off I created self driving tech.This shit is gonna make me rich once it picks up

>> No.2040014
File: 229 KB, 800x800, 1482280504517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETHcuck here being rich enough to not care about you
aahhhh it feels good

>> No.2040025

>still no use case for a smart contract that is not possible and even easier without it
you ETHneets are so fucking delusional it's not even funny, but keep telling yourself you are rich. Every tulipan nigger thinks that before the crash.

>> No.2040034

I like edgeless for a straightforward example that's easy enough to follow. Simple high low - contract is created with player number selection and choice of generator, number drawn and funds transferred from loser. Good why? Nobody's system needs to be trusted with the deal, we don't need to deposit to the cas and trust them with it, or even some kind of trusted middle man, the deal is a deal.

>> No.2040054
File: 151 KB, 802x1114, MyBit System.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2040083
File: 9 KB, 341x341, 1493279665652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has never been another coin like ETH. You're delusional. ETH has reached 35% of bitcoins market cap in two months and is stable as fuck. You're in for a big surprise sunshine.

>> No.2040092

>There has never been another coin like ETH
There's tons you fucking nigger, and all of them are better. Some examples? ETC and UBQ. But that's pointless to mention because smart contracts in general are fucking useless.

>. ETH has reached 35% of bitcoins market cap in two months and is stable as fuck. You're in for a big surprise sunshine.
holy shit you are serious aren't you? Can't wait for your bagholder tears when ti goes back to 10 dollars.

>> No.2040106
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>> No.2040111

>says increasingly nervous pajeet
ETHcucks have literally 0 arguments, it's fucking mind boggling

>> No.2040122

One problem. Inflation will go forever.

>> No.2040672

Examples of smart contracts:

1. Bank accounts with embedded instructions
2. Replacing legal-ese with computer code

>> No.2040694

Give me one example of what can be done with the motorcar that we cant already do with horses. Henry ford is a cuck

>> No.2040710

Smart contracts seem like a stupid idea until you decide to buy a house. Then you might wonder, hold on, why am I paying 8% of a 300k purchase in fees for something computers on the blockchain could do much faster and seamlessly.

It's entirely possible Ethereum crashes and burns, but the idea behind it has merit.

>> No.2040725

Eleminating the middleman
protip: dont become a middleman in the future like a bank assistant or any other type of authority position. They will wreck

>> No.2040800

For example gambling
Fair ponzi schemes

Locking up money for around a year (or ... many blocks)

Distributing money equally towards investors of whatever smartcontract/token

Decentralized exchanges

Decentralized games with a stake

>> No.2040809

Which has it's downsides but also it's upsides.

The upside is that it's predictable and will secure the network, BTC might have some problems 51% attacks once all blockrewards are mined, transaction fees might not be enough.
Fiat inflation isn't predictable, which also is annoying, especially if shit like in Venezuelea/Zimbabwe happens or a light version of it

Butt I prefer no inflation too, so I like Waves

>> No.2040826

epic thread

>> No.2040835
File: 429 KB, 399x614, 32F056E4-E648-46E7-A59C-12FB62435869-12146-00000AF147F3392A_tmp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
