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File: 4 KB, 275x183, bancor bnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20396877 No.20396877 [Reply] [Original]

If Bancor v2 is successful what will be the price of BNT?

>> No.20396921

Less than 1 BTC, but more than 1 USTD.

>> No.20396927
File: 66 KB, 1368x228, Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 12.48.17 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$20 within a year, especially with current sentiment around DeFi. But you won't be selling because the profits from staking will be too attractive.

>> No.20396966

What kind of ROI are you expecting from staking?

>> No.20397333

Fucking tons.

>> No.20397630

make it stack?

>> No.20397653

9.5k BNT enough?

>> No.20397692

enough for what? dyor, you don't need anons spoonfeeding you random numbers to make you feel better. Figure out the problem Bancor solves, the potential market size, the profit drivers of the token, and then decide for yourself how much money you want to make.

>> No.20397698

Excited for the rollout. Will link staking be available at launch? This was never covered anywhere that I am aware?

>> No.20397728
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$55 EOY

>> No.20397736

>But you won't be selling because the profits from staking will be too attractive.
I'm balls deep in BNT but this anon is talking out of his ass. Staking will settle around 6%.
This is of course after the price shoots up
Technically staking could start out to be extremely lucrative, but within a few weeks (maybe days) it will correct itself to roughly 6%

>> No.20397751




>> No.20397799

is it true americans won’t be able to stake

>> No.20397810

They seem to be announcing every pair as it is confirmed (KNC, REN, ENJ) so my guess is no. You would think LINK would have to be one of the early pairs soon, with LINK putting out the blog post and all.
6% is fucking tons for me, with 40k BNT at $20.

>> No.20398146

$15-20 by November. $100+ in one year.

>> No.20398168


I have seen link pump to $8.60 and 3 billion market cap. BNT is so undervalued it is insane. I will say this if V2 comes out end of this month we should see $20 before this year is out because defi is on fire right now and Bancor's is arguably the most important lynchpin in all of defi.

>> No.20398200


Fuck man $6 or 7 billion seems insane but seeing where LINK is now maybe not. Defi triggering actual bull run?

>> No.20398249

how often is staking rewarded though?

>> No.20398291

>De-Fi is primed for a major capital injection
What did Chainlink mean by this?

>> No.20398336


Not sure but I feel like if you hold BNT you win either way a lot of that Chainlink money will flow in I think once LINK staking goes live.

>> No.20398371

It means that Chainlink themselves think that what Bancor have built will set the groundwork for "traditional markets" to get involved with liquidity provision. That's not just billions in capital inflows to DeFi, that means an entire DEX ecosystem with billions in flexible liquidity and next to no slippage. In a years time we could be talking about CEXes like we talk about AOL.

>> No.20398546

Can you link the chain link article on bnt, i cant find it with my piss poor google skills

>> No.20398556

get hype

>> No.20398568


>> No.20398572


>> No.20398594

based, thanks anons

>> No.20398691


Holy fuck thanks anon i never thought about it like that. Do you think in a perfect world where everything goes smooth BNT has even more potential long term upside than chainlink?

From a market cap standpoint??? I remember reading some blog post about Bancor ecosystem potentially allowing institutional money to get their feet wet in defi. mind=blown

>> No.20398744

Anons I currently have a bag of DMG. Which do you guys think have more upside potential between BNT and DMG?

>> No.20398789


BNT and its not even fucking close. Majority of /biz has no idea how big V2 is gonna be. This is potentially the biggest event in the history of DeFi and investing the potentially the project leading the hype train will have massive rewards.

>> No.20398797

I am unironically dumping all my DMG for more BNT tomorrow after the OKEx listing, i bought in at 55c
heres my wallet im not larping 0x1B77d61547eDD05dE1498Ec3d526B6B446ce4B2e

do with this information what you want.
>inb4 poorfag
i have my LINKies on another wallet.

>> No.20398846
File: 274 KB, 1720x660, Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 11.20.48 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think in a perfect world where everything goes smooth BNT has even more potential long term upside than chainlink?
>From a market cap standpoint???
No, but that's only because of how fucking enormous Chainlink is going to be. Chainlink is really on a completely different tier to anything else, including the L1s.
But I think given Bancor's currently relatively low cap it could have a better 6 months to a year in terms of gains. But that all depends on if Chainlink decides to go berserk and go to $100, which might happen, who knows.

The blog post mentions "investment funds" and "much larger liquidity providers" being attracted to DeFi through Bancor. For Chainlink to say that is incredibly significant. They don't waste words and they don't speculate wildly.

>> No.20398867

Yes that’s what I thought too. 100m mc is a joke and max supply is all out too. Will probably ride the DMG train till the end of this week, hopefully they announce the CEX and mAssets integration by then

>> No.20398873

newfag here

How the fuck do you store BNT or LINK? I've got a Trezor One and it won't accept shit.

>> No.20398890

Based realistic anon for once. Too many times I see people saying their preferred altcoin will outperform LINK 100%, and it turns me off of every argument they've made before, because i realize they're actually stupid

But you're being genuine. It is quite possible LINK goes berserk and hits $100 before October.
That being said, BNT is worth having your feet dipped in for sure.

>> No.20398924

They're both Ethereum (ERC) tokens anon, you will be able to store them in your Ethereum wallet on your Trezor.

>> No.20398941

What Ethereum wallt on the trezor? It doesn't even come up.

>> No.20398966

As bullish as I am on BNT, I'm still 80% LINK 20% BNT which is the most I would ever diversify out of LINK at this point.

>> No.20398978

its really not hard anon. i know youre a newfag but you cant expect us to spoonfeed you things that have thorough documentation upon purchase.
if you can't figure it out, you really shouldnt be investing.

>> No.20399006

Looks like you'll need the Trezor Beta wallet.

>> No.20399017

10k stack enough?

>> No.20399031

Yeah im 83% LINK and 17% alts right now.
going to be 11% BNT and 6% another shitcoin thats not worth pissing in your thread about
We're gonna make it

>> No.20399088
File: 105 KB, 960x1280, donotbuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not buy this satsgang pnd shitcoin.
Audit failed and the price will tank back down to $0.20. Team is buying time to dump their bags on the market before announcing.
I strongly and emphatically repeat -- Do not buy BNT.

>> No.20399103
File: 308 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20399487

literally no one is talking about it yet so how can it be a PnD

>> No.20399729

He posts it in every BNT thread, even how few of them there are for how big this will be. It’s bad fud.

>> No.20399807
File: 76 KB, 852x480, bnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is obvious pajeet tier fud.
Buy or stay poor.

You've been warned.