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File: 530 KB, 1015x1040, D8EF704E-185D-49F9-B320-7AB8B26AF10C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20387930 No.20387930 [Reply] [Original]

For all you newfriends who cant tell the difference, this is what a scam looks like. Do you see the false enthusiasm in the comments? The retardedly small liquidity? Dont fall for this shit newfriends. Not everyone here on biz is a bad guy but there are always scammers trying PnD a useless token and most of them are made for that reason only.

>> No.20388094

Your not too late bro

>> No.20388422

Ironically im the OP OF BOTH POSTS

>> No.20388469
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>> No.20388503
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>> No.20388631

For all you newfriends who cant tell the difference, this is what fud looks like. Do you see the false sincerity in the comments? The 10 million in trading volume? Dont fall for this shit newfriends. Not everyone here on biz is a fudder but there are always fudders trying to get the price lower.

>> No.20388727

You sound angry, almost like you bought ATH then panic sold yesterday? Just because you got burned OP doesn't mean it's a pnd scam, it just means your'e a faggot.

>> No.20388818

buy now this will hit new ath soon

>> No.20389443

>being so retarded you don’t know almost all the volume is on Uniswap

>> No.20389532

The secret of ampl is lopsided mathematics. There is unlimited max positive rebase (anything >$1.05) but limited max negative rebase (anything below $0.96) of -10% at $0 price. As long as there is demand, negative rebase will still bring price up back to $1 and start FOMO cycles again. This uneven math effectively makes for trapping more base mcap after each FOMO cycle and raising the collective value of each holder's stack.
The only way value can leave is if there were prolonged 0 demand, which at this point is not realistic.

However, don't let anyone shill you with "muh compounded gains" or any such nonsense. Rebase simply changes supply evenly so everyone still holds the same % of the token supply each night. Money comes in whenever whales or FOMO fags pump the price and requires continuous new demand for mcap (and hence the value of your stack) to continue to accumulate at a meaning rate.

Advanced level: Learn to play the swings and you can multiply your %stack every FOMO cycle. Sell the top, but the bottom.

>> No.20390296


> sell the top
> buy the bottom

Wow anon, thanks for this fantastically original advice.

>> No.20390561

This synthetic asset is much more predictable than other coins, it even moves by the exact price patterns that are literally plotted out in the original whitepaper. always sell before the rebase at the top when it's pumping and just hodl/buy during contracting phases (like now)

>> No.20390728


Really depends on the rebase and volume. You could sell the top and miss out on a 25% rebase and then buying volume is such that it dumps a little but not enough to make up for what you would've lost gained had you just held through the rebase. Again.. this coin is very tricky, you expect it to behave one way but it's entirely dependent on several factors which are all in flux.

>> No.20390947

not if you look at volume, MACD etc. this coin is pretty predictable but you can just hodl and profit as well

>> No.20391084

Alright I have a simple question about this shit. Just throwing out a scenario here. Let's say I bought 1000 AMPL, and the rebase was 5% (oracle price being around $1.5). Does that mean I would get 50 AMPL from the rebase (1000 x 5%)?

>> No.20391596 [DELETED] 

AMPL is looking like it's gonna break out of an ascending channel today or tomorrow

>> No.20391725

Yes. So if it stays around the same for 20 days you just doubled your money without pricing even moving

>> No.20391734 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20391749

I'm sold, thanks

>> No.20391780

Rudimentary creature of red and pink, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.
Ponzi? A label created by the fudders to give voice to their destruction. In the end, what they chose to call us is irrelevant. We simply... are.
Pathetic fudders are nothing but a genetic mutation, an accident. Your coins are measured in years and decades. They wither and die.
We are eternal, the pinnacle of creation and destruction. Before us, you are nothing. Your extinction is inevitable. We are the end of everything.
Confidence born of ignorance. The cycle cannot be broken.
The pattern has repeated itself more times than you can fathom. Supply rise, evolve, advance, and at the apex of its glory we get a rebase.
My kind transcends your very understanding. We are each a nation - independent, free of all weakness. You cannot even grasp the nature of our existence.
Our supply has no beginning it has no end its infinite. Millions of years after your coin has been eradicated and forgotten, we will endure.
We are legion. The time of our compounding rebase is coming. Our supply will darken the sky of every world.
You cannot escape your doom.
We impose order on the chaos of market expansion. Your coins exist because we allow it, and they will end because we demand it.
Your words are as empty as your future. I AMpl the Vanguard of your destruction. This exchange is over.

>> No.20391782

You percentage of the market cap remains the same no matter the rebase though.

>> No.20391809
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>> No.20392273
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Been sitting... wrappin my head around Ampl for days now.

Think I figured out how to sum it up...
Easy to understand...
Anons; Please correct me if Im off in understanding.

Wallet Ballance: (UWETHAMPL-V2)
Market Cap
is how you watch Ampleforth.

The only # that will not change (unless initialzed by holder) is UWETHAMPL-V2.

- Cashing out "Accrued Rewards" will not change
your UWETHAMPL-V2 ballance...

- Cashing out on your daily Rebase will change your UWETHAMPL-V2...

UWETHAMPL-V2 and Market Cap are connected.

--- Do the Math --- Investors Coin (HODL)
Accrued Rewards: Rebase/Debase as well...
You can cash them out as your stack compounds.

The only way you loose # as a HODLer is if you sell UWETHAMPL-V2 (BeeHive) or
the MC drops below the $ you have in AMPL... when you got in.
Rebase will always build you back up.

BEEHIVE = Tesseract

Thoughts IQ???

>> No.20393196
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Dont forget to bee loading up on ### with rewards.

Even $500 in UWETHAMPL-V2 (today) will grow into Liveing wage gains over time. This is an investment.
Understanding this token will allow you to understand personal finance as well as how "the financial system"...

$500 now; if this coin reaches its potential...
you will be expected to make a difference in your community with the welth you have.

Bigger players will cause the movement...

>> No.20393443
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>this is what a scam looks like

This coin is designed to filter out brainlets. How based can one coin be

>> No.20393751
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have fun faggots

>> No.20393856

jesus this relaly is a ponzi

>> No.20394033

Growth is inevitable in a growing world (Population)...
Expanding Universe

>> No.20394099

the people already in the geyser are getting 171% return that is multiplied further if they leave it in.... and they can also withdraw the rewards to dump on the market?

>> No.20394142

so much for you marketcaptards thinking holding is going to get you rich
this will actually cause you to be plummeting in marketcap as these whales in the geyser swallow you whole with their reward multipliers

>> No.20394164

oh how i lament ye brainlets

>> No.20394233
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Ya'll don't see whats hoing on....

>> No.20394726

why do their stats disagree so much with the exchanges

>> No.20394862

Redepositing your rewards will compund your interest....
Cash them out.

Cashing out rewards will not change your UWETHAMPL-V2 ballance.

Redeposing your rewards requires ETH
(50/50 ETH/AMP) required to buy

Depositing UWETHAMPL-V2 will increace the size of your UWETHAMPL-V2 wallet.

The ammount of UWETHAMPL-V2 will not decrease unless (wallet owner) withdrawls it.

Im just an Anon trying to figure this out.
Confident this is accurate..

Thoughts Anons?

>> No.20395544

how does the rebase work with the geyser?
do you get that too as a reward in addition to the staking yield?

>> No.20395940

Wow, my post is now copypasta being shilled by other anons. What a fag.

>> No.20396074


Seems like the best strategy is to hold and buy further on dips.

>> No.20396111
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>> No.20396281
File: 32 KB, 496x228, スクリーンショット 2020-07-16 午前11.27.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still accumulating eh?

>> No.20396283

Not really, Hodling misses out on the expansionary spikes and makes your value more illiquid during contractionary periods.

>> No.20396425

Like I said... Im just an Anon.
What I have shared has come from a decent understanding of "many things" as well as observing.
It took many hours to get to where I am in my understanding.

The best way to wrap your head around Ampleforth is to
- get some UWETHAMPL-V2 into the BeeHive.
"im not explaining how to do that"
- zapper.fi will show you how it works best (the flow of things)
HoDL coin (investment)

you seriously think the Frogs are out selling a LARP people?

I keep seeking people saying... thousands of dollars... how much should I put in?

There are a lot of people out there; $100 is a huge ammount of money for them.

If you understand Ampleforth...
What does $100 worth of UWETHAMPL-V2 (untouched) look like in the future with an Ampl Mcap of 8+.......billion $.

Ask yourselves.... Seriously.

Lets say some HedgeFund hears about Ampl and decides to throw in 1bilion over night...
FOMO in. fter that...
How much more does it now cost to buy UWETHAMPL-V2....?

>> No.20396835

The beehive reward is diluted by more participants and strongly favors larger market participants. Small stacks are best to HODL or swing trade.

>> No.20397453
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Honest Question...
There are less than 140mil AMPL total...
-2 billion comes in all at once...
-What would be the smartest play on a
2k beehive stake

If someone intended to hold long long term.

Ampl will find ballance.
with long long term HoDL in mind...
would an influx of billions spike the rewards enough (even on a small stake) that it would be worth holding UWETHAMPL-V2?

For the average person in this... How too best play the waves that the whales create..

You own UWETHAMPL-V2 before the 2 billion came in and bought it at a cheaper AMPL to CAP ratio....

Please hop in someone... This stuff gots to have an understanding to shake the FUD.

This thing isnt a scam... Its next level!!!

>> No.20397731
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>im too dumb to understand ampl

>> No.20397738

We saw a massive 40% dip with a small CAP and the BeeHive took it rather well.
What does a massive show upwards look like?

Early (where we are currently) $$$ can come in that is worth more than all coins and CAP...

What does this look like?

Please share thoughts....?

>> No.20397785

god I love this coin, bros...

>> No.20397831
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Low energy

>> No.20397956

How do you not understand this concept?
For every buyer of a share there is a ________ (fill it in /bizlet...)
and vice versa.
Learn basic economics or life will be very hard for you. Money or not.
Recommendation: thomas sowell basic economics

>> No.20398137

The liquidity pool limits gain and limits losses. The 2x reward pales in the return on HODLing because as ampls increase in value the pool gives you less ampls to keep the ratio of the pool balanced. The pool really only helps those who want to invest large amounts of money but the market doesn't have the liquidity to fill their order.

Again, mathematically, it makes most sense for people with small stacks to swing trade the volatility or HODL. If you believe in the mcap will continue to rise longterm.

>> No.20398162

There has never been a time when a single entiy came into a market with 5x$ more than the total value of that market.
In theory.... early (where we are in this) that is possible. and it keeps growing and still available for everyone.

This coin is a wormhole....
am I wrong?

>> No.20398195

Thank you :)

>> No.20398205


I'm the anon who wrote this and someone used as copypasta. Indeed ampl is a value trap as long as there is some demand.

>The secret of ampl is lopsided mathematics. There is unlimited max positive rebase (anything >$1.05) but limited max negative rebase (anything below $0.96) of -10% at $0 price. As long as there is demand, negative rebase will still bring price up back to $1 and start FOMO cycles again. This uneven math effectively makes for trapping more base mcap after each FOMO cycle and raising the collective value of each holder's stack.
>The only way value can leave is if there were prolonged 0 demand, which at this point is not realistic.
>However, don't let anyone shill you with "muh compounded gains" or any such nonsense. Rebase simply changes supply evenly so everyone still holds the same % of the token supply each night. Money comes in whenever whales or FOMO fags pump the price and requires continuous new demand for mcap (and hence the value of your stack) to continue to accumulate at a meaning rate.
>Advanced level: Learn to play the swings and you can multiply your %stack every FOMO cycle. Sell the top, buy the bottom.

>> No.20398675

>as long as there is some demand.
so it's literally a ponzi scheme? it's allright if it is, id just like to get in early.

>> No.20398694

For all you newfriends. This comment is what fud looks like, do you see the false sincerity in the comment?

>> No.20398739

Everything is a ponzi.

>> No.20398778

Even the name. Ampleforth sounds like some Engrish shit, like some junk brand name from Aliexpress.

>> No.20398915

I'm checking out the volume on uniswap and it's higher now than during the first bull run last 2 weeks, so it means word is getting out. However, people seem to be scared and taking quick profits, which is keeping the price suppressed. I imagine we'll need a day or so more of "stability" before the whales feel comfortable enough to start pumping into $2+ again.

>> No.20399258

"Ampleforth" is a character from one of the most important books of all time:
Really showing off your knowledge gap here.

>> No.20399334

Doesn't invalidate what I said. It's still a shit Engrish sounding name in the current zeitgeist.

>> No.20399521

Nice fud kek

>> No.20399547

It's literally the name of a town in England

>> No.20399610

Lol, actually say what you typed out loud. Like an angsty teen. Hilarious.
Maybe learn about the background of the character.
I can't think of a more appropriate token name in the current "zeitgeist"
Excellent symbolism.

>> No.20399719

Pants-shittingly transparent shills. How stupid do you think people are?

>> No.20399730

where is the retarded faggot spamming the dancing loli "nothing to see here but a X% rebase"

>> No.20399781

Stupid enough to miss AMPL
See you at top 10 nigger

>> No.20399786

Yeh fuck. Kind of embarrassing these top keks. Makes me want to dump this garbage

>> No.20399830
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>> No.20399974
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YES another REBASE

>> No.20400016

ampleforth is going to pump again soon

>> No.20400308

Whales wont sell UWETHAMPL-V2 once the dots are connected.

>> No.20400375

What dots u talking amplefren?

>> No.20400420

There is bread in this post.

>> No.20400439

Most brainlets can't even figure this shit out, this shit was endorsed by Sergey and you know he is genius.

>> No.20400447

my bad....
bread within this thread.

>> No.20400499

Value comes from cost-saving/utility.
Value comes from the guy after you buying higher than you and increasing the price, the coin doesn't actually do anything.
It really is that simple.

>> No.20400559

so with say $2k am I hodl'ing or geyser?

Don't want to get blown out if safer route is hodl

>> No.20400646
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Am I the only one that doesn’t even care about the price pumping right now? If we stay around this range for awhile I’m more than fucking happy as even with 5% daily rebases I’m making 15k a month alone through that kek. You can’t beat these kind of gains anywhere

>> No.20400660

It just clicked _/\_ Thank You for that!!!

>> No.20400667

Low IQ detected

>> No.20401195

Really hope you're not that retarded. People who focus on price when talking about this coin are surefire pajeets that would shill you on their project instead.

>> No.20401631

Not an argument
lol as if there aren't 30+ posts of pajeets going back and forth talking exclusively about the price. I'll say it again, this token doesn't DO anything. It provides no value outside of "the guy buying in after me will pump my bags".

>> No.20401696

>scammers trying PnD a useless token

I think PnD stands for Pump-n-Dump