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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20377542 No.20377542 [Reply] [Original]

>Mr. Dobatse, now 32, said he had been charmed by Robinhood’s one-click trading, easy access to complex investment products, and features like falling confetti and emoji-filled phone notifications that made it feel like a game. After funding his account with $15,000 in credit card advances, he began spending more time on the app.

>As he repeatedly lost money, Mr. Dobatse took out two $30,000 home equity loans so he could buy and sell more speculative stocks and options, hoping to pay off his debts. His account value shot above $1 million this year — but almost all of that recently disappeared. This week, his balance was $6,956.

>> No.20377579

who cares about black boomers when we have ALL OR NOTHING shitcoins like Suterusu? seriously. either the protocol works and gets adopted and you get MEGA RICH from like $3k, or you lose lunch money.

worth it.

>> No.20377649
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>Used credit card advances to gamble with

>> No.20377752

low interest rate policy has made it so that you basically NEED to be in the stock market to have any hope of escaping inflation, still, watch them scrambling with stupid bullshit gambling addict articles, to prevent the lower classes from being able to buy stocks

>> No.20377861

>what are boomer rocks

>> No.20377874

he had $1 million and didn't cash out? this is why poor people are poor. they're dumb. i'm sick of this liberal faggot bullshit of giving them more money to be more retarded. fuck niggers, fuck women, and fuck kikes.

>> No.20378275

Oh no, this guy in his 30s with kids finally gets taught a lesson about planning ahead and how actions have consequences. Can you believe it took him so long to reach this point? Is that what they call “jogger privilege”.

>> No.20378446

Governments still own the majority of the world's reserves of boomer rocks, and they have fucking international agreements of how much they should dump to suppress the market, and then if needed still go beyond with gold leasing.

>> No.20378479


> trying to push blame

>> No.20378512


The amount of b

>> No.20378551


The amount of based is impeccable.

>> No.20378653

Had he cashed out while he was ahead and payed down debt he would be considered a smart guy by the NYT and he would be bragging to his friends. Instead he went to way of the dumbass and it’s now someone else’s fault.

>> No.20378706

He never had a million, he's saving face.

>> No.20378792

He did have a million. I was contacted by his barrister and we made a deal to have it deposited to my bank account. Fuck off /biz/ eyes rich now!

>> No.20378894

Can’t you at least archive the article? Ain’t paying to read about dumb joggers.

>> No.20379058

Yes, before Robinhood and Crypto the barrier to entry was high enough to deter absolute retards like this guy from gambling their entire life savings and credit line away. However I don't feel too bad for him. The problem is that between the zoomer who became an hero and this faggot crying to the media the government is probably going to tighten regulations soon

>> No.20379249

Reminds me of the days when you needed to have some smarts to get on the Internet and this filtered out the retards. Today anyone with a smartphone can get online.

>> No.20379431

these articles are all coordinated fud against robinhood
the legacy NYC firms don't want californian competition to their racket, this is laying the groundwork for inevitable legislation against robinhood and zero fee trading accounts for non institutional investors, to protect the children of course

also everyone seems to miss the point this retard actually made almost 1 mil on boomerstonxs doing about a 10x
not bad in the given time frame, jsut always remember to sell before the dump

>> No.20379573

>an emoji made me take out $45k in loans to gamble on options
>somehow actually had $1mil
>loses it all like a retard
Niggers truly have no sense of responsibility or self awareness. I love how RH removes retards from their undeserved easy street wealth and forces them into bankruptcy

>> No.20379660

>cracking down on securities


>> No.20379670
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This is bad how? Not everyone can nor should make it big on stonks. It's for the high IQ gang only

>> No.20379702

fucking indians

>> No.20379759
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This. Or the SRO is going to tighten up rules on brokers. Robinhood eliminated features because of the an hero retard who actually made a profit, if only he understood what he was doing.

>> No.20380199

Wasn’t there once a time when it was just embarrassing to publicly state what an idiot you were? Where have those days gone?

>> No.20380232

a free market in trading is good and does what you say you want it rewards the intelligent at the expanse of the stupid as what happened with this guy

putting up government roadblocks to entry doesn't give rewards to the intelligent it steals from all to give to the political connected
without robinhood and the drive towards low fees you too will be paying much higher fees
or worse you will be barred from trading at all unless you pay for an institutional account
which main purpose is to set a price floor below which it is unprofitable to trade thus preventing any plebs like us from ever making it

>> No.20380272

These morons just funnel anyone with an IQ over 80 their money. I'm completely OK with this.

>> No.20380352

>I love how RH removes retards from their undeserved easy street wealth and forces them into bankruptcy

I hope you don't hold decent cryptos, cause that is top hypocrite attitude. You're just mad cause he's a google.

>> No.20380494

Where have you been? The US is one of the most cucked countries for retail investors