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20376189 No.20376189 [Reply] [Original]

I'm giving a heads up to all you pajeets FOMO in BZX you are about to get dumped on by early investors so hard you'd shit bricks!

Heed my words!

>> No.20376240

they should have dumped yesterday. either youre a retard or full of shit kek

>> No.20376301
File: 61 KB, 1024x798, 06e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st dump happened on release now round 2 incoming get ready to get nuked back to hell bro. Don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.20376387

you're full of shit

>> No.20376410
File: 885 KB, 667x936, onsenmoon3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, it's dumping upwards

>> No.20376454
File: 25 KB, 600x584, lk8yn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm just doing my duty and warning all you fellow biz brothers before getting dumped on and asking why do you always lose money.

Screencap this and thank me later you bought the dip. It'll will pump after the Round 2 dump

>> No.20376533

Fud is bullish. Nice try to accumulate more.

>> No.20376662
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x898, 1593905648022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Said everyone that bought the release after because project was getting fuded and now they got their bags at 0.5$. I warned everyone about Round 1 dump and who didn't listen got rekt. Enjoy getting dumped on pajeet

>> No.20376986

if you buy this shit token, you deserve to stay poor.
Hacked, still millions of tokens to be dumped by presalers and bots

>> No.20376988

people buying this are plain retarded.

>> No.20377018

haha you missed to buy the bottom now bZx goes brrrr

>> No.20377071


Lmao what bottom? 0.12$ you think thats the bottom? When presalers bought at 0.005$? Hahahaha get ready to get dumped on so hard you'd punch yourself for believing your own retarded shilling Round 2 incoming I'll buy after you pajeets get dumped on and make a 5x from the bottom while you poor fags stay poor

>> No.20377125


Worried about buying into a project that did a 2x on listing (ignoring the frontrunner)

Most projects list 5x-10x and still pump hard and here you are worried about buying into a 2x

I bought in at 13c

Sitting comfy

>> No.20377261


I'll buy your bag at 2-3c after you get dumped on

>> No.20377290

I’ll sell you some at 20c and then some more at 30c

Stay poor or post proof it’s dumping to those levels

>> No.20377345

hope so, hadn't finished dumping all my eth into when it reversed

>> No.20377393

Suck my balls and see you at 50 cents Rajeev

>> No.20378144


140M tokens at 0.005$ and you pajeets buling up at 12-15c lmao check etherscan and see how many of the initial buyers are still holding getting ready to dump on you pajeets

>> No.20378244


It was already at 50c lmao all these bag holders got rekt now you will get rekt so hard you'll learn to listen next time

>> No.20378399

Presalers bought at 0.014

This shit is trading at 10x from that and some people bought North of 0.30

It will easily come as low as $0.07 if you ask me

>> No.20378536

mooning pretty hard

>> No.20378607
File: 64 KB, 1023x716, depositphotos_98319062-stock-photo-laughing-man-closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not buying ETH at $3 just because presalers bought at $0.3

Have some long-term vision, this is the next COMP

>> No.20378784


Are you comparing this shitcoin to ETH you dumb ass pajeet? LMAO long term vision? You mean after that 860M tokens get unlocked and they dump on your fucking asses even more down 2c? Enjoy getting poorfag

>> No.20378956


You mean that Round 1 dump from 50c to 13c? Yeah sure did moon enjoy your 2c profit then get dumped on by folks that bought 100M tokens at 0.014$

>> No.20379028

I don't think your fudding to accumulate you just seem really misinformed and retarded. You stated your case now move on. The future will tell if you were correct or incorrect.

>> No.20379034

so $1mil worth of tokens?
>wow big dump
this is a 100mil defi project, easily

>> No.20379867


Why would I accumulate a shitcoin going down to 2c just trying to help my fellow pajeets from becoming bag holders

>> No.20380783

2cents, imagine thinking this in the 2020 defi bullmarket

>> No.20381147

The intensity of OPs salt is bullish, bought another 10k

>> No.20381516

Yes this project is shit

Please dump into my 10c buy orders

>> No.20382089

I bought the ICO. I am made the mistake not selling 25% of my stack at .40.

I am not dumping at 10 fucking cents.

>> No.20382578

Just got back over .20

>> No.20382595

you are the same faggot in the telegram hoping to get people to dump into your orders. Fuck off

>> No.20382597

eh, I only put $10 on it

>> No.20382645

I swear to god, sometimes you guys are retarded.
This is our chance to make some nice gains and you're squandering it...

>> No.20382665

It's mooning the goddamn fuck out. This shit bottomed so hard the run up is gonna be insane.

>> No.20382699

Yeah you wanna make some gains off people that bought it at 0.015$ and you pajeet thinking 15C is cheap no wonder you're broke poor fags get pumped and dumped

I feel stupid for trying to talk sense into yall enjoy being bag holders

>> No.20382715
File: 176 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200715-114759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this chadfolio is feeling pretty fucking financially secure.

As soon as the weak hands at 21 cents that just want to get even finish dumping we're going back to 50 cents.

>> No.20382716

Better buy some ARPA too it's mooning!!!

>> No.20382743

You never heard of FOMO pump and dump? They letting pajeets and kids buy the top thinking itll pump while they dump millions of tokens down your throats lmao

These presale buyers make x50 off you pajeets but keeping thinking this 1B supply defi shittoken gonna make you rich

>> No.20382849

I have news. Literally every ICO of a half decent coin has 10x bagholders after launch. So few people can actually get into these icos that it doesn't matter. By now any ico bagholder that wanted to has dumped and we will go up.

Your job is to determine if the 10x is warranted and if the dumps are being bought up by whales and speculators with enough momentum behind it to sustain a pump. Which this does.

>> No.20382870

We get it, you bought at $1 dude lol

>> No.20383056

LMAO, never has an OP been so wrong so quickly and also so faggot

>> No.20383170

answer this honestly, did u get cucked by bzx? why are you trying to fud it?

>> No.20383301

I think the answer to that is obvious, look how emotionally manic he is over this lol

>> No.20383782

lol we have indentical portfolios. See you on the other side fren

>> No.20383863


>> No.20384330

Fuck off Pajeet

This is literally AAVE (which stole their token model from BZX) but with staking and a solution for margin trading on decentralized exchanges.

This is the most hyped DeFi project right now.

>> No.20384527

This. Imagine complaining that there are bag holders with 10x stacks. Of course there are, there always is. FUD quality is so bad they’re literally saying “people bought in cheaper than you” baka

>> No.20384763

You guys convinced me. I was going to sell 25% at 40 cents since I bought at ICO but I am just going to let it ride