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20376054 No.20376054 [Reply] [Original]

>had another dream I had a gf

>> No.20376085
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tell us more anon

>> No.20376092

i dont care

>> No.20376096
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I put a cookie in my mouth and I did a come hither motion with my finger, she ate half and I ate half and then we kissed.

>> No.20376104

Download tinder and start talking to women retard any autist can get pussy

>> No.20376111

he's just like me

>> No.20376118
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>> No.20376126

but I’m banned

>> No.20376131
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>> No.20376156

true, but there's a difference between banging tinder thots and having a relationship, although I doubt most people on this site would accept that

>> No.20376171
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>> No.20376184

It‘s not that hard to get a gf, start approaching girls in public, overcome your fear slowly. You‘ll fail 4 out of 5 times but that‘s the journey. Additionally download Tinder to fuck every now and then so not to lose your mind.

>> No.20376197


>> No.20376232

Holy shit. Those idealized women dreams were so torturing from ages 13 to 23. She luckily went away after meeting many women and eventually getting married.

>> No.20376255

I hate them.
I had dreams where my brain put me in scenario where there is a girl that I am crush on and she always hangout in my dream with me, and I feel she has a crush on me, but she never say and since I think it’s real life, I never say anything either.
It feels so bad waking up from such dreams that literally feels like months

>> No.20376278
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this one especially hurt because it went from me being awkward to talking to her to getting in a relationship all in one dream... It felt like several weeks/months in one dream. I never had that before. I just wanna go back to sleep forever bros. When will my real life begin?


at the end of it I realized I was dreaming and I felt myself waking up and the darkness of reality coming back.

>> No.20376328
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imaging dreaming of having an annoying woman with you

>> No.20376466

it's okay to be upset for a while, but eventually you do have to act or you'll be alone forever. I still have dreams about my fiancé who broke up with me years ago, but that shit doesn't bother me anymore. I talk to women all the time, and most of them are super fucking boring. You'll very likely not find your idealized waifu, but you'll be surprised when you do find some girl who strikes your fancy in a way you didn't expect.
I don't know how old you are or what you look like, but get /fit/. Start with whatever gets you to not sit on your ass all day and go from there. Realize that in order for a relationship to work, you have to offer something of value, and being physically desirable is probably the best thing you can offer a woman. And like other anons said, just go up and talk to chicks. Or start by doing it through tinder if you're nervous at first. But you can't just come here and wallow in self-pity and expect it to get better.
I'm rooting for you anon.

>> No.20376476

I swear when I make it, i will put as much as I can in sleep research, to find a way to trigger rem dreaming on demand with full control
That way my life can finally begin

>> No.20376702
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and one final note, you don't want to end up like the anon in this screencap