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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20369611 No.20369611 [Reply] [Original]

Hi frogs. Time to clean your underwear, take your anxiety meds. It was all a whale joke. If you believed it you sold and got rekt. Learn next time.

If you think this drop in AMPL was anything other that whale manipulation and FUD then you don't deserve to be rich.

7 days of 10% daily compound interest gives you 100%+ with the last day at 27% - of course this had to correct.

But not many people traded this well. I didn't trade at all as I dont want to get "priced out". But a small number of whales did - like 4-5 of them on a multi million $ level and made $2-5m each.

To be 50th on the richlist BEFORE the dump you needed 0.1% of coins.
During the crash 0.08%
Now 0.0966%

Whales have dumped, and re-accumulated already. The worst is over. There is no single best point to come back in but today and tomorrow are good bets.

And remember. This isn't going anywhere. This isn't some shitcoin uniswap pump and dump. This is a new type of coin with new supply economics. Backed by Pantera and Brian from Coinbase. Coming to lending platforms near you. With 3 more months of a TRIAL liquidity program paying $1.2m+ (and growing with daily rebases), then more liquidity programs coming - rumored on Bancor / Balancer.

$500m-$2bn market cap is still the target. We NEEDED this correction, things were getting out of control! And in a few days we will look back at this with relief and continue on at a more reasonable but still pretty fast rate!

>> No.20369621

is that jim rickards

>> No.20369639

>Whales have dumped, and re-accumulated
So they can and will dump again?

>> No.20369644

I think there's a resurgence of anti-neetism because at this point in time banks have not yet learned how to be decentralized, and I think we’re gonna be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Money is not going to be the centralized paper fiat that it once was in the last millenia. Neets are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for banks to make. They are now going into a decentralized mode, and neets will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, the economy will not survive.

>> No.20369702

Thanks, Barb

>> No.20369723

I'm strapped in and ready for this ride. Fire up the rockets!

>> No.20369732
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Kinda disgusting if you ask me. No go!

>> No.20369753

>hey bros! Friendly whale here. You should buy now, just giving you a heads up so you can steal my alpha. I love giving money to strangers in zero sum games! Peace out!

>> No.20369771

I'm a buyer under $1.50. It's that simple. 14 days of 5%-15% rebases coming. Sell half after that. Re-buy every 48 hours for 1-2 months. Make it.

>> No.20369980

Should any part of my stack be in geyser or best to hold for rebase?

>> No.20370352

geyser is for whales only

>> No.20370641

Yes. This is a traders coin.
infact all coins are like this.. all commodities. . all markets... whats your point?

>> No.20370680

Let me clear this up.
This largest wallet is the GEYSER liquidity incentives wallet.
You provide liquidity to uniswap. Then send your uniswap pool tokens to the geyser - so this is the geyser wallet itself, which is shared by MANY people still.

>> No.20370731

The title of this thread is "Whale Manipulation Over"

>> No.20370810

Next manipulations will be harder to do and also less brutal. This was 2-3-4 single actors. Next time we take a run up... in 2-4 weeks we will be at much higher cap... we will go there more gradually and we will balance down slower. Harder to manipulate. More risky. More like "successfully trading" at that level than pure manipulation like this time.

>> No.20370920

people are throwing up 150+ ETH buys right now. this is about to pump again

>> No.20370929



>> No.20371105

Not yet. Just hold in wallet.



>> No.20371177
File: 58 KB, 220x217, gooby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20371586

catalysts soon that will cuck this bitch up to $5. If you wanna be rich just buy 10k every day until next week then hold until Sept. cap this.

>> No.20371643

Do tell

>> No.20371970 [DELETED] 

Anyone else feeling FOMO and their AMPIES again?

>> No.20372001
File: 157 KB, 953x923, 142A381A-FACF-49CC-B56A-5C10D110B7E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice blog post homo

>> No.20372003

Anyone else feeling FOMO on their AMPIE stack again?

>> No.20372036
File: 16 KB, 202x180, 4656B602-8F9A-44D7-945A-F34230442797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It’s not coming back

>> No.20372088
File: 163 KB, 750x1334, D1658361-1FFB-4251-B819-3CD9F9FEB741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks, my screen happens to look different

>> No.20372125

230 ETH buy!!!!!!!! ive never seen such a big buy on uniswap before. we actually made it

>> No.20372259

i still dont get it. when we're making money, who is losing it? wheres it coming from?

>> No.20372318

Market Cap has to keep rising from new investors just like any other coin. Rebase gives everyone more coins, but with more coins comes inflation so if no new ppl are buying the value will go down.

>> No.20372714

$2 waiting room

>> No.20372731

Sounds like a pyramid scheme

>> No.20372764

Tell me what will happen to gold if no new people are buying

Gold is a pyramid scheme too?

>> No.20372808

looks like punished craig

>> No.20372911

And that's exactly what it is.