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20367780 No.20367780 [Reply] [Original]

Xrp Kings only

I can’t wait to be rich in 2021, September isn’t larp, the financial reset is closer and closer, I hope you guys also have a suicide bag of xlm so when it goes up we can dump on jeb.

>> No.20367968
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>> No.20367983

is it next year? i thought it was this september

>> No.20368052

What's a make it stack? Suicide stack?

>> No.20368056

60k here lfg

>> No.20368098

People call 10k a suicide stack but 25k to me is a suicide stack for xrp
Then xlm 30k
Nice stack anon makes me wanna buy more xlm
It is September, but 2021 is when things really get crazy

>> No.20368137
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rolling for $2k eoy

>> No.20368279

We are kings of the new world

Link is a distraction because of its low supply I hope my brothers don’t sell off for link, I’ve been seeing it a lot lately.

>> No.20368337

So are all XRP anons schizos and followers of Christ? Seems like that's the way it's shaping up, pretty based.

>> No.20368450
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I do not believe in religion myself but it seems that way.

Xrp schitzos are the same as linkies saying $1000 eoy is fud my good sir. It’s possible link could go to $1000
But ripple and xrp are American don’t forget that.
Would banks in America use link? I don’t think so.
If links supply was meant for an entire population or cross border payments there’d be a lot more for the supply, bringing a lower and a little more stable price.

>> No.20368703

So do you think 2k eoy is exaggerated as well? Schwartz has said XRP doesn't work with a low price.

>> No.20368719
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Fuck. I have 5k of each. Will I be able to make it king?

>> No.20368768

I’m waiting for the market crash, got 10k in tether just sitting there waiting, I haven’t bought any stellar though. I’m all in XRP and VET

>> No.20368793

Am I comfy at 200xpr? I'm not trying to be disgustingly rich, just comfortably rich within the next 10 years.

>> No.20368896

You'll be able to swing it into other projects and do well for yourself.

>> No.20368906

No I don’t think it is a lot of people mistook $589 in the past that wasn’t a price it was a code and they don’t understand that.

Yes son lots of iron hands don’t want new hodlers getting rich because they’ve held so long.
David Schwartz is die hard for xrp do you think he’d really let it fail?
I love the way you’re thinking the crash is coming soon you should get in on a little xlm it’s meant for the people.
Yes if xrp goes past 2k to 10k which it’s designed for you’ll be rich, but it’ll take a while for the xrp to burn.

>> No.20369106

My body is ready. How much longer do you think that it will take?

>> No.20369159

Two more months but like said it could be September going into October that it happens. It all depends when the next crash is, the final shake out, the fear from the second crash will make crypto look dead that’s when you know it’s going to happen.

>> No.20369205

We just need Kanye to endorse us. Then 10k will be a make a stack and 500 will be a suicide stack.

>> No.20369355

People really believing a no proof LARP just so they could get some hopium and finally sell their XRP bags

>> No.20369571

Ah yes I was waiting for an anon like you, it’s not hopium
Xrp is there with codius and payid
Xrp is being prepped
Xrp is American made
It will happen the price action doesn’t matter.
Tick tock.
Realization is it’s not hopium xrp is there all planned out, we are going digital and will be digital by 2021.
Mail to email
Dollar to digital dollar
Fud is weak when you know the real goal.

>> No.20369573

Xrp is a scam

>> No.20369607

I just bought $7 worth today, will buy more when my paycheck comes in.

Hopping aboard this train, all in, baybee!

>> No.20369824
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>> No.20369899

So why did Tezos and Kyber Network increase in value in less than a year but XRP can't do anything?

>> No.20369921

I meant to compliment this big sick anon and his mega stock

>> No.20369928

Congrats bro! See you at the moon!

>> No.20369989

Did you read the thread ? Price action on xrp doesn’t matter. All these other coins will die when the crown is put onto xrp.

>> No.20370044

100m before taxes in old money, not bad.

>> No.20370147

I can’t imagine believing a company like ripple would exit scam. Ripple is everywhere, and it’s been said time and time again that XRP is oil that runs through their platform. Testing has been done. The documents are out there.

>> No.20370408

Then why has the price stagnated and slowly declined since the 2017 bullrun?

>> No.20370532

Because they dump 1 billion a month (and usually take back half). There’s 100 billion XRP, 66 billion of which are in escrow because they refuse to “give up their war chest.” Holding those 66 billion in escrow guarantees that there cannot be a 50/50 attack.

Another reason is because people just give up and sell. We are lucky to even be able to buy it, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they vote to have it removed from exchanges once banks own more than half of Total XRP.

>> No.20370569

so why buy it then?

>> No.20370576

this right fucking here boys.

>> No.20370679

And when is that going to happen?

>> No.20370694
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Because they’re going to buy TRILLIONS worth of XRP. It’s the most effective way to settle money crossborder. Ripple literally invented interledger protocol.

>> No.20370823

I am getting a boner over this but I don't know if it is true. Damn my horny penis

>> No.20370850

but if they DON'T want plebs holding it and are likely going to take it off exchanges as you've said isn't it likely you won't be able to cash out and/or use it in any meaningful way? Wouldn't that then be like having your money in $1000 bills today?

>> No.20371038

320+ banks and institutions (and more to come) Would have to sit down and say “hmm we should take it off exchanges.” Many factors to that, including retirement funds and liquidity pools that are emerging, where XRP is an asset. It’s just a thought I’ve had recently with everything that’s happening.
Also I’m pretty sure once it fires up people will still buy at $100 and that would drive the price up, thing is once the machine is running there is no stopping it. XRP price action is currently PURE speculation, and was not designed for this. XRP is a tool, a very useful technology that is created to completely change the antiquated banking system. Please do your own research, beware the fudsters their arguments are always the same

>> No.20371079

You don't know what LINK does, do you?

>> No.20371195

Wouldn't we just be able to store our assets off the exchanges and be able to trade out exchange the assets in a bank or whatever anyway? Or even just getting our wallet info to them?

>> No.20371368

You should only buy xrp in a bull market. Swing trade it and then dump. No reason hold as you miss out on so many new coins pumping.

>> No.20371375

Xrp is dead

>> No.20371381

seems odd that they would sell what was supposed to be a bank asset to the general public and then take it away again. But what do I know, there are already too many pivots to count in Ripple's XRP strategy and branding, at this point I think it would be too ignorant to rule out anything

>> No.20372239

It'll be great when teranode destroys your cultist dreams.

>> No.20372307

If anything I'm selling my link for xrp.

>> No.20372496

It seems odd that regular people are allowed to own and mine for gold.

>> No.20372546

gold is a natural occurring substance, not something that was DESIGNED to serve a specific purpose

>> No.20372631

Golds main purpose throughout history has been money via store of value.

>> No.20372667
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this mofoin spittin

>> No.20372677

Why not have both? If anything, you can snag up TONS of XRP, and then put more into LINK. What if both end up getting pretty darn high up there?

>> No.20372749

again, it is a natural occurring substance, you cannot control the supply, therefore any comparison to a virtual asset designed in specific amount and for a specific purpose is hardly relevant. Also, one could argue that if one could "mine" XRP then despite it's finite supply it could compare, however, since the original designers are sitting on 60% plus of the supply and sell it at will it doesn't really hold water.

>> No.20372757

Fucking kek. Silver is going to post more gains than XRP. This will be glorious.

>> No.20372841

Ok, I’ll give you that.

But why is September the month where XRP is supposed to hit $2k per token? Why not this month or August?

>> No.20372871

Maybe a huge marketing push with tons of hype?

>> No.20372900

200 trillion dollar market cap in under 11 weeks? Call me pessimistic but that is highly unlikely.

Just FYI the total market cap of the 10 most valuable companies in the world is around 9 trillion. With Ripple holding 60%+ of the XRP supply, they would be worth 120 trillion in assets alone. How likely do you think that is to happen this September?

>> No.20372928

Personally I don't think it's likely. More likely to be a longer term growth similar to how people believe LINK will be--which is why I believe that once LINK plateaus like Bitcoin did, that's when you should dump it into XRP, for when that does eventually rise--but I'm not a huge bigbrain on investments like you guys.

>> No.20372978

According to the melon larp everyone talks about here, the US government is supposed to use XRP to back gold or something like that right before the elections this November.

>> No.20373198
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>> No.20373212

If you are betting on XRP rising with the rest of the market, then you may as well bet on anything in that market. XRP will probably generally under perform the market thanks to its huge supply and "whales" like plustoken scammers holding millions ready to dump

>> No.20373237

then I would assume they'd take over the escrow somehow, not leave it in the hands of Ripple. Unless that happens, the chances of the biggest private asset appreciation in human history are pretty slim.

>> No.20373248

So what would be a better coin to dump cash into that'll give a really good ROI?

>> No.20373310

I'd go for pretty much any one of the big ones, top 20 is a safe bet as their liquidity is the highest, beware of shitcoins with a couple of grand volume at best with only one or two exchanges trading them, they may go up thousands of percent but you won't be able to cash out more than a couple of hundred $ worth and only if you get extremely lucky.

>> No.20373315

I unironically put 5k in xrp at 20 cent as suicide stack because I refuse to believe that xrp will do nothing when everything else moons. Usually when it does it is substantial pump. Maybe it's last but there should be an easy 90 cent

>> No.20373331

it’s just numbers on the screen bro
money has been just that for over a decade
fucking retards always saying it’s speculation when they can’t take a step back and see it for what it is
why do you think you can cash out bitcoin?
XRP going to 200 trillion mcap isn’t impossible but seems unlikely unless there really is a switch to be flipped like bringing back the gold standard or old money buying it
the investment is small compared to a lot of crypto’s out there and the ones worthwhile have already priced out the average joe
those saying it’s down from ath should give you more of an incentive to buy since it’s in the top 5 and is at affordable prices before it breaks out and takes off
just think about how markets work for a sec and pair that with the fact it’s held it’s spot for so long
if that isn’t enough then buy measly amounts of link

>> No.20373335

it may do something, but it is highly unlikely it will be significantly different than what the rest of the market will do. In short, XRP most likely won't do anything that the market won't do first.

>> No.20373348

I mean, right now XRP is #3, doesn't that mean it's good?

>> No.20373381

Especially since it's a lot easier to buy massive amounts of XRP right now--and I'd say right now it's best to buy as much as you can, so IF it booms, you're making a HUGE return over investment.

>> No.20373417

I didn't say it was impossible, I say it is highly unlikely. Ripple isn't the silver bullet for international finance no matter how much the shills are trying to push the idea it is, and even if it was it has a long LONG way to go before it can be accepted as such. More likely there will be CBDCs or something similar that the banks will create themselves and they will do their thing in a closed environment without the general public having any access to them, or even being able to see or track their movements. Imagine anyone could see exactly what the FED was doing at any given moment, how much of what they have on their balance sheet, how money is flowing from banks to businesses and individuals and back. I can't see that as being palatable anytime soon

>> No.20373434

never said it was bad. It is just as good or as bad as the rest of the market. With the added burden of a huge undistributed supply and various players holding hundreds of millions waiting for their opportunity to cash in

>> No.20373503

I mean, the way I see it is that if it does rise in value, let's say it's .20 and you buy a 25,000 suicide stack.

If it goes to $10, you just made $250,000 on a $5,000 investment. Let's say it does go up to $2k a coin, like some suggest. That's then a $50m payout for a simple $5k investment today. That's a HUGE payoff for time. At that point, you can start pulling out the cash asap, and you'll be able to invest that $50m into stocks and live nice and happy for the rest of your life, I'd think.

>> No.20373511

That's fair. And that'd probably happen. But at that point, when it does skyrocket to a huge amount, you can still trade it for another crypto, or withdraw to invest in stock, right?

>> No.20373578

You are just playing with numbers - it doesn't matter what coin(s) you invest your 25000 in, it doesn't even have to be a whole coin you buy with it, it is the percentage of gains that counts, not the amount of coins you get for your dollar.

Sure 50m would be a nice payout, but then again, $2000 per XRP would the MC at more than 10 times the total money supply in the US (the M2). So not only would it have to appreciate more than anything in history ever, it would also inflate the monetary supply of the US tenfold, since most of the XRP is sitting in the US. It's just not going to happen

>> No.20373603

That's pretty fair--considering that if there was a sudden influx in that manner, that it would depreciate the USD, right?

>> No.20373688

it's a bit more complex than that, but essentially yes

reality check is always a good idea when planning future ROI on crypto. If the result exceeds what is currently "all the money in the world" by a factor of ten, it is safe to say that the plan needs serious revision.

>> No.20373701

That's fair. All I'm really wanting to gain is enough money to go ahead and invest in stocks, and have enough cash to go ahead and retire.

>> No.20373728

you think inflation isn’t inevitably gonna happen in the US?
we just keep printing money, the debt keeps rising, people keep borrowing money they don’t have, buying useless shit they can’t afford and interest fucks everything up
this will be great for crypto overall since like i said it’s just numbers on the screen

>> No.20373784

Also one more thing to consider when it comes to XRP - this $2000 or $10000 or whatever prediction is hardly a secret - there must be at least a hundred YT channels with thousands of subscribers, hundreds if not thousands twitter feeds and so on and so forth, on top of what must be thousands of people "on the inside" to even entertain the idea of making the "flipping of the switch" possible. Now ask yourself, if it all is such a public secret, why isn't XRP already at a much higher price point? How come all the sharks of the financial world haven't snatched it all yet? It is as you say cheap, and all it would take is 10 million people to buy 10,000 XRP each, which is not an unaffordable sum of money and the whole supply would be gone. Why hasn't it happened yet, if this is all preordained and just a question of waiting a few weeks or months?

>> No.20373809

And, and, and, if it gets backed by the gold standard, then it might end up being VERY valuable.

>> No.20373828

A deflationary asset is not a solution to liquidity crisis at large. If it was, we'd just gone back to the gold standard a long time ago. Sure, fo individuals it can pay off to invest into something that is by default moving in the opposite direction as inflation, but you'd still have to cash out at some point

>> No.20373833

I mean, the same could have been said for BTC way back when, right?

>> No.20373868

Yeah, it’s damn near impossible that something like that would happen. But I have a small $500 in XRP just in case something should happen. And if it doesn’t hit $2000, I can always sell when it hits like 30 cents which is far far easier to hit instead of $2000.

But yeah, I don’t have much hope in it, which is why I get pissed when niggas take the melon larp as 100% truth. Everyone’s just hyping themselves up.

>> No.20373869

God I hope your right anon, been bagholdin 100k xrp and 200k xlm since summer 2017

>> No.20374458
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we're all gna make it lads, buying some more when my paycheck hits this month

>> No.20374469

At this point in this market situation anything is possible. It has been neglected too long while every other shitcoin made 300-500% profits.

Everyone is literally waiting for any tiny buy signal and fomo into it because all know it's perfectly set up and usually pumps immensely. So at least for the facts some I have my suicide stack. Maybe it doesn't happen, or very soon. But if you can just leave a stack aside and not touch it and wait, chances are high it will do something eventually

>> No.20374482

get some 10 million friends to buy 10,000 each and we are set

>> No.20374577

7k xrp atm with buy orders that will take me to 14k...

Am I gonna make it lads?

>> No.20374645

Not thinking about making it... I'll hold until 4-5x profit though. Should be possible for a coin that was 20 times higher