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2036669 No.2036669 [Reply] [Original]

This thread right here is the reason for your lambo you'll weep thinking about this very moment and your crypto success.

It's simple. There is a coin which has BARELY begun it's moon mission, relatively unknown and a will become a top 10 coin.


Curently at 183sats and rising. A steal if you ask me.

Buy now before you regret it.

And I'm no shill, I'm not making this thread again. Simply helping the place that got me into ETH at $20. Buckle up, cowboys.

>> No.2036677

lol siacoin has insane inflation as can be seen in the graphs...the market cap rises but the btc value remains the same...
The real money makers are the siafund coins...
Those cost insane amounts(1siafund coin=2 btc).
Stop shilling trash.

>> No.2036773

Interesting. Can't hurt to drop $20 on it.

Will screencap you OP.

>> No.2036777

Where do I purchase this coin?

>> No.2036786

Burst coin is a way better proof of capacity coin

>> No.2036790

Gimme a quick rundown

>> No.2036819


Looks like decentralized cloud storage, senpai.

Like Google drive or Amazon web services. I guess the chance of success relies on one of them buying out sia?

I guess we'll find out.

>> No.2036833

I'm holding onto 88 million siacoins.
I'm happy with where it is and it's doing good for me.
It might moon even more, but we'll see.

btc had the same inflation when it started.

>The real money makers are the siafund coins...
lol. Siafunds only make money once Sia becomes huge. Until then it's a huge gamble that makes no money.


Decentralized storage that separates your data into chunks so that no one has any portion to read your data, and even if hosts go down, so long as 10 host hold your data, you can still get it back.

Google drive and Amazon cannot buy sia. It's not a company. They can buy the coin itself and join the sia network, but due to the fact that it is decentralized, no one can control it.

>> No.2036846


congrats man. I fell for last years bubble but did my research and liked everything about sia so I ended up buying more during the dip. No way im selling. Im mostly holding on to it for the satisfaction of correctly speculating the growth of a $30 million cap into a multi-billion cap. just once id like to get in really early on a really successful coin.

>> No.2036852

Shit man that's like 200k what was your average buy in price?

>> No.2036868

haha.... don't crash it please. *nervous laughter intensifies*

>> No.2036883

~0.0001 USD per sia or so?
I wish I had heard of sia before or else I would have bought even more at a much lower price.

>> No.2036898

Is this on yobit?

>> No.2036905


>> No.2036975

good feeling about this thread and siacoin
thanks OP

>> No.2037077
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>see a large thread about sia roughly a year ago
>buy into coin when still 100+ satoshis
>alt bear-market begins
>hodl mode
>don't bother accunulating anymore during this period
>see price now

>> No.2037111

fasten those fucking seatbelts boys

>> No.2037115

How is this different from maidsafecoin? Aren't they direct competitors?

>> No.2037122

There is a comparison of Siacoin, Storjcoin and Maidsafecoin here https://forum.sia.tech/topic/21/sia-vs-storj-vs-maidsafe

>> No.2037149


thanks anon, very informative stuff. I'm a little hesitant though because that post is 2 years old. Maidsafe is worth more than Sia so even if Sia is better tech, it might lose out just due to popularity. I'm pretty torn, but I definitely want to get in on decentralized storage.

>> No.2037191


Unfortunately marketing does seem to win in the end. The same thing is happening right now with SNGLS (no product released, great marketing) and LBRY (nice usuable product, no marketing). SNGLS is dominating the decentralized "Youtube/Bitorrent" market, yet has nothing backing it up except slick advertising.

>> No.2037269

SIAcoin is shit, because unlike storj, which is actually usable, SIA wallet keeps crashing despite me having 8 GB of RAM and great tech specs. AVOID

>> No.2037459

Storj isn't decentralized.

>> No.2037470

Maidsafe offers a new internet along with storage. Essentially, it offers the moon and a side bonus of decentralized storage, while sia just offers only decentralized storage.
Because of this, people get eyes bigger than their stomach that maidsafe as a dark horse that will change everything, while sia keeps their eyes on the prize regarding the future. They won't change everything, but what they will change will be accomplished.
>Maidsafe is worth more than Sia so even if Sia is better tech, it might lose out just due to popularity.
Sia isn't concerned about marketting. The devs have said that they only care about 'creating a good product, and that will market itself'. A year ago, it had no marketting, then China fell in love and it blew up. Even the monero devs like sia.

Martetting helps get those easy millions, but not the moon or future.

>> No.2037501

great response anon, I hope it is Sia that wins in the end because I can buy more of it. decentralized storage could be huge, feels good to get in relatively early.

>> No.2037508

have you had any problems with the wallet like this guy?

>> No.2037517

>Sia isn't concerned about marketting. The devs have said that they only care about 'creating a good product, and that will market itself'.

Well, their product is shit then. STORJ is better in literally every way. Fuck SIA.

lol who the fuck cares, it at least works. Decentrilisation is not some panacea that has to be applicable everywhere. Stop meming. SIA fucks can't even handle their client properly, it keeps crashing and running out of memory.

>> No.2037535

do you really think people wont care about decentralization when it comes to storage?

>> No.2037538

I'm confused, I just googled storj and their tagline is "decentralized storage". Isn't that the entire point of using a crypto platform for file storage? Its literally the only thing that makes it desirable compared to all the other cloud storage out there

>> No.2037546

Yeah, sia has some wallet UI problem regarding its syncing that takes a lot of RAM but it'll be fixed soon enough.
But once you have your wallet sync up to the blockchain, it automatically opens. It's just a real bitch to wait forever.

>STORJ is better in literally every way. Fuck SIA.

>lol who cares
Easier tech doesn't make it competitive or better than Amazon S3. Lower price. Better security. Better tech.

They're not decentralized at all. They operate using a bridge that runs under their servers. So if they decide to cash out all their coins (45 million out of 5 million of the market) Storj will die. But sia has no such luxury. Even if the sia devs quit, your files will still exist on the network.

>> No.2037570

STORJ is decentrilised.

Storj - Decentralized Cloud Storage
Distributed, encrypted, and blazing fast object storage, where only you have access to your data.

>> No.2037576

> Its literally the only thing that makes it desirable compared to all the other cloud storage out there

Well yeah and the fact that it is encrypted and you can store anything, so all the CP guys will happily and safely store their stash on a decentrilised network.

>> No.2037581


>> No.2037587

Wow, storj says they're decentralized, that must mean it is!

>> No.2037653

If its just the blockchain sync that is problematic then that's not a big deal.

You've definitely got me leaning towards Sia, it certainly seems to be the better product, but what is really enticing me is that sweet sweet pumpable low price

>> No.2038936
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it's no exponential, it's a 89° ramp, holy shit

>> No.2038942
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>> No.2038995

Once everyone starts to wake up to Sia they will see that it is such a bargain at $0.0025 compared to Golem ($0.25) and buy the shit out of it.

>> No.2039031

I'm probably going to throw up in a year when I look at my sell order of 45 million Sia at 95 sat...

>> No.2039035
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I can't believe it.

>> No.2039043


I only bought $100 but for once I'm sitting in the rocket, rather than chasing after it in a catapult.

Bless you OP. I guess it's not all shills and jews after all.

>> No.2039307

I'm personally losing my mind.
I want to sell so goddamn bad.

Last year, we went from 1 million marketcap to a shift of a pump every week. Now we're just mooning in one go. It's ridiculous.

>> No.2039445

Am i an idiot to buy in now?

>> No.2039467

It'll probably dip. Then again, who knows.

>> No.2039503


>Even if the sia devs quit, your files will still exist on the network.

yeah but lets be honest for a second: sia would become worthless and die too if the devs quit

>> No.2039521

At this point, yeah, but they want to get to the point where if they left, and some other dev wanted to make their own ui or whatever, the files would still exist.

>> No.2039524

Siacoin is one of the few coins here that has real potential. I wanted to use it for one of my projects, but the true limit is the filesize limit. Once they get it down to 100kb then it'll moon.

>> No.2039532
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just gonna leave this here

>> No.2039575

picked up some SC along with XBY for the decentralized storage angle - what I like about it is the straightforward goal. there are other projects which seem as though they could eventually encompass storage, but being more ambitious i reckon they have a good chance of being beaten to the punch, thinking dropbox vs every other cunts cloud storage.

whether or not the storage thing takes off at all i'm pretty skeptical, to a normal human the icloud is never going to lose or give away THEIR data anyway, they're not a celebrity or taking sex pictures with celebrities so of course no reason for concern. for any non microscopic business connection speed is probably where the apparent bottleneck is at, so I don't see it being a dead simple switch there either.

the major benefits could still suit many, i think they're straightforward and sound

i just don't think the need is as forced as say something like golem, where supercomputing is not included free with fucken everything you buy or join.

>> No.2039586

where can you buy sia?

>> No.2039588


>> No.2039594

Yeah they're working on making smaller files rush faster. Right now, anything over 4MB runs pretty well, but it's the smaller files that need work.

>> No.2039605

What about Burst? Does it hold up against Sia? Adam Guerbuez (one of the biggest names around) seems to be supporting Burst.

>> No.2039648

so what you're saying is, invest 5btc in sc?

>> No.2039656
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looking at the roadmap:


I think they will accidentally tap into a new market that wasnt possible before. instead of file SHARING like utorrent, siacoin may be the first to make file SELLING viable. there would be websites like thepiratebay except a small amount of SC would be used as payment for bandwidth and storage to hosts. you could make lots more files accessible (and impossible to remove) by having hosts that seed files professionally.

>> No.2039726

Yep. A lot of people are exciting for this because this might be a step beyond torrents.

>> No.2039787

It keeps climbing. Jesus.

>> No.2039800

I dumped all of my ripple and bought right before the climb, feels fucking good man sittin on 1.8 million here

>> No.2039856
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>> No.2039869


the massive dump will be very fun

>> No.2039882


yeah i will buy more if its below 100 sat but ive got just the right amount so that i can hold and not panic buy/sell

>> No.2039898

very fucking interesting point, those fuckers selling VCDs may again be back in business with a fresh vector to compete, as well as sharing sites getting necked by ad blockers, and file hosts getting house arrested in new zealand.

>> No.2039902

Large buy support, though who knows how long that'll last. I'm surprised there hasn't been a dump. The fact that there's so little sell (600 mill on polo out of fucking 25 billion) puts me on edge.