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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20363021 No.20363021 [Reply] [Original]

Record number of MNs.
Now we're up 26 MNs or 390k

>BTC/ETH swaps already demo'd
>LN working
>Profitable MNs
There's no way this coin won't hit $10/XSN

>> No.20363095

I hope so. I only have 2500 XSN, but it would be cool to pay off my faggot student loan debt and still have $15K.

>> No.20363099

Okay I am calling the fudder to do his job better because this shit CANNOT pump anymore until I can get some more.
I am actually horrified that it will moon before I can get atleast 1 or 2 more masternodes

>> No.20363115


That’s over 200 nodes added

>> No.20363145

is 1 masternode enough to make it and what does it do and how much does it cost and what happens to the masternode if the currency gets trashed hard?

>> No.20363148

Yeah. The 26 new MNs added were all since yesterday.

>> No.20363179

Daily XSN shill thread lets gooooooo!!!!

>> No.20363375
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XSN chads are the only chads.

1 mn is make it stack. If the currency gets trashed hard you hold your masternode until it goes above and beyond again. Unless something catastrophic happens with the development, of course. In which case you presumably turn off/remove your masternode with the click of a button and then sell your XSN on the fully functional DEX for whatever pennies you can get.

>> No.20363416

Not going anywhere but up, deal with it
1 MN is the goal and it's been the make it goal for some time.

>> No.20363660

10 reporting in

>> No.20363688

I have 10, but i'm not a fan of others having the same, mulling over getting an 11th.

>> No.20363815

Shouldnt take too long if you save your MN rewards

>> No.20363933

I have my 10k how do I masternode?

>> No.20364036
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You need 5k more bruh

>> No.20364130
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>> No.20364712

Checked. You could TPoS and DCA until you have enough

>> No.20365185

Waves Dex was about $15 with the same amount of coins as XSN in the crazy bull run in 2017.
I hear they ain't much to Bragg about when you compare to Stakenet.
So to not think XSN can hit at least $10 in the next run with all the new capital flowing into crypto is just silly.
I'm sitting tight on my Masternodes regardless of any FUD.

>> No.20365843

Where are you all buying XSN?
I've been looking around for the last week on and off and haven't found an exchange that has it

>> No.20365931

Another thing never mentioned in here, is that due to our Dex running on Lightning, then this opens up for HFT or high frequency trading. That's where basically all money is in finance these days.

>> No.20365993

Livecoin.net, or get the dex beta and buy from there

>> No.20366086

Yeah, Livecoin is the best CEX to buy. Strongest volume and most competitive orderbooks.

>> No.20366091

do you trust livecoin? I took a short look at it earlier and read some poor reviews about withdraw?

>> No.20366375

I don't trust it in particular, I bought btc from poloniex and sent to livecoin, three times in three days. Takes about 1~2 hours to get the transfer, but it worked well. I wouldn't keep my assets there for long though. Withdrawing the xsn from there to my wallet was almost instant.

Beware about setting up the 2-factor account or whatever though, as that will prohibit you from using your acc for a few days apparently.

>> No.20366416

And yeah, it's probably run by a russian mob of gangsters or something, shady. But who cares as long as you can get your coins.

>> No.20366458

When I reset my password, I had to wait a week to withdraw. After that one time in 2019, it hasn't been too bad.
I've been buying strictly through the DEX since May

>> No.20366645

Based. skadoosh on suicide watch.

>> No.20366729
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I HIGHLY doubt $10 could be sustainable, but it could get there during the bull run.

>> No.20366905

$10 is FUD

>> No.20367191
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Shill me this coin, I have $500 ready to invest in something new.

>> No.20367976

$10 is the floor, you forget raiden alone can pump us way past $20.

>no KYC
>powerful aggregation
>liquidity bridges
>Raiden/Lightning interop

>> No.20368308

Well, I'd certainly be extremely excited to see $10 be the floor.

>> No.20368343

Where can I buy this?

>> No.20368432

Livecoin or XSN's DEX

>> No.20368519

Every flavor of the week shilled on /biz/ now is an ERC token. Ergo, everything shilled on /biz/ will be immediately purchasable through Stakenet DEX without an account or KYC.
Every fee on every trade on every alt flavor of every week will be swapped into XSN, partially burned, and paid out to the MNs -and- those MN rewards will ultimately be payable in anything compatible with the DEX. Stablecoins, LINK, BTC, ETH in play.

>> No.20369124

Based and redpilled.

>> No.20369799

>Everyone on discord talking to one another
Pathetic kys steakshit scammers

>> No.20370054

>see people having fun and making money
>menopause intensifies
>n-nooo stop talking about xsn in an xsn thread
checked and kekd

>> No.20370409
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Lmao cope.
Based. Trannies seething.

>> No.20370497

Its one man on a crusade against XSN. You can tell by the fact that over the last 5 hours there has been zero fud on XSN and then all of a sudden it has started. How seething have you got to be to so that the last thing you do are night is rage about XSN and then the first thing you do when you wake up is go look for any mentions of XSN to post your fud.

Would love to know what they did to this person to make his hatred of them so strong because this goes way beyond just normal fud, you don’t spend all day every day looking for XSN threads to trash otherwise. This is clearly personal.

>> No.20370550
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>> No.20371069

I'm more curious as to how and why a grown man has so much free time to bash something he has no hat in the ring over.
What is the purpose? What is theirs?
Imagine shitting on LINK everyday non-stop for 2 years as some anons have done on here. What, ultimately, was their point? Was it really worth all that time and energy?

>> No.20371083

He is an exwhale that sold 300k xsn sub 1000sats.

>> No.20371752
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I have
200,000 xsn (13 MN)
4111 Link.
More than enough to make it x 10.
Feeling pretty good to EOY

>> No.20371771

kek masternodes are 2371 now

>> No.20371785

masternodes are mooning

>> No.20372462

Awful move but hey, you learn more in a trial by fire than you do anywhere else.

>> No.20372632
File: 166 KB, 1442x866, masternodeseething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, guess that dip was him.

>> No.20373001

Thats fucking hilarious and explains why he is seething so much about XSNs rise and spends all day shitposting any XSN thread he finds

>> No.20373769

Ouch. Imagine being the Wright Bros assistant then rage quitting 3 days before they took off for the first time lol

>> No.20373844

Kek. The blocktrannies are here too.

>> No.20373961
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This is their fork of LND (Lightning Network Daemon). Last commit was Oct 2018 -almost 2 years. That alone should be a massive red flag.

This is a comparison of their XSN team's changes to the master branch of LND:

Literally 5 commits and 3 files changed, but XSN shills will link to a “muh partnership” blog post as evidence of XSN team’s supreme LN skill.

You're an idiot that deserves to lose all his money if you think these people have any clue how to do anything with LN.

>> No.20373981

>Look mum i posted it again


"X9 devs (XSN) are literally responsible for Litecoins integrations on LN.


They are now working directly with Raiden devs on ETH/ERC20 integration"

"Fyi here is the teams repository


>> No.20374026
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LOL you keep posting the same dumb shit so I made a copy-pasta to dunk your dumb-nigger ass

And you still keep linking that blog post thinking it means anything to actual evidence in their codebase.

>> No.20374035
File: 268 KB, 500x700, investinrope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Links you to the lightning network code
>No evidence

>> No.20374063


It's a comparison of XSN's fork of LND you absolute fucking subhuman piece of shit

>> No.20374082

>I am a lightning dev
>XSN has no lightning skills
>Noooooo don't link me the litecoin x9 partnership
>Noooooo don't link me the lightning code
>Noooooo don't link me x9 working with raiden.



>> No.20374169

>Reddit posting
>Cringe posting
>Repeat posting
Kill yourself nigger.

>> No.20374783


>> No.20374920

>Admitting it was indeed a one man army all along after weeks of denying it.
Pretty low iq move if you ask me.

>> No.20375161

Think of it this way, this person who is absolutely seething is spending all day, every day scouring biz looking for any posts related to XSN so he can shitpost on them. His hatred of XSN extends far beyond the norms and this is personal for him. He wants XSN to fail so desperately he put so much time and effort into trying to ruin any positivity around XSN. If there was ANY major issues with XSN he would have found them by now and have an iron clad way to shit on the project but after all this time he has nothing of substance at all.

>bullish as fuck