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20358099 No.20358099 [Reply] [Original]

Apart from the money (haven't sold anything yet so all paper profits), the best thing about chainlink mooning is the fact that I was so right.

There it is, on coinmarketcap. In it's rightful place in the top 10. Chainlink is unavoidable now. If you go to coinmarketcap Chainlink is one of the first thing you'll see. On par with Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and Cardano, major cryptocurrencies that have been near the top for years.

I, We were recommending people buy it when it wasn't even in the top 100. Indistinguishable to the naked eye from any other shitcoin. We recommended it in late 2017 or early 2018. More or less every cryptocurrencies have tanked since then. Many alts from back then are essentially worthless. Not us. We bought the best, the NUMBER ONE performing cryptocurrency of the last 2 years. We were right. It was literally true, all of it. The memes, prophecies, the breadcrumbs... it literally all turned out to be true.

It's only a matter of time until we surpass everything except Bitcoin and Ethereum. That is likely to happen this year. From there it's a question of when we overtake ethereum, which will also happen.

People who followed us have made ridiculous returns. My close friends and family have all invested in chainlink. My parents, who spent tens of thousands on my education and didn't have a pension at all until a few years ago, are now financially secure.

We are all going to make it.

>> No.20358131

what's this "we" business faggot?

>> No.20358138

Based. Thank you biz and to all the old OGs back in 2017 and 2018 who helped us dig through crumbs. It was all worth it in the end.

>> No.20358165

I told my friends to buy LINK during, after ICO. I personally have 25k, one had 22k, the other 11k and one 9k. They all sold below 40 cents and now they are begging me to send them some linkies to start over.

They also want me to pay for drinks and shit because I "got rich" even tho I haven't sold anything and have $560 in my bank account.

Fuck them I don't need them

>> No.20358167

If you believed even during the dark times, you can consider yourself part of the "we". If not, well there's always another train.

>> No.20358180

you had 3 years

>> No.20358323

dude take some profit, just like 10% of your stack or something

>> No.20358344

Its rightful place is top 1

>> No.20358359

feels so good

>> No.20358383
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Good memories

>> No.20358401

Their loss. You prosper.

>> No.20358415

Only reason you bought is because it was shilled like crazy here. You got lucky and nothing else

>> No.20358421

hahahaha fuck em bro, find new, wealthy friends.

>> No.20358420

I've been telling friends, co-workers, family, to buy LINK the second it dipped below $2 in march(?) and have been building my stack during that time (got up to about 3700)
I don't want to be rich alone.

>> No.20358425

ignore this faggot and drop your friends, it's lonely at the top

>> No.20358452

Once it gets into the front page of coinmarketcap it will get the exposure for it to moon like crazy

>> No.20358454
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>> No.20358463

people like you make me hate holding chainlink

>> No.20358467

If that's the way it is, man. Fuck em.

I'm lucky to have one, and only one friend in on this with me. He told me about link.
We both get shit on because in the eyes of normies we are "losers". But little do they know...

>> No.20358484

and do what? I put everything extra into LINK anyway. I've been buying since etherdelta days, only recently stopped buying once we passed $3

They also claim I got lucky. I mean I would understand their frustration if I found link and didn't share with them but I literally did. I also told them to buy last year, this year but they refused. They bought shit like ftm, qkc, pundi etc. and lost everything.

>> No.20358485

It is Top 10
How much in the face is there more?
Dethroning BTC?

>> No.20358492

based diamond handed marine

>> No.20358534

Anything above bitcoin cash/xrp is a certainty

>> No.20358559

Based but sell a bit

>> No.20358571

>They also claim I got lucky
You did. But they fucked up and sold. It's no different than riding a string of blacks on roulette. Because you kept doubling your money while the weaksticks bailed after one spin, it's your fault?
Fuck them. They sound like shitty friends anyhow. Good friends would be happy you're succeeding.

>> No.20358595

I wont "make it" but you people basically will have bought me a house for the price of one months rent with quality memes. I will never be able to thank you nameless bastards more

>> No.20358624

>You did
Go fuck yourself you piece of shit.

>> No.20358669

Lots of crap got shilled like crazy here. I didn't buy anything except chainlink, and more recently DMG and PNK.

>> No.20358764

Pfft. Fucking luck is all it was. You think this is gonna go anywhere? Sergay dumps 700k on you clowns every fucking chance he gets. I sold my bags at $7.80 and never buying back in. It's gonna bleed back to sub ico prices, you mark my words.

>> No.20358781
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>Only token that did not hype up their product
>One of few tokens that had a clear mission to solve the most important problem in crypto
>Only token that had several threads throughout the years digging at what the team had been working on even during the slaughter that was 2018
>Understanding of the project requires research and commitment
Nah, your fault for falling for the artificial fud, get bent

>> No.20358817

You really need to read the rest of the post, jfc, go back to pleddit.

>> No.20358852

You are clearly too dumb to have ever bought, larp

>> No.20358873

honestly unironically, contrarian faggots like YOU make me hate holding link. just enjoy the ride you miserable priveledged faggot and for the love of god, shut the fuck up.

>> No.20358954

Honestly, the amount of discourse and literally tearing the project apart for more information over the past 3 years should’ve been enough for anyone with half a brain to realize this shit is the real deal

>> No.20359371

I know it's frustrating. I've only shilled LINK to one of my friends (which he sold for cheap travel stocks and has lost a significant amount of money since). The life lesson is that sometimes as much as you want to help people their own downfall is themselves. Just stay humble and keep your finances to yourself from now on.

>> No.20359431

>y-you just got lucky!
Just another normie parasite