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20350653 No.20350653 [Reply] [Original]

Tips on avoiding to pay taxes on your crypto gains? I got my crypto assets undeclared to the tax authorities and been swing trading for profit but now I wanna cash out.Any tips?

>> No.20350879


Either don't, because you'll get raped and thrown in prison or buy gold with crypto and then sell the gold for cash.

>> No.20350909

lol the only thing this changed is they'll ask where the gold came from instead of were the crypto came from

>> No.20351181

Start an LLC.
Pay yourself a small salary from the LLC for pokey money.
Buy your car and home with the LLC.
Vacations are bussines trips for the benifit of the LLC.

>> No.20351221


Haha yeah they'll surely track that physical piece of gold! Gold has been black market money since the dawn of time bro.

>> No.20351275

the burden of proof is on you retard

>> No.20351365

just pay the fucking taxes faggot or do this >>20351181
and buy more or less everything in the LLC as a 'bonus' to yourself and write the taxes off that

>> No.20351456

Not worth an audit. When you’re getting fucked by the IRS that 30% will seem like a great deal. Just pay it and you won’t have to worry

>> No.20351483

this is the right answer. i may not know every little thing regarding taxes on this stuff but i know enough not to play stupid with people who can wreck your day.

>> No.20351508
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Saw this the other day, thought it was quite clever.

If you have significant gains, however, I'd seriously consider moving to another country. There are plenty of countries with no crypto tax, or at least a decent one which doesn't try to jew you out of all your money.

>> No.20351546

This is the million dollar question.

You make all this money but SNAP You cant spend it!

>> No.20351594

Are you sure you don't have to pay taxes if you transfer your shitcoin ownership from yourself to the LLC?

>> No.20351617

just pay the capital gain and dont sweat anything else

>> No.20351688

uh, where do you think all your money is gonna go? under your mattress? avoiding taxes is literally nigger tier retardation with little upside.

>> No.20351727

this doesn't work and if you think it does, have fun if you get randomly audited.

>> No.20351770

Americans have to renounce their us citizenship to avoid us taxes.

>> No.20351782

You basically have no choice, they will nail you so fucking hard if you dont pay up. Death and taxes, anon. During the next bullrun I wouldnt doubt that the IRS sets up a task force of people specifically out to get young retarded crypto guys such as yourself trying to evade. Not going to end well for you!

>> No.20351796

Also selling for bitcoin is a taxable event.

>> No.20351828

You can't cash out anyway. What? You thought the memes were just memes?

>> No.20351848

Except for mcafee

>> No.20351852

I literally cashed out and bought a Camaro, nothing happened till now...

>> No.20351906


Christ, I hope Biden doesn't win. A 25% capital gains tax hike would be a serious kick in the balls. Also, the sheer balls of government to even have capital gains taxes in the first place

>make money
>government taxes a bunch of it
>take what you have left and risk it investing in an asset
>asset appreciates, hooray
>not so fast goy, the government's back to take another cut!

>> No.20351930

Any ideas about the cayman islands? No capital gains tax there, so I imagine if you hold, then move there, then sell you'll have the money tax-free? Do you have to live there for X days before you can do that?

>> No.20351971

Your best bet is just holding whatever you have for a year so you at least can pay longterm cap gains which is 20% max. Structure big sells across multiple years to reduce your average % owed. Typical avoidance stuff (legal).

If you evade then you'll never get to enjoy the money anyways, you'll be worried about getting a big fat audit cock slammed down your throat all day every day. And then eventually you will get audited, you'll deep throat the IRS' veiny member, and end up paying all the taxes anyways plus penalties and interest.

>> No.20351973

You sound like a retard. Jews are subject to the same tax laws as you. Most of your taxes go to pay down the national debt anyway.

>> No.20351979

Probably the only way to "avoid paying" taxes besides putting your coin on a hardware wallet and having it "stolen" is to just don't cash out completely and try too negate the cost of taxes on your bottom line with more earnings. Keep playing the game and re earn that 40% they took. And again and again until you aren't trying to cover 100k taxes but $10 because you diminished it all to nothing gradually.

>> No.20351981


>> No.20351991

As a European, you need to be there 6months + 1 day, I have no idea if you're amerifat but I'd wager it's the same, unless you're politicians are very brainlet... oh wait

>> No.20352008

This but read about tax residence in your country to make sure.

>> No.20352025

Just move to Italy lmao

>> No.20352033

>a-at least I still have my constitution

>> No.20352059

i want to pay taxes (render unto caesar), but I'm too retarded to figure it out, and they didn't send me any tax bills. guess I'll go to jail.

>> No.20352079

Are you an american? If yes you can't avoid us taxes with additional citizenships.

>> No.20352102

You could also empty out any Crypto Machines you find for cash.

>> No.20352110
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Yes fellow anonymous users how DO you avoid paying taxes on MY hard earned gains.

>> No.20352119

Become a Singapore resident

>> No.20352124

pay your taxes, asshole

>> No.20352131

On the "hold for a year" part, am I required to hold ALL my gains for a year, or can I sell 10% of my gains, pay the short-term taxes on those but keep holding the 90%?

>> No.20352135


You don't get fiat on any of these, it's just trading crypto for crypto at interest. The cashing out part is missing.

>> No.20352140

wait what? all of the taxes fears in here don't apply in my country? fuuuck I live my country now

>> No.20352143

I feel the same way lol

>> No.20352164

kek imagine being this retarded. Sure, our taxes go to paying off a multi trillion dollar debt that grows by the day (it's a mystery!), not straight into the pockets of your masters and their buddies. Keep thinking that.

>avoiding taxes is nigger tier retardation
Good goy, be a good citizen and do what we tell you.

>> No.20352172

lmao at the retardads in this thread telling you to pay taxes

just fucking laundry the money like any drugdealer does you dumbass, there are a million ways to do it

>> No.20352174


Or how about swapping that BTC for psychical BTC and going to a pawn broker! :D Shit, pay or dodge your taxes like a man.

>> No.20352195

Okay so I have a double nationality. Mexican/American

Would it be possible to just move to Mexico and cash out over there?

>> No.20352235

Just claim it's against your religion to pay taxes

>> No.20352266

or identify yourself as an albino cucumber

>> No.20352268

it's not 'gains' that you hold for a year, it's the asset in question. So if you hold 1000 LINK for a year, that whole stack is now a long term capital asset and any time you sell a portion of it, you realize gains on that portion only and tax becomes due on those gains. Gain is the price at time sold minus your cost basis (what you bought it for). If you sold to a different crypto, that crypto is a new capital asset and the long term maturation period begins anew on it.

I use bitcoin.tax, you can import your trades and it does all the math for you. Kind of a necessity if you make thousands of trades a year. They raised their prices for 2020 which blows though.

>> No.20352329

>I don't like double taxation
>oy vey antisemitism!

Fuck off Chaim

>> No.20352351

I've read some folks have renounced their citizenship and reentered the country as illegals just to not have to pay taxes. Apparently it works.

Not a good idea.

>> No.20352368

I'm a leaf, but I think americans could register a company in the cayman islands to hold everything (although that might be a tax event in itself so you'd have to do it beforehand), then they could pay themselves with income or dividends slowly over time depending on what's more tax advantageous to lower the tax burden.
Or they could buy things for themselves tax-free through their company, like computers for their office and such.

>> No.20352384

>Biden wants to increase capital gains tax
I didn't really care about this election, but now I'm really hoping he doesn't win.

>> No.20352470


>> No.20352495
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>this is what happens when you literally believe everything you read on the internet and never think critically about the possibility that most random larps on anonymous boards likely have no idea what's really going on.

Useful idiot.

>> No.20352519

Thread = greed

>> No.20352523

You can literally live off crypto, check out bitrefill. Absolutely no need to cashout until you have make it money, when you do look into offshore banking.

>> No.20352524

Sounds complicated. I'd rather just go to court and explain that my religion forbids the payment of taxes.

>> No.20352538

wrong. youre the nigger and you work for the irs like the cattle you are. imagine thinking niggers know tax loopholes.

>> No.20352555

buy gold anonymously using your anonymous bitcoin and then sell the gold tax free

>> No.20352566


If he intends to do even a 1/3 of the things he's promising, he's going to need to raise a lot of money. And nothing's better than "soaking all those billionaires who pay less tax on their investments than hardworking Americans pay from their actual job"

>> No.20352575

I believe you mush have at least 8 paid overseas employees to qualify.

>> No.20352597

You will lose and wind up with an ass full of nigger semen

>> No.20352609
File: 217 KB, 288x392, Screenshot 2020-07-14 at 00.25.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all act so tough but then spread your cheaks for big gov.. Fuck taxes. Just trade to XMR then cash out in a ATM.

>> No.20352629

You can get these debit cards that you can credit in crypto and use in shops.

>> No.20352637
File: 31 KB, 1024x625, 1567803119996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying an ass full of nigger semen is a bad thing

>> No.20352649

hope you don't mind when jamal is raping your wife then since you seem to think the rule of law doesn't matter. fucking nonce.

>> No.20352670

>You can get these debit cards that you can credit in crypto and use in shops.
Dont they report to the gov? Doubt i can max it out without big gov getting pissed

>> No.20352676

Raising capital gains will not affect the top of the money pile. It will only affect middle class people and their involvement in the market. Biden won't win anyway so it's a moot point.

>> No.20352715

What about when LTC implements mimblewimble? It doesn't look like a privacy coin dump if you do it now and wait.


>> No.20352717

>t. Has AIDS and loves it

>> No.20352730

You really think Kanye is going to pull it off?

>> No.20352759

Not telling you my secrets glownig

>> No.20352777

He has God on his side so yeah.

>> No.20352824

>It will only affect middle class people and their involvement in the market.

Yes, that's how it ACTUALLY works, but lazy retards who don't aspire to anything bigger than McDonald's manager will cheer for it anyway because muh billionaires

>> No.20352836

Cash out into a foreign bank account, and buy a house with cash. Real estate is a common laundering technique.

>> No.20352851

Sure, we'll go with that, remain ignorant.

lmao what kind of interpretation is this? Must suck having a room temperature IQ

>> No.20352873

This. Too many don't understand this.

>> No.20352921

>Raising capital gains will not affect the top of the money pile.

depends, they could just boost AMT rate instead, or literally just use a graduated tax rate for capital gains as well.

anyone rich making mostly in cap gains is basically hitting AMT anyhow.

t. hit AMT basically every year.

>> No.20352930

there's kyc on that

>> No.20353034

Do you have a legal entity, or is that from your "paycheck" from said entity? Either way, it's not like there's not ways to get around a lot of it. And it won't generate much vs the actual tax debt. It's simp placating. But we know this.

>> No.20353055

That dude literally eats shit, and fed his neighbors corpse to a pack of dogs.

He might be right about taxes though.

>> No.20353075

Thirty-SEVEN percent goy

>> No.20353118

I'm Jewish so paying taxes and not cannibalizing child penis is against my religion.

>> No.20353145


>> No.20353182

I don't have any LLC, pass-through or other tax avoidance outside of normal write offs. I just wage and trade here and there.

and yes, all taxes on rich generally fail to understand the actual day in the life of the rich. whatever, we'll see. Dems have a chance of flipping the whole government.

>> No.20353188
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Can't you just use localbitcoins and withdraw cash?

>> No.20353224

I dont mind paying capital gains but I got 2000 fiat on paypal while getting neetbux years ago. I am afraid they will get me for that cos it was freelance

>> No.20353239

Is that legal?

>> No.20353315

I don't see them flipping much. Though that may not matter as far as fucking the public goes.

>> No.20353370

We're all totally fucked if the dems do that

>> No.20353690

In some ways this is why it may be better to pay your tithe now while Trump is in office than wait and get buttfucked even harder later

>> No.20354327

I'm currently living in Amsterdam and I am a Dutch citizen. I never reported my tax to the authorities and there's no way they'll find out about my crypto savings. I've accumulated my wealth through reinvesting all my profits but now I want to enjoy some of it before the next bull run

>> No.20354458

What about this. What if someone buys link in 2018, but then has significant profits in another crypto, say RLC. They sell the RLC and buy more link. Then cash out the original link. Then you could say you only sold the link you bought in 2018 and only pay the long term Capital gains rate right?

>> No.20354630

name one

>> No.20354696

Bump for this question. Anyone think this will work?

>> No.20354745

First in first out

>> No.20354770

Thanks anon

>> No.20354816

>Jews are subject to the same tax laws as you
> Most of your taxes go to pay down the national debt anyway.
The national debt has been skyrocketing my entire life. What the fuck are you even talking about.

>> No.20354898


This is fucking stupid as the way it counts under IRS code right now means that you would pay taxes on the transaction.

I’m an accountant (an auditor not a tax accountant to be clear) and my current plan is:

1. Claim account was hacked
2. Send tokens to various wallets I maintain possession of (laundering in various amounts through various wallets)
3. Create 2-3 various consulting businesses (one cryptocurrency business, one “lifestyle,” one real-estate) as LLPs
4. Invest in the LLPs with whatever cash you have, and then receive revenue through your token of choice. Then this revenue will be weighed against whatever expenses you choose to take (ie reasoning for lifestyle advice consulting, you can run through ridiculous shit as COGS)
5. Take dividends as long term capital gains rather than pay a salary to avoid double taxation (this is what people like Obama, Clinton, and Biden do with speech fees)
6. You end up paying long term capital gains while also not paying taxes against expenses.

>> No.20354904

Crypto to crypto is taxable tho...

>> No.20355527

>Pay down national debt
>National debt go bigger

>> No.20355581

I would just pay the taxes. Avoiding it seems like just a huge hassle.

>> No.20356323

That's how they get you anon. Encountering a little resistance shouldn't make you want to give up straight away, that's how they get away with everything. They make it difficult on purpose.

>> No.20356535

>Jews are subject to the same tax laws as you
The rich barley pay their "muh fair share"
>Most of your taxes go to pay down the national debt anyway

>> No.20356577

if you have serious gains, move to another country and setup a series llc (nevis / caymen islands) . No even a divorce court judge can steal your linkies

>> No.20356639

Kill yourself faggot there's no pride in paying your taxes

>> No.20356768

You mean wreck your life

>> No.20356822

Ignore irs glownigger bait and keep stacking

>> No.20356908

What if PayPal does start to incorporate crypto and I can just buy everything with that? Is that still taxed if I’m just buying with crypto? What if I buy gold with crypto also and say I found it?

>> No.20357186

Declare it, then don't pay taxes on it by offsetting your profits with deductions. You get audited when you fuck around and try to hide shit. If you are transparent and use the same laws rich people made for themselves, you'll be fine.

Schedule C lets you deduct business expenses, like business travel, business meals, business use of your car, your new business laptop, etc. If your business doesn't make money because you are an incompetent moron it's all deductions from your taxable income.

Schedule E is for when you buy real estate. Homes are money pits. If you rent that home, or attempt to rent it by listing it on airbnb for a month but do a shit job at getting anyone in there, then it's all deductions. The improvements on your home can improve your property value so you can get cash on a refi or profit if you ever sell, and those improvements are essentially subsidized as a loss on your Schedule E that turns into a refund for you.

Schedule F is when you buy your compound innawoods and try to grow tomatoes for profit. Maybe you got $5 for your shitty tomatoes, but had to spend a shitload on a tractor to grow them. Maybe you've always wanted to raise chickens. Do it, spend all the money getting a nice chicken coop, then sell half a dozen eggs to your neighbor for a dollar. Your chicken fantasies, turned into reality by your crypto riches, are now subtracted from your taxable income.

Depreciation is magic for showing huge losses. Cars and real estate depreciate. When you initially buy real property or blow a shit ton of money on improvements, these can be one time 1 year depreciation deductions.

With capital gains, long term rate is lower BUT if you have assets that are mixed long/short term, the short term may have a higher basis. Then you have less profit that gets taxed, i.e. a lower overall taxable income.

Don't hoard your profits. Declare them, spend them on good stuff and you don't have to give them to the Beast. Cross post this on /pol.

>> No.20357213
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Any tips for the UK?

>> No.20357463

Get crypto.com visa compatible card and start just buy shit with it.