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20346178 No.20346178 [Reply] [Original]

A comprehensive discussion on why /biz seems to think that Stakenet Dex is not worth considering.

Go nuts - Put in all the FUD possible here, and lets see if we can have these addressed. I'm sure you animals here can't keep away from the name-slinging and ad hominem, but try and salt them with a little meatier talk about why you think xsn is a "scam" or whatever.

A few disclosures before we start:

1. Yes, I am invested. No, i have no intention of shilling you my bags. I'd prefer none of you fuckers buy this coin. Stay away. Really. I am here to talk about the DEx solution and the xsn coin in the context of the DEx. So, I dont care if it is "dumping now" or "listed on only shitty exchange" or "MC only 25m". Not relevant here. Take that shit away, and have grandma can it for winter or something.

2. THe Dex works. The LN in the context of the DEx works. Now. It is in beta, and all you lazy fuckers need to do is waltz into discord and ask to be added to the testing. THe mods there are chill af, and quite helpful in my experience.
THeres nothing like taking part in a beta test along with a 100 other testers, and then come here to hear some mouth-breather call it "smoke and mirrors" or "fools dream" or whatever. If it has faults, great - point them out. Or better yet, join the testing ,and break the DeX. Break it like the bread in the Last supper. to shreds. Go on. If all you have to offer is "hur dur, no. wont work. also, your momma fat", then fuck off, drink your chocolate milk and go do your homework. go be a cunt somewhere else.

>> No.20346181



Stakenet offers lightning swaps (atomic swaps on the LN) + Atomic swaps.

Through its Aggregator, it offers easy access to liquidity and smooth arbitrage - so an ecosystem set up resulting in one shop to buy the crypto of your choice.

1. Walk in with the coin you have
2. Walk out with the coin you want.

If you set aside the tribalism that comes with being fully invested in a single coin, you can dream this with me.

A vast global network.
A giant spider web, but with no center. Also, no spiders.

Instant pure freedom of money movement.

You dont need the xsn coin to use the Dex. You dont need the masternode to use the Dex.
Just walk in. Trade. Walk out.
No kyc. No geo blocks. No restrictions. No breaches of privacy. No handing over your keys.

Beautiful, no ?

Would satoshi be proud ?

>> No.20346266

I only have 1 Masternode. Will this be enough to make it?

>> No.20346273

The problem with the fudders is that they lie and constantly repeat themselves even after being the answers.

>> No.20346283

being given*

>> No.20346289
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>> No.20346311
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See this is what I mean. Pic related,

>> No.20346328
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Friendly reminder that every retard post is a bump and a chance to post another infogrpah and help your fellow biz bros make it

>> No.20346413
File: 55 KB, 690x588, poswpumpanddump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol who is this? A fucking nobody ROFL



Nobody wants to associate with a project that is gonna get banned

>> No.20346443
File: 2.38 MB, 4448x5904, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't just shill /biz/ a great project with solid fundamentals and advanced tech
>Nooooooooooo SCAM DELUSION

>> No.20346462
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>being so triggered by criticism you take the time to collect them and make a compilation of them


>> No.20346493

Posting on everythread. What a sad existence.
You could have bought back in you know.
I guess you'd rather buy high sell low.

>> No.20346531

Yes, that's me too. So what? kys dirty curry pajeet, you're in those threads too. The sad thing is that you're all switching IPs talking to one another. We know it. KYS

>> No.20346545


yea, i dont know who you are, and I dont give a flying fart who Yankee is.

noone is asking you to buy. dont buy.

is that all you have ?
your only problem with stakenet is because "yankee is pumping" ?

what the fuck do I care what yankee is doing in the privacy of his own house ?

he can pump away till he is sore.

fuck off.

>> No.20346548

Nah I only need 1 Ip since the project is that good. New people join the discord all the time to test the DEX.

>> No.20346614

Appreciate the efforts to try and spread knowledge OP, sad to see it descend into the normal tribalism of pump and fud.

On a side note I tried the beta after all the shilling started on biz out of curiosity as I wanted to see if there was any truth to all the claims and I was really impressed. So much so that I now had a little pot of 8000XSN all bought on the DEX. I was really impressed with the aggregator tech thing and seeing it work on Binance made it finally click how it all worked. Was cool to buy my XSN using the DEX and seeing the trades on Livecoin. I don’t know if it will take over the world but it’s cool to see them try and they made me a believer in it for what it’s worth.

>> No.20346676
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CZ loves stakenet

>> No.20346680

Based glad you like the DEX, raiden integration should be done before the year is up. You'll have a 1 stop shop to trade crypto over a extremely fast and scalable network (lightning + raiden).

>> No.20346690

>4 xsn has been deposited in your account

>> No.20346705


> why would this be banned, anon ?

>> No.20346776


LMAO- this guy.

I dont get what you are trying to do here.

Everyone else is wrong. everyone else who has tested the dex is wrong. every other anon here is the same guy with different ip.

except this cunt here. hes the real deal.
hes on a one man mission against a hundred others to bring the light of reason to /biz

good god, man. I donno why you have such a hard on for Yankee...but either ask him out or move on.


>> No.20346791

>6 xsn has been deposited in your account

>> No.20346861

Not sure if I’m allowed to talk about what goes on in the test groups but nobody said I can’t I guess. There are Raiden devs in mine which I don’t know why but it got me sort of excited. A few other names I recognise too were talking to the devs and they all seemed pretty impressed with what they saw

>> No.20346924


nothing wrong with saying what goes on in the test groups.

if you noticed something off, bring it up here so we can all see.

>> No.20346963
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>Not sure if I'm allowed to talk about what's going on
>test group

>> No.20347037




he also said "... but nobody said I can’t I guess" but you conveniently left that out.


testing is open. free open invite to discord to all. come and try.
but this brainiac thinks everyone signs an NDA.

>> No.20347040

Oh very nice. I'm in a few of the sub groups, haven't paid much attention to who else is in them lol. I know from their latest dev update that;

>We have already executed cross trades from BTC to ETH via Lightning and Raiden and have a proof of concept in place.


So exciting to see how fast this moves.

>> No.20347049

Did Blocknet tell you to come up with these childish oneliners or did you learn it from Skadoosh?

>> No.20347072

You shouldn't use the word 'blocknet', it alerts their discord bots.

>> No.20347089


actually, I'd be interested to hear what blocknet fans have to say.

positive or negative, I'll take it.

>> No.20347110

Alright, we can call them I guess. Ahem
Blocknet Blocknet Blocknet Blocknet, let's see what happens.

>> No.20347118
File: 382 KB, 1080x1866, article swap info.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Stakenet. The tech is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical code most of the breadcrumbs will go over a typical pajeet's head. There's also XSN's Lighting Network, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his decentralized nature draws heavily from Satoshi Nakamoto literature, for instance. The hodlers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these nodes, to realize that they're not just money makers- they say something deep about BRAP. As a consequence pajeets who dislike Stakenet truly ARE brainlets- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the implications in XSN's existencial catchphrase "Lightning Network Cross-Chain Atomic Swaps," which itself is a cryptic reference to Sergey's Russian epic Chainlink Whitepaper. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those porn addicts simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Draper's genius unfolds itself on their phone screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Stakenet Masternode. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the trap's eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.20347131

Ok anon

>> No.20347176


blocknet has had a presence in this space for some time now. it has survived when a lot of other projects died. It has innovated and added to the crypto space.

Anything they have to say, I would listen before judging.

competition isnt a bad thing.

>> No.20347189

Nothing was off at all everything worked great I just don’t know if your allowed to talk about who was in your test group with you as there was some Raiden devs in mine and other personalities that I recognised so don’t know if that’s supposed to be secret or not. When you ask to join beta you get put into a private DEX channel with other testers.

>> No.20347250


SCAM it says on the post,, they been trying for years and this is what they come up with XSN,,, and ppl still saying wait till raiden,, bullshit


>> No.20347252


ah yes. the seperate test channels to help the devs keep things organised in groups instead of the main dex channel being spammed with 100 different ppl.

but can you confirm if you had to sign an NDA ?

>> No.20347271

Hello frens
Ignore the fudders, our DEXs will take down CEXs together.

>> No.20347288


what in fuck are you going on about ?

that is POSW.

this is xsn.

not the same.

>> No.20347304

Good dog/10
XSN/$10 billion mcap

>> No.20347318

No NDA or anything like that was ever asked to be signed, nobody even said you aren’t allowed to talk about things in the channel it was all very open. Think it’s just me feeling like a bit of spy talking about other people in the channel without their knowledge or something I dunno just makes me feel a bit guilty as maybe they were trying to keep a low profile or something

>> No.20347334

Well im excited now, got any names I should look out for?

>> No.20347344

here u go anon


read the last bit. All i am saying is they been trying for years to build and still they got what,, wait till raiden implemented LOL

>> No.20347345
File: 11 KB, 600x800, 1594298658511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You conveniently left it out
>Got you now!

>> No.20347361

If you're going to fud please don't post those pictures. plebbit wojacks are foul.

>> No.20347375

>less than 30 seconds later
Who is camping the thread pajeet? Unreal. Go report to Yankee and get your xsn.

>> No.20347408

>less than 30 seconds later
>Who is camping the thread pajeet? Unreal. Go report to Yankee and get your xsn.

>> No.20347414


this is fair.

as i understand, there has been a bit of delay. mainly cause the initial plan has changed. new stuff added lengthened the time. a fair point raised.

but no, the whole thing isnt delayed for raiden. raiden is just the piece they would be moving on to next.

the dex with ln works now. join discord and try. it isnt just a drawing on paper anymore

>> No.20347426

they started as [POSW] POSW COIN | The World's First Trustless Profit-Driven Economy
September 17, 2017, 10:57:18 PM -- bitcoin talk

>> No.20347433

hope so, that's all i've got too

>> No.20347468


look here, you inbred donkey.

noone is asking you to buy anything.

the OP clearly says "dont fucking buy".

enough with the shit...carrying on and on with the "bags" tune...fuck that.

go spend your money on weed and hookers. dont buy xsn. dont.

jesus, you have nothing to say on the viability of the dex ?

>> No.20347497
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You have digits now too

>> No.20347525


no. this is false.
the old posw team reached out to x9 team to work on the dev. when posw exited, x9 stayed and swapped to xsn instead of leaving posw holders to drown.

new vision. new direction. new team.

>> No.20347544
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my advice is to hold on to your 1 MN (I also have 1 MN since last July) and reap in block rewards and also staking to stack until you get 15,000 for another MN. and yes 1 MN is enough to make it. the more you read about them the more you realize that masternodes are essentially a full-on business.

>> No.20347563
File: 85 KB, 596x1008, 1590414610311 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The team is the same guys! You gotta believe us!
>Believe us, a new team stepped in to take control over an existing coin rather than make a new one!

>> No.20347587
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Checked and based. See pic related.

>Contradicts himself....

>> No.20347604

goddamn if that isn't a sign, then i don't know what is..

>> No.20347665


yes, because they have already worked with a community that was willing to give them a modicum of trust.

why the fuck would you want to start from zero when you are handed a ready made base to work with ?

try harder.

>> No.20347686
File: 77 KB, 624x528, surprise xsn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when this bombshell was dropped out of nowhere. such a legendary move by the stakenet team.

>> No.20347721

You're right, I see developers tripping over themselves to take over existing projects rofl. Absolute delusion. No one does that.

Especially with a coin with a reputation like POSW as a pump and dump trash coin

Think about it genius. Does it make sense to you? It doesnt. Not at all. If you're a LEGIT DEVELOPER YOU START FROM SCRATCH WITH YOUR OWN PROJECT!

>> No.20347746

Might not make sense to you because you sold at 700sats but it makes perfect sense to me. Great team great devs.

>> No.20347781

XSN 100$ EOY

>> No.20347791


okay. this is reasonable.

now that you seem to have climbed off yankee's dick, you are raising a fair concern.

i donot pretend to know what happened at the time of swap...the discussions or whatever..i joined last year....so ill let anyone who was there address that.

>> No.20347944

Is this some sort of lame fake FUD concerning convo?

>> No.20347961

Read the OP, there has been one guy spamming fud the last few weeks. Same shit over and over and over.

>> No.20347991

Yeah, is he just replaying to himself now or is someone actually falling for his shit?

>> No.20348012



this thread is to see what concerns re: the DEX are out there and how they are addressed, yes ?

this is something that came up...relatively sane.

im not going to pretend to have answers that i dont have or change the subject by insulting ancestors.

ill wait till some1 else addresses that. how is that fud ?

>> No.20348016

Ah rip my bad I though >>20347791 was OP but he isn't.

>> No.20348041

>im not going to pretend to have answers that i dont have or change the subject by insulting ancestors.
>by insulting ancestors.

>> No.20348092

What about the projects who fork from another project, such as bitcoin, and build upon that, are they not legit? Simply because they forked?

>> No.20348139

>Yes, I am invested. No, i have no intention of shilling you my bags. I'd prefer none of you fuckers buy this coin. Stay away. Really. I am here...... for.... Eh.... other reasons. Even though I'm posting pages and pages of text I don't care I you buy... honest.....

>> No.20348171

Wait what, you don't find it a little bit weird that the devs, and the team as a whole, didn't launch a completely new coin? I find it a little bit concerning actually.

Also. /biz/ is smart. Yes it's been shilled here in waves, but the constant shilling everyday now isn't raising the price. Which means, either everyone who's in is in, or no one gives a fuck. The price pumped after the release of the dex beta, which doesn't mean much. Now, for the past 2 weeks it's been shilled here constantly with 6+ threads a day and it's went from 0.2 to to 0.25/24.... /biz/ is smart. If this was going to be some real crazy problem solving platform, then we'd have a lot more organic growth. The memes are people just putting XSN logos onto a chad, or a helicopter. The 'its amazing' posts are just copying the website paragraphs. There's not been a real explanation of why it's good. When Link came out, the theories were everywhere. It was crazy, it still is. This is just weak.

I hold 1 MN which is online, so I'm contributing, which I bought when someone here first posted the news on the Binance guy asking about the agg. So it was still fairly cheap for me. But I'm just struggling to find a reason to hodl this. If anyone wants to convince me on why you think it's next level tech then please do. Cause, ofc I wanna make it also.

>> No.20348204


op here.

aha. why is this so hard for you guys to get ?

you dont need the coin to use the dex.

i dont want to shill the thread. just to address why you big brains in /biz think the DEx wont work.

i havent spoken of the coin or returns or mns at all..have I ?

>> No.20348214
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>> No.20348274

You really think that's why this dex is going to take over and get over 500M in daily volume, cause you don't need to use the coin to trade on it? Come on man, I'm invested in it too but you've got to come up with a better reason than that right? At least something like, a dash node is 'this price' and it's built similar to that, or LTC is 'this price' and it's built on the tech.

Over 8000 in paint I see. The memes are so low quality with this one man, can't we onboard someone to make them better?

>> No.20348280


>> No.20348314
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>The memes are people just putting XSN logos onto a chad, or a helicopter
That's because the shilling is being coordinated by one guy (Yankeeruinx) and he can only do so much, despite his own motivation for pumping his bags. So we see a stalling of creative juices and more repetition when it comes to memes.

>This is just weak.
Of course its weak, because its all artificial. It's Yankee coordinating the pump with his small group of "biz army" shills.

>> No.20348358
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>> No.20348430


no. 500m ? maybe i donno.

but have you tried the DEX in beta ?

ive always been interested in the dexs around. was excited about idex but that was eth tech only and went kyc.

other dexs are all slow, low liquidity and not as easy to use.

but xsn dex seems to have solved most if not all the issues plaguing other dexs.

no account. no kyc. fast. etc.

you get the experience of a cex married to the safety of a dex.

whats not to like ?

the coin can stay at 10 cents, i dont care, as long as the dex functions as it should.

itll be a free new world, no ?

>> No.20348477

I've been in the discord for over a year. Yankee doesn't coordinate anything. Also there is no consensus about who keeps making threads, they're just posted sometimes in discord so people can tune into it.

>> No.20348481

Yeah I mean even if it is, I'm sure he could do better. They've had over a year to accumulate right? Why cash out 150k when all they need to do is put some retrowave/synthwave pics with the xsn logo on it and it would get much more attention. Like I said, the price has stagnated now, and there's large sell walls. So either everyone's in, or its' gonna dump soon.

Either way it was money I made on uniswap pnd's. Just feels a bit shit knowing I could've got a small bag of link before it pumped.

>> No.20348487

>issues plaguing other dexs
nothing with kyc or an account can even be a dex

>> No.20348490
File: 714 KB, 828x1648, 3BBD243A-0F3A-47FE-B0FD-6F9DB589E60C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, this fud spilled into the discord the other day and Draper addressed it all in particularly the part about why they took over POSW instead of starting their own project and doing an ICO like everyone else at the time was doing

>> No.20348542

>the coin can stay at 10 cents, i dont care, as long as the dex functions as it should.

Dunno about you, but I wanna live forever as a neet on passive income. So I'd really like it if the price didn't stay forever at 10c lmao

>> No.20348548



was speaking in the context of idex.

all was fine, till they brought out the "decentralisation is a spectrum" line and put kyc and geo block in.

do they still call themselves a dex or is it hybrid exchange now ? donno.

>> No.20348646

>I've been in the discord for over a year. Yankee doesn't coordinate anything.
Don't be daft. He sure does. There is a hidden room in discord and that's where he coordinates the shills. He is the one that posts on reddit right? Where do you think he gets his bumps from? He's the one coordinating everything when it comes to shilling, he always did.

I mean come on, why lie about this? 2 weeks ago not a peep about xsn, then all of a sudden we get 4-5 threads a day with 100+ replies? Give me a break man.

>> No.20348698

oh my lord where have you been all my life. day in and day out we get the lowest quality fud ever but this! this! this is actually fud with effort put into it, this has thought, this has narrative! thank you for finally validating my xsn stack with high quality fud anon. thank you so much.

>> No.20348752
File: 62 KB, 739x693, 1589078056465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a straight up lie too. POSW = XSN. It's the same team. All they did was rebrand lol. I remember them trying to decide on the new XSN logo. Do you know why they decided on the ticker XSN?

Because there are so many successful projects with the ticker "X". That's why they chose X. Yep. That's the reason why.

They are just lying to you. There was no real contract. It's just the same team from before.

There is also a hidden "admin" of POSW that held a large majority of the POSW coins. I doubt its a real person, its just a large holding that is split between the POSW/XSN devs behind closed doors.

You're all being lied to.

>> No.20348790


holy god, help me.

dude. do you have anything to say about the dex ?

i keep telling you - i dont care what yankee is up to. this thread is for comments regarding the dex. not the coin. i havent shilled the coin even once. all i ask is, if you havent already, try the dex. and comment here on why it will fail.

you keep standing in the coin like some old senile uncle at a party, sayimg the same irrelevant things over and over again.

>> No.20348793
File: 157 KB, 779x827, 0625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XSN isn't new. It's had a following on /biz/ for 2 years. Now that it's proving just how it can take a weak and fractured DEX economy and weaponize it, it's gaining a lot of new eyes.

>> No.20348804

Excuse me, addressing why X9 took over POSW and didn’t ICO, please read so can cross it off your concern list.


>> No.20348843


and again, only this anon knows the truth. everyone else is lying.
come and be set free, /biz.


>> No.20348871

It's weird, it turns into such a LMAO FALLING FOR YANKEE'S SHILL vs LOL ITS SKADOOSH FUD every time, it's just making other people like me, notice how shite this all is. It's like the same guy who bumps the threads on page 8 with 'based' or checking people's digits. There's no organic growth or discussion except from a couple new anons each thread that instantly leave cause it just turns to a shit show.

Someone leaked a part of the convo from the whale group the other day. So it does exist.

>> No.20348974

No this is false and you are confusing things.

POSW was a staking website/wallet thing and it had a blockchain POSW. X9 were contracted to work on parts of the POSW blockchain and the blockchain only. A completely different team handled everything else to do with POSW. That team bit off more than it could chew and couldn’t handle the amount of work needed to keep all wallets and shit updated on the website. Eventually the website got hacked and THAT team called it quits, again nothing to do with X9 or the POSW blockchain.

X9 having built up a relationship with the POSW community decided to carry on using the POSW blockchain for their own ideas and so they turned it into XSN.

It’s fucking crazy you would try and spin this as fud when X9 could have easily had an ICO like everyone else was doing at the time and banked millions. Instead they decided to help out the POSW community would have been truly fucked had they not done what they did.

>> No.20349004


umm...yes. the whale group exists. im in it myself.

all you need to do is own 100k xsn, and prove it to a mod and you are in.

and considering how low the prices were till a short time ago, 100k xsn isnt that high a bar.

also, whale group was mentioned in the general channels frequently...nothing sinister there.

just a bunch of guys who are an easy pool to help test dex and give comments.

>> No.20349031
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the only thing im learning from this thread is that fudders are getting more serious and I need to buy some more XSN asap.

>> No.20349110
File: 22 KB, 680x378, ed2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, listen. I will just come out and tell you all the truth, I was there a long time ago when XSN was first formed. I was there for the POSW days and I know Yankee. Other anons have mentioned this before, maybe if they are on here they can vouch for my truthfulness of my claims.

Yankee pumped XBY and POSW. He spammed the reddit forums and spammed biz. He had a small group of people with him, but I admit hes good at what he does, he switches IPs and talks to himself. Guaranteed he is seething rn as I spill the beans. I was there for both pumps. What is going on right now with XSN, is the same thing he did with POSW/XBY.

It's what I call the "old school" method of pump. It's quite obvious its him, because its the same thing that went on back in the day, with the POSW/XBY memes, the coordinated shilling, I know, because I was in the rooms with him doing it. Kek. I was there for this.

We had a hidden shill room on XSN. YES. A hidden, private room where people would gather to shill and spam POSW/XSN on biz. I was there when Stakenet was first formed, we chose the X ticker cause most of the successful projects were started by X.

POSW mooned hard and the team dumped. There is a hidden "admin" that held a large majority of the coins. No one wanted to talk about it, because it was so shady. No one really could ask that special question. The team on slack told us that a "new" team was formed called X9, but its really just a rebranding of the old POSW team. They had to rebrand because the reputation of POSW was so, so bad.

So I just cant resist calling it out how I see it, I am out of the pumping business, I just invest in legit projects now since the space has matured, but I just call it how I see it.

Again you can check the validity of my claims, just look into the history of XBY, Yankee shilled it to the moon, and it mooned hard and then dumped.

>> No.20349178

this guy is so committed it's astonishing lmfao dude how big is your stack

>> No.20349182


ill look into that, then, thank you.

>> No.20349221

>you dont need the coin to use the dex.
kek best of luck with your bags then

>> No.20349222
File: 450 KB, 828x1636, 5ADFFA29-78EC-45D4-BE47-308332C4A879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong and false please see:

As for Yankee he was nothing to do with POSW you can see exactly when he joined which was DEC 2017 which is AFTER POSW pumped to 20k Sats in APRIL 2017

>> No.20349272


yea. you dont need the coin to use the dex. but holding the coin comes with its own benefits.

i wont shill it though, as I said.

>> No.20349274
File: 103 KB, 326x314, tumblr_onuah2wbCS1w7964eo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XSN therefore is a very old, rebranded pump and dump projects, honestly they might be trying to be legit, the beta for the exchange partially works, but its mostly incomplete, they want money, they were always greedy, so they are going to pump this hard. I wouldnt be surprised if there were a few back room deals with Yankee behind the scenes, they'll give him a nice large amount of XSN just to shill the project to kingdom come.

XSN has no real connections in the industry, except to Litecoin and Ledger. No institution is gonna touch this anyway. There is no way they can pump this except through brute force shilling, which is why they are so aggressive on these boards.

People have been sitting on bags for ages, so when the beta for the exchange is just barely workable, Yankee goes to work to pump this thing the best he can kek. But the space has changed since the last time he pumped it, and its obvious that these old school tactics expose just how old school Yankee is approaching the pump and dump lol. It just exposes him.

The space has changed, most projects dont shill this aggressively, only the pumps and dumps. Its not helping xsn lol.

>> No.20349306

>There is no way they can pump this except through brute force shilling, which is why they are so aggressive on these boards.
I'll add them to the list

>> No.20349374

Ironically I think this is going to backfire on them and they are not going to get the pump they want. Already the pump is stalling and theres only so much retail money out there.

>> No.20349728


Exchange works well. If you have a point to make don't pollute it with lies.

But not sure you have a point - this is pure FUD. All conjecture and lies.

>> No.20349856

lol this level of seethe just makes no sense.

what's your end goal? if it's a scam, then don't invest. why waste countless hours pushing this idea that it's a scam? do you really think it's going to prevent people from investing?

I think you're heavily invested, all in, and upset about the idea of new investors being able to buy master nodes, thereby diluting your earnings. if that's your fear, just relax - we're all gonna make it, bro.

>> No.20350074

Same, I am not hodling as well. I bought to swing. There is no way that holding MNs or staking could help me gain more than what I could make from trading. The reason why majority of /biz/ wants "passive income" from "interests" is because majority of /biz/ are wagies. They do not know how to trade and find opportunities, they only know stable income. That is why it is very easy to bait them with these kinds of promises. This thing won't go beyond 5 cents. Trust me. Screencap all you want.

>> No.20350193

Can you back up your claims with evidence (screenshots)?

Example,one anon showed that Yankee joined after the pump. There is a screenshot, but instead we should trust that a random anon is not trying to get the price lower for accumulating?

>> No.20350281


its already 24 cents dude.

>> No.20350330

Think he meant 5 dollars?

Thats OK to me, i'll take the 20x...

>> No.20350334

50 cents. Sorry, my bad.

>> No.20350339

I was hoping it would get to a dollar so I could get a bag of Link. But Link will proably be $15-20 by that time. Really strange how there's no price action happening. The dex is going to release with Raiden integration, which means BTC/XSN/LTC only. Maybe a small pump after that, and then it'll slowly go down until Raiden.

I guess it's just time to sit and wait, if we go below 0.2 I'm out.

>The reason why majority of /biz/ wants "passive income" from "interests" is because majority of /biz/ are wagies.

Well I mean that's the idea. I guess I just got fooled into it also.

>> No.20350419

>There's no organic growth
In your fucking brain there isn't. Get fucked you absolute brainlet. There's a big fucking reason this is being both shilled and fudded to oblivion in every fucking thread, if you can't figure out the reason for that you're absolutely fucking retarded just like everyone else on this board.

>> No.20350440

>Example,one anon showed that Yankee joined after the pump.
Of course he did. The XSN discord was formed after POSW. That doesnt really mean much of anything, its just deflection on their part. I dont have any screenshots, you can either take my story or leave it, that was like 3-4 years ago.

>get the price lower for accumulating?
As if biz doesnt affect the price? Or does it now?

>> No.20350460


I wouldn't get Fudded out of your investment by this dude. Sometimes its best to take a break and get away from the retards on biz.

>> No.20350461

I guess we'll see in a year then

>> No.20350466

Yeah because it's a fucking scam you dumb nigger

>> No.20350482

Shut up you pajeet faggot.

>> No.20350485

Raiden is already priced in, that's why. Best you can hope for is a 2x if you just bought recently. Believe me. Tech-wise, it could be good. But I am no technical investor. I know when a pump or dump is due.

>> No.20350500

Kys nigger not everyone will fall for this fucking gay scam.

>> No.20350519

>priced in.

Yeah I mean I kinda thought so too, in the back of my head. Just never seen anyone else say it in the threads. 2x would be alright to be fair. Just gotta hope Link doesn't pull another moon mission

>> No.20350533
File: 159 KB, 732x724, raiden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody even knows what raiden is or understands its implications

>> No.20350575

Sorry for calling you a retard, I'm just angry about people actually listening to the piece of shit pajeet scam concern fudders, when all they want is to get this shit cheaper before it goes off. Oh well, you do you, I'm taking a break.

>> No.20350578

Why is it only on one exchange

Why did a bunch of developers take over an old project?

Oh right they are fucking bullshitting you because it's the same group

Who is the POSW admin?

Why is this whole thing so shady?

Fuck this pajeet nigger bullshit

>> No.20350599

>all they want to do is get it cheaper
You're such a fucking lying piece of shit, people have legit concerns, go fuck yourself. You're just in denial that you're holding a scamcoin

>> No.20350683

Nobody needs to know what it is. The market is never based on logic. This is probably the only tip you and everyone on this thread can get from me.

>> No.20350698
File: 8 KB, 250x202, 1584804813657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"legit concerns" that have been debunked every fucking single time for the past two weeks, continously, over and over and over. Get fucked you literal dog turd.

>> No.20350699

Isn't it just weird that groundbreaking ease of use between eth and btc is being fudded so hard? This literally doesn't exist anywhere else right?

>> No.20350723

if thats the case then why has chainlink performed so well?

>> No.20350724
File: 391 KB, 828x1649, 1CA41E1F-EACA-4954-9880-6CAA400367C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Yankee was part of POSW but he didn’t join the discord until 2 months after it was created.

>pic related
>big hole in your story right there

>> No.20350751
File: 250 KB, 652x946, xsn0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once you realize that you cannot get what StakeNet offers anywhere else, all FUD becomes immediately transparent.

>> No.20350795

This doesnt prove or disprove anything.

>> No.20350810

Don't know, don't care. All I can say is good luck, I would love to be proven wrong.

>> No.20350860

This is how I know /biz/ is full of "traders" and "investors" who are just wagies in real life.

>> No.20350907

Keep spreading those lies nigger. It doesnt change anything once you look into the shady history of the project

>> No.20351059

Doesn’t it, you said Yankee pumped POSW. Yankee joined the discord December 31st 2017. You then say that’s because it’s a new discord for XSN but that Discord was started months before Yankee joined. So if he was part of POSW why did he wait months to join the discord?

>your story doesn’t make sense.
>check the discord yourself to see when he first showed up vs the timeline you are trying to push

>> No.20351103

The only thing that is shady is the crack in between your fat ass blobs. Bitch.

>> No.20351196

This is the main thing I don't get. If it was so 'groundbreaking' ... Then why isn't it continuing to go up. Seems like I got caught by the shills and never understood it. All this shit with opening lightning channels, doing some other shit probably to get your BTC to Eth. Man, maybe I'm just so much of a brainlet I'm just lost. But, I can just go get wBTC just now and then use that on like, every other DeFi platform pretty much. I can't find any one else on Twitter/Reddit/Youtube talking about this groundbreaking conversion, apart from the people that are already in the Discord.

>> No.20351241

Really glad I found this thread. Been very close to going from having 0 XSN to 15k XSN for a MN. Was hoping it'd dip to 22c maybe before I jumped in.

Glad I've read this thread.

Think I might stay away for a while and watch from afar, got a bit of a bad feeling about it. Seemed too good to be true at first anywhom with how it was being marketed.

>> No.20351299

good to see all the fud. more cheap XSN for me

>> No.20351325

>So if he was part of POSW why did he wait months to join the discord?
Back then we used Slack, and the POSW Slack was being used to form XSN. People were very slow to migrate to the XSN Discord, we all preferred Slack at the time.

So again, this proves nothing.

>> No.20351361
File: 6 KB, 127x122, 0000 this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know how stinky linkies FUD their own coin.


that's what these are except instead of LINK it's XSN. That's how you know you've found a fucking gem.


>> No.20351419

Lack of kyc and it would make wbtc obsolete essentially. Not even shilling just a logical end point.

>> No.20351454

this, XSN is literally the best thing that ever happened to me, you got to be stupid to not buy now

>> No.20351455

Show me one screenshot of yankee in POSW slack please

>> No.20351513

>Then why isn't it continuing to go up.
Because right now almost no one knows about it. No one bothers reading the whitepaper or checking out what they've built. No one bothers actually trying to actively compare it themselves to what other tech projects exist (pro tip, they're shit). Right now literally /biz/ is the only place hyped up about this because of how unknown it is. We're always among the earliest adopters, was the case with bitcoin, was the case with ethereum, same with link. This is the case for XSN as well.

I'll link the shit to to you so you can see. Don't fucking get your opinions from 4chan. Read and compare the tech yourself and come to the conclusion.


Also, compare it with the other stuff, check out the team, the GUIs, and the unbelievable amount of work the team has gone through to actually create a legit brand of themselves. Everything is professional as fuck. Also, the fact that they have been laying low for so long while developing their tech means two things. They trust their work and tech, they have never been in a hurry to make gains (which are hallmarks of a pump and dump). Take these things into account and realize that the extreme amount of fudding and shilling on biz means two things. There is a ton of legit support for this shit, because it is one of the most legit projects in the cryptoindustry right now, and the fudders want to accumulate more coins BECAUSE it is so legit.

And THEN, if you consider the fundamentals of this project, which is actually actively aiming to position themselves as one of the largest platforms within the cryptoindustry (not just another shitcoin X with obscure features no one gives a fuck about), you start to realize that this shit can only fucking go up in the future, unless something catastrophic happens. It's literally the essence of good risk/reward. Low risk and very high reward.

>> No.20351579

>all this shit with opening channels
>doing some other shit probably
You're just assuming. Besides you won't have to do anything. One will open the wallet, wait till the auto pilot did everything for you and it's synced and from there on it's the same feeling as using any cex, except for the advantages of the dex

>> No.20351600

Hey Skadoosh

I remember you, and I know it's you from the way you type.
You where a community member, probably the worst one the project ever had. You was always talking shit to other members for no real reason. You've always been like this, always been "butthurt" for whatever reason.
You dumped your XSN, and went into Raven as far as I remember. Was probably a good move for you back then, I'll give you that.

That you keep spreading bullshit all over this board, and try to delude people with false info doesn't surprise me though. You where KICKED from the server due to your behavior, which I guess made you even more of a butthurt idiot than you previously where.
I pity you, you must really have no life.. Must have lost everything in crypto somehow, no one goes to such lengths to FUD, without a real reason to do so.

>> No.20351654

he will tell you that he has none, because yeah, he can't prove anything and keeps lying

>> No.20351691

anyone here went all in on XSN?

>> No.20351712
File: 376 KB, 828x960, AF290CA7-DCC5-4088-ABA2-27D572464A64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say nobody is talking about it but then why are big accounts like this talking about it so not just biz. This account is followed by pretty much everyone of any relevance in crypto including Jack Dorsey (Twitter CEO) so yeah people are beginning to notice what Stakenet are doing on Lightning Network now they can actually try it for themselves.

>> No.20351726

either that or he will shoop one up, in which case I will post photo forensics proving editing has been done on the image lmfao

I did last july and it was one of the best choices I ever made.

>> No.20351755

>maybe I'm just so much of a brainlet I'm just lost
And yes, you're a brainlet. Why do you allow yourself to be lost? Activate your brain and teach yourself about how it all works and relates, and then think about the implications for the crypto industry, and then for you as a holder of the XSN coins/masternode holder. It's literally insane what these devs are trying to do.

>> No.20351866
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1589075773099s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all so butthurt. I have no incentive to lie. If anything, I would join you in shilling this thing. But I only shill legit projects now. This isn't one of them.

I'm not even sure if Skadoosh is around anymore. It's pretty funny to see that he lives rent free in all your heads years later.

>> No.20351884

This is really the only thread where the FUD is legitimately proper. But most of it is concentrated on Yankee and his possible POSW past. It's just not good enough. The proof of the tech is verifiable through loads of clips and tutorials and beta-testers and their experiences. The team puts out builds on a daily basis. I joined summer 2019 with a nice stack of XSN and have held and will continue to hold because I have consistently seen openness and responsiveness from the team to any question being asked. Every coin pumped in 2017/2018, ofcourse it declined just like the rest of 'em, it proofs very little.

>> No.20351889



this is you stake shitters drowning out real fud and convincing yourself its baseless. this is a scam. open your eyes if you have them.

>> No.20351945


some VERY convincing points raised by this chap here.
I'm sold.

>> No.20352007

Honestly, if people get scared off by this obviously very personal attack on Yankee who isn't even on Biz, they prob deserve to be poor.

There's tech, it works, it's testable, and it's got a great UI. It solves problems other Dex's haven't.

I've read this thread and i'm trying to find the actual real concerns - as I invested in this coin - i'd like to know so I can get out.

Yankee being a marketer and joining the XSN team doesn't really change anything... it's just retarded.

>> No.20352018

There is no yankee POSW past it is a complete fabrication and if there was one it would be extremely easy to prove. I was there and he was not, simple as. You can’t provide proof he was there because it simply doesn’t exist and if this fudder is lying about that then everything else he says should be questionable.

>> No.20352046

XSN is the best investment you will ever make in your life, face it

>> No.20352060


>> No.20352074

I'm right aren't I

>> No.20352090

You're such a poor soul. Fudding XSN has become the center your life. XSN is living in your head, all day long, every day. Go out make some friends, try to talk to women, idk. But all you do instead is writing A LOT of fud comments on any XSN thread around without ever having delivered a single proof. Just cutout posw charts and wild stories

>> No.20352094

you think XSN is going to beat investing in ether at $7 or chainlink at $0.20? get a fucking grip kid lmao.

>> No.20352104

Yeah, wagie.

>> No.20352138
File: 9 KB, 200x200, stakenet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun Fact: did you know that they outsourced this logo? Yeah, they had some design group do it for them. I thought it was retarded then, and its still retarded now. The new logo looks better and less scammy.

>> No.20352161

Welcome to 4chan, where you can take leaks seriously or not. it's your choice.

>> No.20352177
File: 498 KB, 1298x1194, xsn crypto j curve 1593694840320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the confirmation. and yeah $25/Hour.

>> No.20352219


heres a tip. for someone who claims to be acting without any ulterior motives, you've just spent 5 hours attacking a project - almost all of it personal attacks and with no proof.

take a step back, and look at what youce become ?

now its attacking an outsourced old logo ?
really ?

the crime here is that their old logo is outsourced ?

>> No.20352254

Can't be anything else then a personal hatred of either the project or some people in it.

>> No.20352335

It's alright, wagie. But no seriously, thank you for pumping my bags. Been waiting since March. Good luck.

>> No.20352373

Why all that fudd? Just join the beta and try it for yourself, you will see the tech and decide if you like it or hate it. It's just stupid to waste time on fudding.

>> No.20352594

To the shillers, I am not complaining about the shilling, alright? I am merely enjoying myself here, sharing my thoughts. I've seen shillers of this coin last year, also around June-July. The coin dumped afterwards as predicted. And then the accumulation began. Please shill better this time, wagies. You wouldn't be happy with just a 5x, would you? Me neither.

>> No.20352639

any predictions on XSN price EOY? more than $10 possible? i think so

>> No.20352682

I'll all for people bringing up problems - none of us want to invest in something that shits the bed.

But FUD on when someone joined a discord is fucking stupid.

Shit I want this to hit top 100, big exchange, bit time. Maybe I Dream, but i'm looking for the real FUD that says it won't happen.

Dex is sweet, i'm happy to ride it and then roast all the poor fags in a year who sold cause of stupid FUD.

>> No.20352931

You're doing the Lord's work, anon. Keep it up.

>> No.20353027

This exact routine happens approx once per year by XSN shills, probably when they fall out with their moms and need to buy their own tendies for a while.

>> No.20353683


Some swingers are dumping, but bag holders aren't dumping, the masternode count is going up since weeks. There are 2046 active masternodes, up from 2018 yesterday, 2002 on 07/11th and 1940 on 07/04th

>> No.20353836


>> No.20353842
File: 163 KB, 813x551, 1594321720533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not necessarily "attacking" XSN. I'm just calling it out for how scammy and shady it is, kek. It's history speaks for itself.

Do you know XBY also has a scammy/shady history? The same coin Yankee and friends pumped? XBY was built on a coin called Bitmox. Supposedly the new developer Borzalom got scammed and decided to build his new amazing project...

Just like XSN! Building on this old pump and dump coin called POSW. Funny how it all connects?

pic related is you

>> No.20353846
File: 279 KB, 1620x828, 73A6CA9A-1A31-40AB-A134-43C35D1BCD14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s investigate that shall we.

So we have the complete chart here.

We see the initial launch hype that every project has, this was after coinswap and at the time most of the cryptomarket was crashing. XSN was one of the rare projects that was actually going up which meant it stood out and got more attention than it probably would have otherwise. At that time lots of CT were talking about it and shilling it which just fuelled the pump but eventually reality has to set in and it did. The entire market was crashing and XSN would eventually have to follow suit and it did as people exited the market.

The rest of the year they released the cloud staking, were the first POS/MN project to implement atomic swaps, Segwit and Lightning Network. At the end of the year they put out public demos for people to try Lightning swaps another worlds first and also landed the Litecoin deal to develop LN for them.

2019 not much happened apart from development of wallet/dex dont think you realise how long it takes to build something that has never been done before but it takes a long time with a lot of testing needed. Listed on CoinAll which caused a little bump but that was about it.

Now it is finally available to try and people are getting excited again because it works great.

XSN is following a classic J curve for crypto. Initial hype causes big surge, goes into development phase and people lose interest and move on, price goes down. Then we get to product release and interest picks up again and depending how good the product is received depends on what happens after that.

>> No.20353910

it's going to go to 3500 during the weekend, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. $10 EOY and of course XSN $100 2021

>> No.20353929

yeaa?? maybe ill put 4000 on credit

>> No.20353952

Personally a couple years for me in development is not a very long timescale. I've had some experience in automotive software (Autosar CAN stacks.etc) and crypto project timeframes are a joke in comparison lol.

>> No.20353977

for complete brainlets here you have the history of masternode count


As we can see there were some sell offs with the rise of the price but the total count reaches a new ATH every day

>> No.20354014


>> No.20354082


nah. looks nothing like me. jawline different.

okay. see here.

you say xsn = scam. yankee = scammer.
pump and dump. based on scam. bad history.

your proof = bupkiss. nada. zilch. zero. nothing.

one does not take talk like that seriously without proof. crypto is full of ppl slinging mud at other projects.

by that metric:

CSW = Satoshi, nevermind proof = 0

bitcoin = rat poison as per warren buffet , proof of rats killed = no proof.

bitcoin = ponzi, proof = zero.

you seem to be passionate about exposing scams. thats great. crypto needs more like you then.

now expose. with evidence.
noone is going to take your word for sake of it.

xsn offers its dex as proof of its work. anyone can test.

you offer a whole bunch of accusations, with no solid backing.

>> No.20354093
File: 9 KB, 214x235, tinfoil-skad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only I can tell you the truth. The rest of you are idiots. wHy No OnE lIsTeN tO mE?

Pic related.

>> No.20354159

This is not a court of law. This is biz. People tell stories here all the time. You may take my story for what it is; an anonymous person on 4chan giving you the low down on what happened. I openly admit i hold no bags, so why would I have any incentive to lie?

I have no monetary incentive to lie in this. You know who DOES have a monetary incentive to lie?

Holders of this project. They have an incentive to lie, because they have money in the game. I don't.

Besides, how do you expect someone to hold screenshots of a slack from 3, 4 years ago? Hehehe, you're so triggered.

>> No.20354175

XSN $100 2021. Keep hammering it, so anons can’t say we didn’t tell them. The old grindstone awaits us, and it’s sharpening for one hundred US dollars.

>> No.20354249

>anyone can test.
devs showed source code to me, it's all legit
all in XSN or poor forever

>> No.20354300


okay. this is tiring.

triggered is not the word.

im op, btw.

giving you the benefit of the doubt.
i asked for FUD so they can be addressed.

you offered a whole bunch of nothing.
you have said you piece.
and yet you still here 6 hrs later.
saying it over and over.

and you say im triggered ?

dude. really.

i would have LOVED to have someone here actually give me one good reason why the DEx and its model is broken.

all that is here is baseless and pointless.

>> No.20354396
File: 84 KB, 900x1200, ef90f043b738bd47228e803e4839939d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20354429
File: 656 KB, 900x1156, sgeggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20355227

>Then why isn't it continuing to go up.
but it is every fucking week lol