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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20344408 No.20344408 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20344482

It's literally doing as intended.

Although no one really knows because this is such a new concept and we barely have any historical data, the market cap is still nearly 10x from the run. Equilibrium to 1, then accumulation to next run. Rinse and repeat.

The only thing I'm slightly worried about is sub 0.96 price and how emotional people will get and for how long the price will stay under 1.

>> No.20344495

its dumping as intended

>> No.20344534

I will be buying from here until 0.95 exponentially, with 100ETH /biz/ zoomers can't grasp the big picture of this currency

>> No.20344577

Won't there be a supply shock under 95c, increasing demand preventing it from going down too much? Or maybe a death spiral where no one wants to buy bc their AMPL will be less and less. Whatever happens, it should be interesting.

>> No.20344607

I think there will be a lot of sell pressure for sure from fear but also sell pressure from bag holders who bought near the top. AMPL grew to fast we definitely need a cool off period. I'm planning to add once we have a confirmed bottom, I don't mind buying a little higher given it won't flush right back down.