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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2034289 No.2034289 [Reply] [Original]

>come to /biz/ to see if there's any interesting conversation about business startups, etc.
>it's just page after page of retarded e-currency threads
>these people have invested tons of money into these things and have no idea where the fuck the actual physical money is
>if they ever want to cash out they'll get a big "HAHAHA NO"
GL guys.

I'll keep lurking for an actual business thread.

>> No.2034306

Don't forget the 1% deposit fee before trading

>> No.2034475

Stay a poorfag forever.

Hey anyone who knows about PoSW as an exchange? How do I sell random alternative coins on posw?

>> No.2034481

>stay a poorfag
>because I didn't dump thousands into a fake currency
Yeah, no.

>> No.2034485

psssst. Physical money? No such thing. It's called FIAT money, created on computers. Go do some DD fag.

>> No.2034519

>business startups
Sam Altman is a human cancer. Discuss.

>> No.2034527

Yeah, it's reeeally impossible to cash out.

Impossible, I tell you.

>> No.2034537

Neither of you has any real capital or investments.

Please kill yourselves.

>> No.2034551

Just use the exchange m8.

>> No.2034552

>T. assmad nogains nocoiner

Also, why are fiatcucks trying to push the "can't cash out" meme everyday? As long as there is someone buying for market price, there is someone cashing out for market price. Are 1+1 sums that hard for nocoiners?

>> No.2034556

>t. i invested the $20 my mom gave me for my birthday, TRUST ME, I know what I'm doing!
>implying there is anyone other than you retards buying and selling
>implying there won't be a fiasco of epic proportions when someone finds out that the "market" is actually fake

>> No.2034560

>implying monetary supply is the same as M0/M1
news flash; you can't just go to your bank branch and ask them to give you $25k in M0; the closest you could come is getting a "Money Order" which is no more cash than the funds in your account; if you wanted to withdraw a significant amount of M0/M1 from your M2 account, it would likely take at least 3 business days for the bank to process that request, often as much as 5 business days (which is exactly how long it would take to cash out your BTC/ETH from coinbase).

>but coinbase has withdrawal limits!

So does your bank, you dip. They're both governed by the same federal regulations for KYC and due diligence.

Congrats, you played yourself, but hey, you got a reply, so I guess 3/10 on the troll thread breh.

>> No.2034568

>implying anything you just said is correct
You've never had $25k to withdraw, retard, you wouldn't know.

Main branches keep much more than that and will give it to you in physical cash if requested. Only inconvenience is having to fill out a form for the withdrawal being over $10k in cash that goes to the feds to make sure you aren't pablo escobar.

Keep pretending to be a financial genius on the internet though, bro. Doin great.

>> No.2034589

Son, let me tell you about making money. You have the hardworking labor men who try all sorts of tricks, jobs and hobbies like beekeeping and truffle hunting.
Their money feels the most real because its down to earth, they work for it, they see dollar by dollar and feel their pockets getting heavy.

And then we have the geniuses, the lucky bastards, the innovators and early adopters. The smart guys who let theirme hard thinking do the work.
Buying radio wave space, creating the lightbulb, selling your hot female body, brown nosing for a 250k a year job to appear on tv, creating a sci fI franchise about psyhic samurais with laser swords and flying cars, being a black pop dancing albino monkey in a red suit who got framed for being a pedo and later found out he was an autistic tree climbing queer.
These people create money out of thin air. Money is air for them. Money is tap water for them, it's so cheap it's free. Money grows in the trees for them.

Son, don't be that idiot who said that computers are just a phase.
Bill Gates is winking at you under his jar-glasses sitting on his 72 billion dollar company.
Steve Jobs is resting in a platinum coffin.

What I'm trying to say is... don't be a fucking grandpa who hides 237$ under his bed and has a heart attack when the nephew finds out and gives it back to him, but with an added zero.

>> No.2034596

>implying a week from now you won't be buying as many shitcoins as you can

enjoy the ride anon

>> No.2034615

>implying I am not a lucky bastard early adopter of something
You're preaching to the choir, my friend. I'm no Bill Gates, but I literally shit post on 4chan all day from my office.

I'm simply scoffing at the amount of shill threads for some fucking meme currency that has seen growth, but has no actual use that will keep it alive in the future. People who invested in BTC should cash out before people realize that it's literal fucking air. It's like if I sat down and drew money on MS Paint and started putting face values to it, memeing it into existence.

You all are literally buying a meme. It will die.

>> No.2034626

I hope you realize the price only depends on the expansion at this point.

The more people know about it, the more the price rises, since there is a natural entropy in everything. As of now, we are entering a phase where the people responsible for maintaining the markets are the ones who were raised in the tech gen, like me and you. This means the price of BTC didn't skyrocket sooner because of boomers essentially (boomers can't into tech).

We are in the phase of information, people are curious about things, they want change. If they start seeing a chance for change, they will go along.

I didn't drop 20 bucks, but it wasn't much anyway at start (1k).
I now have almost 10k from leverage trading (the price is fucking everywhere)

Buy crypto. I'm not saying all this to try and shill you, i couldn't care less if this all crashed overnight (would kek).

>> No.2034637

>the more people know about it, the more the price rises

What do you mongs not understand? You are buying things that are fucking fake, when people stop buying into this shitty meme all of your money will be lost.

>I couldn't care less
Well I fucking hope that's true buddy, because this shit is going to make people kill themselves.

>> No.2034641

it is admittedly pretty stupid, it's like you guys don't understand basic economics?

no, more people buying bitcoins isn't good. the more bitcoins there are the more inflation there is. that will make your currency less and less valuable until it's the fucking zimbabwe dollar.

>> No.2034646

Not to be 'that guy,' but I used to agree with your point of view, until I got to college, majored in CS and found that I was the only kid in my graduating class (2014) who hadn't gotten in on bitcoin. One of the kids walked onto campus with 500k in his checking account.

Maybe some day it will die, but that doesn't mean it won't make a bunch of people rich in the process.

>> No.2034669

Weak bait. Your nocoiner imitation is too over the top.

>> No.2034721

Everything is intangible anon. Was it you who decided a mac manu should cost 10$?
Was it you who decided a dollar is a dollar and we should all pay tax?
What makes you think water, food and oil are worth anything? they come from the fucking ground KEK.

My 100$ sweater is only worth 100$ bucks because PEOPLE PAY 100$ FOR IT.
If 0.005% of the people in the world bought BTC, the price would skyrocket to astronomical proportions.

>> No.2034799


/biz/ is really shit because of all these NEETs that are speculating on margin.

If they spent all the money they've lost thus far they could have paid their way through a trade school.

>> No.2034822

>investing is spending

Fucking retarded wagecuck. Stay poor.

Also buy POSW.

>> No.2034825

currently getting management meme degree and then will get a masters in either accounting or trading/analysis

This is just an apropriate hobby for me atm. The point isn't just the possibility of crypto being BIG. It's about getting money from this crazy volatility.

>> No.2034910

>come to /biz/ to see if there's any interesting conversation about business startups, etc. it's just page after page of retarded e-currency threads
Agree with this because all the threads with interesting discussion get bumped off quickly. Then you check the catalog to see what new threads killed it, but it full of low quality threads.

>if they ever want to cash out
I havent watched the orderbook in awhile but there should be enough liquidity at the bid for you to work your orders. But I guess what you're getting at is if there was a happening. Well, very similar things happen at the CME, ICE, and the interbank and tier2+ forex exchanges there are times when something happens and everybody pulls their orders the liquidity at the bid/offer dries up and the spreads widen to several standard deviations.

>As long as there is someone buying for market price, there is someone cashing out for market price
That's not how the order matching engine works. Buy market orders lift the offer and are matched with a sell limit order, and sell market orders hit the bid and are matched with a buy limit order. There has to be someone serving the role as market makers and dealers who are responsible for providing liquidity with those limit orders.
>Are 1+1 ...
I assume you mean for every buy order there is a matching sell order and vice versa and that is true. So the market makers are the ones who are usually on the other side of your trade but it may be another person like you who had a resting limit order.

>air. It's like if I sat down and drew money
>FIAT money, created on computers
>INTANGIBLE. are fucking fake, when people stop buying into this shitty
Similar truths apply to USD which is even more apparent things are artificially propped up when you factor in the whole eurodollar, US treasuries, petrodollar recycling scheme.

>> No.2034924

>But I guess what you're getting at is if there was a happening
No, he's shitposting with the "no one has ever cashed out crypto profits" meme.

>> No.2034936

It is pretty boring that the only threads involve investing in ecurrency or someone asking how to make money and being told to invest in ecurrency.

I honestly expected more from /biz/ and thought it could only get better from the early days of the board. It's only gotten worse, and that is pretty disappointing. Oh well.

>> No.2034944

Yeah, but what I mean is that for every dollar that goes into the system (exchange), another dollar is ready to come out (even more due to fees). If the price has risen and I want to cash out my share at a profit, the money I'm getting here came from the pockets of people buying now, nothing comes from thin air.

I just happen to believe the number of crypto holders will still grow a lot. (There are grounds and reason for exponential growth)

>> No.2034948

>lose 1% on trading
>gain 30% in intraday trading

really makes u think

>> No.2034969


>> No.2034986

People buying bitcoins doesn't magically increase the amount of bitcoin you fucking mong

>> No.2035003
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He doesn't know bitcoin has a supply cap

>> No.2035013

The difference being that I can use USD to purchase tangible objects while BTC is only accepted by a limited number of autists.

I'm not saying that investing is retarded, I am saying that investing in a meme is retarded. It is also retarded to invest in shit like star wars shot glasses, etc.

>> No.2035030

>obvious bait is obvious

>> No.2035052

there isn't a dollar in for every dollar of the market cap. the majority of people may have paid $1 for their coins but the last transaction was for $1000 and now the market cap is #coins x $1000 even though the money that went in is 1000x less

>> No.2035271

I don't think you understand how prices are affected.

As for your example, if the last guy pays 1000 for his coin, that means that after the guy that bought for 1$ cashes out for 1000, the guy that bought at 1000 now sees his coin valued at ~1$ . This simple example somewhat shows that in the system, much like in chemistry (fancy name for imensurable physics), nothing is created or destroyed, just transformed.

>> No.2035277

Man, nocoiners are really starting to get asshurt about missing the boat.

Keep telling me I don't have real capital to play with when I have 100 grand in liquid assets and made 40 grand in 4 months, you fucking pussy.

>> No.2035292


Bank statement or GTFO

>> No.2035307

I'm a member of paradeigma. A very recent startup a few people here on biz began. We are currently discussing possible business ideas and such and have a few dedicated people. Check it out. The website is the name followed by .biz

>> No.2035856

>i have blahblahblah
>provides zero evidence
>posts from his mom's laptop that she got loaned from work
Go to bed.

>> No.2035902
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Can cryptoshills just make a general or something?

>> No.2036084

Every time they make fun of "nocoiners" some depressed wagecuck goes and buys some of this crap, and their pump and dump scam grows stronger

>> No.2036135

>I literally shit post on 4chan all day from my office.
well there's some truth anyways.

>> No.2037089

if it wasn't working they wouldn't be doing it
but cheer up
won't be much longer before the whole thing comes crashing down

>> No.2037114

...what you have said is so asinine, so incomprehensibly stupid, I don't even know where to begin refuting you, other than say you are wrong, and need to read up on basic finance before you ever try to post here again.

>> No.2037116

Can nocoiners just die already

>> No.2037118



>> No.2037132
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I don't get why it's so difficult for nocoiners to grasp what digital currency is. As we speak, there's only 8% of physical currency in the hands of people, the rest is all digital transfers thanks to debit/credit cards. We're already in the age of digital money and some countries don't even accept physical money at all anymore. Visa already has cards out for bitcoin and you use it the same fucking way as any of your other debit/credit cards. Why are nocoiners so fucking dense? Stay poor and mad fags. We've been hearing your excuses on why you refuse to get with the times for years and years now, and during that time we've gotten and continue to get rich while you're still only getting minimum gains through geriatric methods of investment from your wagecuck job. Stop making shit up and lying to yourself.

>> No.2037391

Cryptos literally have no barrier for entry and are performing insanely well, while surviving major shake ups like PBoC cracking down on exchanges, or the possibility of a hard Bitcoin fork on March
They're the most popular thing on /biz/ since they currently are the best investment you can do, even with the risk involved
Also, you should remember this board was created to get the Dogecoin spam out of /g/

>> No.2037393

You do realize that most boards are like that too?
everything here is mostly shitposting.

>> No.2037687

I'm okay with Crypto threads but there are just too many made at once. AAPL dipped after their quarterly report and no one made a thread about it or how you should take advantage of a lower price and now how they're paying the highest dividend for a company

>> No.2037708


Money isn't tangible either. Most people have it sitting in a bank as 1s and 0s and are essentially buying things with credit cards and paying off numbers. People are using cash less and less, and crypto is just an extension of that idea. Why is using a credit card or app to pay for things easy to understand but crypto is suddenly a "scam"?