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File: 61 KB, 2048x2048, fantom-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20331388 No.20331388 [Reply] [Original]

Fantom looking good with DeFi platform on the way (FTM)

Been through multiple cycles. I want to share some thoughts on a project that I believe has the components of a massive winner: Fantom

Do you foresee Ethereum rising to a 100B Market Cap again? (a 4x) Do you envision DeFi and smart contract projects leading the next bullrun?

What about a project that challenges Ethereum at its most core functionality and offering: to be a fast, affordable, scalable platform of trust? A project that could technically replace Ethereum by utilizing the same address system and allowing any Solidity dapp to be ported in less than five minutes.

Because, while Ethereum uses Layer 2 solutions to address bottlenecks, Fantom uses their aBFT Layer 1 consensus (Lachesis) with sub-second finality. Lachesis works UNDER Fantom's Opera, Xar, and other blockchain mainnets, meaning it can be further improved and upgraded over time, SEPARATE from all the complex coding at the blockchain level. And Fantom blockchains have been running on Lachesis since last year and work incredibly well.

(Read their many academically-partnered research papers: https://fantom.foundation/fantom-research-papers/))

Try it yourself at http://supercharge.fantom.rocks/

Send 50 confirmed transactions with one click.

Watch how fast it goes. Then realize those transactions are your:
- Solidity dapp's important functions being executed,
- your digital currency payments,
- or the trusted, real-time state of an autonomous car network carrying you through a congested city.

Could a project that has this combination of compatibility, capability, and possibility get to a 1 billion market cap or more? (Just 1% of Ethereum's likely 100B) I don't know, but if so, that's a 66x from today's price.

Fantom ALSO has a suite of DeFi tools going live soon. (fantom.finance)

There's much more at fantom.foundation

There are other great projects, but nothing has me more excited than Fantom right now.

>> No.20331713
File: 18 KB, 601x590, scamton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter flagged their account because it's a scam

>> No.20331756

yeah sure twitter flagging is a good indicator of a scam
you're so smart /s

>> No.20331763

That's precisely Twitter's job.

Anon, you're so clever.

>> No.20331768

low effort copypasta shill

most likely

>> No.20331879

you can tell they haven't used the platform or they would be buying.

>> No.20331888

good fud, bought more, alwxays will buy more! enjoy being poor faggots!

>> No.20331976


> https://github.com/Fantom-foundation/Fantom-DeFi/tree/master/contracts/liquiditypool

this is Fantoms "DeFi platform" lmao

less then 700 lines of code

and its a copypasta form here
> https://github.com/andrecronje/flend

if you still dont get that its a scam
you failed the iq test

>> No.20332067

Enjoy being gay and poor at the same time because you failed the iq test and you're ngmi

>> No.20332104

Go through this you brainlet.


>> No.20332165

Copypasta response from a thread yesterday.
Dumb cunt, learn to read code.

>> No.20332183


lmao cope harder

how often do they have to lie to you before you realise that you got scamed?

i sold my fantom afer i found out that the tps is less then 30

>> No.20332298

stay poor

>> No.20332355


i got a master in CS
explain how this is not a scam

the only code for the defi platform they have is a copied form here
> https://github.com/Fantom-foundation/Fantom-DeFi/tree/master/contracts/liquiditypool
they had 7 month time for the defi patform
its less then 700 lines of code
they have no test for the code
there is no sight of lending in the code
its only a shitty dex (with order books lmao)
they dont even have token warping yet

but i guess i failed the iq test

>> No.20332711

You did

>> No.20332714

These fantom scammers are so delusional because they missed link, ERD, AAVE, and Synth while holding this shitcoin. Their only refute to hard facts is " FUD schizo". They believe that there is one entity that fuds this coin because of DAG. Makes me wonder who the real schizos are.

>> No.20332737

Shut the fuck up you dumb larping faggot.
I'd you'd had a master's in cs you'd be able to point to specific issues with the contacts or wallet, not an arbitrary number of lines of text. Your shit wouldn't even fly on Reddit.
There's tests in that same repo btw but you're too much of a dumb cunt to find them.
I guess the Indian standard for a master's degree is significantly lower than it is in Europe.

>> No.20332800

I do this professionally and he's right about the github. Idk what else they are working on but if this is it it's not much.

>> No.20332835

Do what professionally? Ejaculate onto your own face?

>> No.20332837

The platform is fast but the defi repo isn't impressive. Maybe they aren't sharing it but it would be nice to know when it's supposed to launch.

>> No.20332861

if this protocol ever had a chance it's going be ruined by brainlet faggot moonbois like u anon. If you actually want it to work shut the fuck up and take ur meds

>> No.20332892

There is obviously a front end for it that isn't public for obvious reasons.
I swear the god the amount of techlets on this board is ridiculous.
You had 20 years to learn to code

>> No.20332920
File: 21 KB, 357x412, 1588483875296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling people they would be buying
>Has no idea what else they are doing
Just sell now you fucking idiot

>> No.20332923

>Random posts on 4chan magically affect coin
Here's your (You)

>> No.20332955

lol based.

also, my FTM bags are packed and delegated. Making $$$ every day... FTM will moon

>> No.20332990

>Shut the fuck up you dumb larping faggot.

im not larping

> I'd you'd had a master's in cs you'd be able to point to specific issues with the contacts or wallet, not an arbitrary number of lines of text. Your shit wouldn't even fly on Reddit.

i only flew throw the code
my own defi uniswap stop loss project has 800 lines of code 400 for them are for the contract
so it makes no sence that their "defi platform" only has less them 700 lines of code of their contracts

> There's tests in that same repo btw but you're too much of a dumb cunt to find them.

where are the test you low iq monkey???
there are no fucking tests because they dont know what they are doing

> I guess the Indian standard for a master's degree is significantly lower than it is in Europe.

made my cs degree in one of europs top university

>> No.20333042

>More larping
Don't care, have a (you)

>> No.20333049

Post degree. Black out your name. Prove your credentials and I will market sell my Fantom stack immediately.

>> No.20333079


do you still own fantom?

> you can tell they haven't used the platform or they would be buying.

yes its fast but it dosent scales
if you spam http://supercharge.fantom.rocks/ you can stop all new transactions for minuntes

and they have no plan how to scale it better
its unironically a dead project

>> No.20333196

honestly same. This dude is probably the same guy who created the ACID token or some other 4chan shilled trash coin. If he posts it its a market sell

>> No.20333374


sorry guys but if you need to see my degree to realise that the only thing they did in 7 months is copy 3 contracts from here https://github.com/andrecronje/flend
and then claim its a defi platform with token wraping, lending and a dex

you might be lost in life

>> No.20333480

These fantom scammers don't realize that the price isn't moving even with the imminent release of their defi suite because everyone in the market knows that this isn't anything to be hyped about.

fantom has done nothing that is truly innovative in this space and will never be a top 100 coin.

>> No.20333485

You must be trolling because Andre Cronje is literally part of Fantom

>> No.20333499

So you can't prove it then.

>> No.20333583

the last thing he did for the fantom repo was last year
after that he has never coded for fantom
he didnt even retweeted anything from fantom or michel after the release
thats becuase the know he and they scamed you with a less then 30 tps "Dag"

>> No.20333636

It’s 2500 TPS on Opera EVM until FVM comes out. Stupid fucking schizo can’t even research before fudding

>> No.20333720

>It’s 2500 TPS on Opera EVM

no you dumb fuck
press send 10 times on https://supercharge.fantom.rocks/
click on the first tranaction and look for your self how long its gonna take to validate
it should take around 35 seconds to validate 500 transactions

> until FVM comes
they cancaled FVM
low iq you cant even read their empty roadmap

>> No.20334195

It hurts to read you, technologically, intellectually, grammatically, synthetically and ortographically.

>> No.20334202

schizo. cant wait for my fanties to hit $0.10

Very soon!

>> No.20334204

Begone, pajeet.

>> No.20334283

It's a fucking smart contract you retard. How fucking many lines of code do you want it to be? Do you think more code means it's somehow better? Also Andre works for fantom. Jesus Christ

>> No.20334562



>> No.20335124

Check out iborrow.finance (https://github.com/iearn-finance))

Not only does it look like Fantom's website style, The css is literally called "fantomTheme".

iearn is Andre's project and fellow South African Anton Nell, Fantom's Solutions Architect is updating the code there.

Feels like a puzzle piece to me.