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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20330892 No.20330892 [Reply] [Original]

And just like that, Chainlink will never be below 7 dollars again.

People are catching on that a Microsoft partnership is practically guaranteed at the end of August. Expect 10$ very soon.

>> No.20330926

how he get so big

>> No.20330966

>Microsoft partnership
Wait what?

>> No.20330984
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yes it's true. People can buy LINK in their Windows computers.

>> No.20330988

Hello nulinker

>> No.20331026

A new fake partnership?

>> No.20331029

he can afford a lot of big mac now

>> No.20331039

kek it's been literally 4 years since they announced microsoft. how stupid is the rest of the world?

>> No.20331042

he printed 1 billion LINK and gave 650million to himself. thats why.

>> No.20331054

Look into smart contract conference hosted by chainlink.

Ask why there are 20 companies and organisations partnered by chainlink, and one odd one out that isn't (Microsoft)

>> No.20331095
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It's a conference hosted by chainlink.

Lets consider who's attending. Firstly, the defi projects:

"Ecosystem Projects such as Synthetix, Aave, DMM, Loopring, and Ampleforth"

Note that these are all using chainlink. OK, so hosted by chainlink, and all the Defi projects are using chainlink. This is starting to look like a pretty chainlink centric smart contract conference.

Next, it details "Node Operators and Data Providers securing critical Chainlink infrastructure". Again, looking very chainlink centric

Now lets consider the industry attendees.

>Enterprise focused speakers such as Yorke Rhodes of Microsoft, Ed Felten of Arbitrum, John Wolpert of Consensys, Fernando Ribeiro of Oracle, Steve Cerveny of Kaleido, and Aaron Wright of OpenLaw

Quite a stellar list. And again, quite chainlink centric. OpenLaw, partnered with Chainlink. Kaleido, use chainlink oracles. Oracle, partnered with chainlink through their Oracle for startups initiative and you have lots of Oracle guys shilling chainlink. Consensys, partnered with chainlink through baseline protocol. Arbitrum, partnered with Chainlink. Microsoft...

One of these is not like the others. Microsoft, the world's largest or second largest company depending on what day you look, is on the list despite having no apparent link with Chainlink.

Are you starting to understand?

Microsoft partnership fucking confirmed.

>> No.20331132


>> No.20331162

That one dude said we get to $10 we go straight to $25. I think the crazy thing is people don’t realize there doesn’t have to be 1 singularity, there can be multiple

>> No.20331193

Semen retention

>> No.20331272

Caring about what that one guy said is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in crypto.

>> No.20331345

and yet microsoft will never sell even 10 million copies of a os every again. queer... and quite possibly a latent homosexual