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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20329951 No.20329951 [Reply] [Original]

>Parents want me to cosign a mortgage

>> No.20329998

My parents just told me they would take over my car and insurance payments so i don't move back in lel

>> No.20330051

They are stealing your credit score

>> No.20330057
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>> No.20330071
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>mfw parents own a £400k house no mortgage whilst busy building a second house in Florida, and i still have to pay them £300 a month rent.

>> No.20330088

sounds like a good deal desu

>> No.20330101

>gf’s parents keep wanting us to buy them a house
we sign and put up the downpayment, but they would be renting for us. Essentially having them pay off our mortgage. Seems very risky, but i have no equity just link

>> No.20330108
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>be boomer
>have low credit score
>no collateral
>need your own son to cosign for you

>> No.20331036

>>mfw parents own a £400k house no mortgage whilst busy building a second house in Florida, and i still have to pay them £300 a month rent.

That's why they have who homes, think about emulating that mindset

>> No.20331073

Adults don't get to live for free. 300 bong bucks is cheap rent. Be grateful.

>> No.20331100

Imagine your own parents making you pay fucking rent lmfao. Must suck to have boomer American parents

>> No.20331171

How longs the mortage for? Surely you'll get the house after they die?

>> No.20331224
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Imagine how disappointing it must be to have an adult son living with you that can't even contribute enough to the household to justify him having a bedroom. See that reminder, everyday, that not only is your legacy unable to build their own life, they continue, endlessly, to sponge off of your resources. Sad.

>> No.20331588
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>Mfw parents want me to commit suicide with them

>> No.20331618

move out immediately.

>> No.20331627

Will you get the house if they die?
If they sell the house do you get a cut, how much?
Write that shit in a contract dude.
Know a guy who did that shit and he got rekt by his own mom.
He is now 140k euro in debt without a house because his mom didn't had any insurance on the house and it burned down.

>> No.20331662

Nah you're a faggot bro I've saved my parents from foreclosure. Twice

It's like Jesus. I don't mind helping but cmon now. Pay your bills. I'll never put my kids through that. Matter fact, their college is paid for already. You should want your kids to do better than you. I don't want them to work, but they need to value money.

>> No.20331753

If you have that mentality towards your kids you should've put them up for adoption and then killed yourself

I give that mother fucker EVERYTHING because I'm his DAD. He doesn't owe me SHIT

I even have Bitcoin in cold storage for him. Life insurance on myself for him and a will. I'll never do my kids how my parents did me. EVER

>> No.20331807

based beyond belief i hope ur kid honors you

>> No.20331813
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>saved parents from foreclosure
Sounds like you are pulling your weight. Kudos.
>I don't want them to work, but they need to value money.
This doesn't make any sense. Work is the only lesson that teaches the value of money. If your kid is an adult, and you provide everything for them for free, then they will not value money. They need to go out and work some shitty job and see that their time is worth a measly $10 an hour, which they get to take home $7. It also teaches them how important an education in a job-producing field is. I'm not saying to charge them market rent plus utilities or anything. But if they are adults, they should be able to work part time and contribute something.

>> No.20331829


>> No.20331846

Nah, they’re gonna sell the house and buy another boat when they retire.

>> No.20331857

Well that's great. We don't have enough privileged, entitled kids running around protesting for BLM, that think money comes from daddy. The best thing you can do for your kids is teach them that getting money takes sacrifice and sometimes you have to do things you don't want to, in order to survive.

>> No.20331933

this, kids need a tough upbringing or they will be lazy tranny S O Y boys loser manchildren incel cuck neckbeard simp liberals.
zoomers are litterally the tranny generation thanks to their lazy entitled up-bringing.

>> No.20332033

Lucky. I’m waiting for mine to pass before I get to do it.

>> No.20332234

he listed his price in pounds you onions cuck

>> No.20332247

Me too
It is
Money isn't everything I rather teach him compassion and to help others. I get what you're saying. I do. It's like a fine line
We'll go camping. A lot. McDonald's during high school so he realizes it's shit.....but to be honest he doesn't have to work lol. Working sucks. I dont even work.

>> No.20333001

Many such cases

>> No.20333027

>become a jew

>> No.20333038


>> No.20333040

My rich-ish uncle did that to my cousin. When he finally moved out, he gave it all back plus interest. Maybe it'll be the same for you.

>> No.20333172


Lol the game is rigged so you may as well help your kid out where you can. Charge rent and put that rent in a vanguard for them or something.

>> No.20333174
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Same as me desu

>parents own £385,000 (Dec '17) 3 bedroom City Centre Apartment (Not London)
>parents rent out 4 Other Nice Apartments, each at roughly £600/Month
>Keep pushing me to take out a 250k+ (((Mortgage))) as a first time buyer
>Make me pay £200/Month Rent


>> No.20333264

They plan to flip the house within s year. They have zero business experience.

>> No.20333340

That's pretty reasonable as long as they don't know. It teaches them responsibility and the value of money, as well as helping their future.

>> No.20333411
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My dad just died. I think I'd like to get my mom to refinance but she will probably need me to cosign on it. (or we may move... I mean she also will have almost enough to pay it down completely butay not leave her enough to live on)

Wat do? She has ~200k in the bank. Doesn't work, but will be eligible for full social security of 2k in a few more years.

>> No.20333440

Remember to stick them in a really shitty old folks home before they die