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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20325572 No.20325572 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20325650

Iron hands. Hope you have them fren

>> No.20325704

That’s a good deal

>> No.20325810

Why? Crypto is very volatile. There is no way that Chainlink doesn’t go to at least $10 this year. Just sell it then if you are pussing out

>> No.20325841
File: 248 KB, 1914x745, biz-investing-strategy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never change biz.

>> No.20325911

I’m not worried for you anon. Just hold and stop looking at the price.

>> No.20326156

the birth of a bagholder kek

>> No.20326276
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with a dump this fast i think it's going to down to 3 dollars and something

i would sell and then buy back

>> No.20326335

Jesus don't do this anon, just fucking hold.

If he is already freaked out he will only fuck himself harder if he starts trying to swing.

>> No.20326356

wow it's going to be a long hard road anon.. why the fuck did u do that?

>> No.20326390

Sell now, minimize losses, buy in at bottom

>> No.20326403

eh link always goes up, NBD

>> No.20326405

>buying a local top.
You’re a retarded normalfag. I know this because you bought only after link gained momentum, and now you’re freaking out about a 10% loss. You never go all in one coin anyway. Nice larp.

>> No.20326411
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he needs to sell and then wait a few days and then buy back

buy back when the 24 hr volume is around 1 million. that's a guarantee it's not gonna dump anymore

i am gonna put in 500 dollars when it gets 1 million volume

>> No.20326459

Thank you for your sacrifice
t. swingie

>> No.20326651

nice i did too can't wait to cash in at $1000 per link

>> No.20326680

2.8 coffee standard

>> No.20326748

>1 post by this ID
Sage and hide. And kill yourself OP.

>> No.20326775

Only time i'm going to say it. Hold.

Don't sell, don;t attempt to swing, just keep working your shit job and forget about it all together.

>> No.20326887

You should probably tranq out on some train tracks. If you don't do that, pick some other way that is all caps dramatic.

There's no recovering from a 12% loss. Even if there were, the wait would be humiliating and your ego would never recover.

>> No.20326986 [DELETED] 

i hope it goes down below 6.70 then i can record all the link i lost

>> No.20327156

I got 8.5 Links, I saw when it was only cents and only just got it today. will I still be okay? I live extremely cheap, only got 30,000 grand on the mortgage.

>> No.20327317


>> No.20327364

Based on what you utter cretin. This project is dead and it's affecting my mental health because of fuckers like you. The thing is you have no shame and don't believe in karmic wisdom because you'd know the problems you cause people who are not born into money and just trying to make it. At the end of the day I ain't looking for a Lambo I just want to have a small flat in this overpriced shithole that is the uk - not keep sucking my landlords dick. But no, you give us hope that this coin is worth more, so we buy using our shit £33600 a year salaries to try and make some money.

Well fuck you mate and fuck all the cunts that shilled this utter crap. I've had enough.

>> No.20327367

Anon, you can't really be serious that $584.32 is your life savings, can you?

>> No.20327395

Relax OP.

It's virtually guaranteed to be above 10$ soon.

August 29th Smart conference

>> No.20327453
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If you aren’t larping: unfortunate you bought the top. However, you just made the best investment of your lifetime if you just hold. We will be at 15 before you know it and will have roughly doubled your savings. Use your income to DCA until the time is right.

>> No.20327513
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Hold strong marine

>> No.20327515

Exactly this. Just sell now your Loss isn’t that bad

>> No.20327577

it's coming. under 7 dollars

>> No.20327642

Just think anon. Some linkiepoo out there is now a multimillionaire because of you. Thank you for playing you part!

>> No.20327706

Sorry mate...
I'm gonna hold tho, there's bo way it's bot going back to at least 7.5

>> No.20327744

This; treat it like gold/silver where you don't care what happens and just DCA yourself into a comfy stack. Once it moons to even just ETH levels, you will have made it.

>> No.20327751

*No way it's not

>> No.20327801

with a see you at 1.50 , guys

>> No.20327835

wait once it goes below 2$ then you can cry you absolute greedy faggot

>> No.20327861

Crying about your own mistakes. Grow up anon and take responsibility for your own actions

>> No.20327865

These threads never get less funny

>> No.20327870

hodl cucks just lost all their profits lol

at least i made 20 bucks. you fags made nothing

>> No.20327875

lol these threads are fake right?......right?

>> No.20327898
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>> No.20327926


>> No.20327945

so the cheeseburgers are on you tonight then?

>> No.20328047

oh my god its going down so fuclkign fast i just sold my 77k stack

>> No.20328085

stake them here and quit crying pajeets https://link3d.io/GetStarted

>> No.20328103

Reminder to newfags:NEVER buy the top for cryptocurrencies

>> No.20328150


>> No.20328216

how many linkies are you all buying tomorrow? it's going on sale

>> No.20328269
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all of them

>> No.20328297

wow $500

>> No.20328329

Fucking oof

>> No.20328360

>inb4 people who sold at $7 and didn't buy back in at $6.85 start killing themselves.

>> No.20328517
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>Bought 1000$ at 8.18
Why the fuck did I FOMO when I knew it was going to correct the next day?

>> No.20328583

it's fine

>> No.20328603

Bought 200 link at $5.60
Bought 150 link at $6.20
Bought 100 link at $7.30

Spent all my savings after discovering/biz/ last week. How fucked am I? Is it really a big scam? I was going to use that money to buy my gf an Engagement ring but thought buying a few hundrer stacks would make me some money after lurking a few days

>> No.20328634

for those of you who are new, do know that this is a typical fudder. he's being paid by whales and his job is to convince dumbasses to drop their bags, ultimately lowering the price so that his whale overlord can buy low.

do not be fooled. LINK is promising and Sergey is experienced, cares very little for the price, and knows what he's doing.

I'll see you gentlemen behind the gates of our gates community.

>> No.20328688

It’s just bounced off a $1.5m buy wall at 0.00075 sats. That was the bottom

>> No.20329015

>unintentionally revealing your poorfag status by thinking 500 is a brag

>> No.20329299

wtf why did you buy link instead of one of the other scams that will have dramatic volatility

>> No.20329390

I believed i could have 450k 5 years from now if it kept going up. Or at least 75k

>> No.20329572

Falling for a 4chan scam!?


>> No.20329733

if this is your attitude you will not make it
if you believe in the product because you researched it maybe you will

>> No.20329736
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Go back

>> No.20329778

You did good kid, now just hold that shit for at least a year and you'll be fucking stoked.

>> No.20329940
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>> No.20329955

I've never posted on reddit and get accused of it all the time.

What's wrong with making your post easier to read and getting your point across?

*edit: thanks for the link kind stranger!

>> No.20330004

ask yourself why crypto has any value at all. It isn't gambling, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Chainlink are the basic ecosystem for this entire new automated network that is being built. Everything else in the space is either a copy of bitcoin and ethereum, or an application built on them, and while there are some good and legit projects out there, those 3 are the ones that allow everything else to function. Chainlink is going to allow the blockchain to get real world data both in and out, and interface with legacy systems. Don't sell.

>> No.20330060

I'm holding anon. I'm going down with the ship. If I lose it all then I'll take it as a lesson.

>> No.20330073

How does 8.5 million sound to you?

>> No.20330109

Double spacing after each sentence looks retarded and nobody wants it for 'better readability'. Books aren't spaced like that and people read them just fine. Why should short posts be spaced that way?

>> No.20330122

>What's wrong with making your posts easier to read?
Why do you need an entire empty line between texts?
People like you are why websites went from looking like professional documents to fucking giant blocky shit made for old people and literal children.

>> No.20330215

and they are gonna be replaced by cardano in 6 months because eth transactions are fucking expensive and bitcoin transactions are comically expensive

>> No.20330242

don't worry, people have been freaking out over that since it hit like $2. you'll be in the green shortly.

>> No.20330280

Idk if this outweighs getting an engagement ring but fuck it.
I’m sure she’ll understand hahah
Good luck trying to explain linkies to a female anon..

>> No.20330312

Show proof or fuck off faggot

>> No.20330360
File: 269 KB, 1013x1000, plink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i say 77k?
i meant 77k + 623k

>> No.20330384



>> No.20330814
File: 61 KB, 485x480, 1592890564045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's useful if addressing multiple ideas. If it's one thought broken by multiple spaces then it's gay. Never posted on reddit either but I think it does make sense to break up separate topics and aids visibility. A wall of text is harder to follow when it's sitting farther away on a desktop monitor than a book which you can easily hold closer for visibility. And the field of text is significantly wider, requiring a long eye movement to follow to the next line where rereading may be required to ensure you're continuing on the correct line. Especially if you keep your browser zoomed out to minimize scrolling.

>> No.20330815

right legs are better