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20325077 No.20325077 [Reply] [Original]

when i make it ill be in key west florida

ahh yes

the breeze


>> No.20325127

key west will be underwater in the next 40 years

>> No.20325309

t. al gore

>> No.20325362

I'll be in Canada or alaska. Fuck Florida and fuck humidity

>> No.20325403

Which beach in KW looks like that?

t. anon who lived there

>> No.20325408

man it does look nice but isnt it full with gays and boomers?

>> No.20325431

Key west is literally the armpit of Florida.

>> No.20325457

You said that 40 years ago

>> No.20325516

parents took me there a few times when I was a kid. It was really nice, loved the hyperlocal feel of being on an archipelago and it was always balmy as fuck, never hot and miserable like the rest of florida. I may have just visited at the right time of year tho.

>> No.20325520

I was thinking Islamorada or Marathon.

>> No.20325528

Good, Go freeze tranny

>> No.20325556

there is no sand beach in key west. its not a nice place

>> No.20325563

only whores and skanks enjoy 24/7 hot weather. So they can spend their days wearing barely any clothing doing mindless activities

>> No.20325621

I am a native Floridian. They searing heat of the midday sun and soup like humidity is the only climate that makes me feel at ease. Almost dying from heat stroke while mowing the lawn and drinking a lemonade from Publix is my kind of relaxation.

>> No.20325644

Sounds fucking awful. I need dry and cool all year round.

>> No.20325648

>I am a native Floridian
Im jealous, I want to move there so bad
drink fresh orange juice and eat publix guacamole sandwiches

>> No.20325660

Key West is fag central my man

>> No.20325667

sorry m8 we're full

too each his own I guess

>> No.20325702

Comfy town but the iguanas are shitting everywhere.
Tried drowning one at the nice apartment I rented but shit that nigger has sharp claws.

>> No.20325721

Surrounded by old hippies and homos. Great choice anon.

>> No.20325776
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I've never experienced dry heat out in the west. What is it like?

>> No.20325795

t. born and raised floridaman

>> No.20325836

Pretty mild honestly, you don’t sweat much unless you’re out all day

>> No.20325860
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>set oven to 500
>when it's done preheating open the oven door
>put face directly in front of open door
That's what dry heat feels like

>> No.20325870
File: 270 KB, 1225x815, A1ADC0DD-1B22-4E83-AD0F-4D80B3BEE254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pool > beach