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2031983 No.2031983 [Reply] [Original]

So been looking into Golem and I'm ready to pull the trigger and drop 5k into it.

What does /biz/ think? Another shitcoin like PoSW and Bitbean or a legitimate coin with legitimate technology and dev behind it.

>> No.2032075
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It moves with eth but never drops as hard. And I believe they have a big update coming in June. So I would hold it long term. Plus it's Jew owned so it will most likely be on Coinbase for normies, so yeah just hold for a long time.

>> No.2032082

easy money. it'll go to ten a coin IMO

while I'm not sure of it's role as a crypto longterm, the technology is pretty revolutionary if they can get it to perform as expected.

>> No.2032090

wise choice mr anon
GNT will moon HARD very very soon, invest

>> No.2032102
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its entirely depending on ethereum's success

i'd rather just buy ethereum tbqh desu senpai baka baka my f-f-famalamborghini

>> No.2032128

wait, did that guy spend a day trading gbp and usd only and made 10k?

>> No.2032270

>implying they didnt fucking plummet and fail

shit prediction

>> No.2032290

I'm hoping my GNT stack triples the amount of ETH I put into ot

>> No.2032303
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Shut cho mouf.

>> No.2032417

so why should i favor golem over rlc token?

>> No.2032425

I'd put some monies in both

>> No.2032446

Go 50/50 in both

They are direct competitors, Golem is operated by crafty Jews.

RLC on the other hand has a highly experienced dream team dev team.

>> No.2033300

That was when pivx was less than 50 cents. Wish I held...

>> No.2033322

They're making a Brass Golem announcement later this week so now is a good time to buy.

>> No.2033332


>> No.2033337

Can golem reach $1?

>> No.2033344

They removed it from Twitter so let me see if I can find it.

>> No.2033349

I wonder why they would remove something like that? Maybe they needed more time?

>> No.2033355


I just don't think they want a premature spike on their hands.

>> No.2033359

It wasn't removed, just taken off of main page.

>> No.2033366

Ok so how much can this realistically get to? $10?

>> No.2033381

Augur got to $16 so $10 certainly isn't out of the question.

>> No.2033484

GNT crash incoming.

>> No.2033489

please elaborate

>> No.2033505

augur has 11,000,000 REP in circulation, golem has 820 MILLIONS and there is still 180 millions tokens waiting to be released.

and you say golem can reach 10 dollars.


>> No.2033872
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>> No.2035104

your wrong on the 180 millions still waiting to be released, those just arent in circulation cause they golem network and golem mining network hold those, you would know this if you actually red the white paper of golem

>> No.2035125

I want to buy some too but can someone explain to me why we need decentralized cloud computing vs regular cloud computing like amazon provides?

>> No.2035134


GNT: vaporware, a solution in search of a problem

>> No.2035144

Wat... only thing that dipped IOC was the Polo shitfest

>> No.2035149
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Fixed your technicals up there buddy boi

>> No.2035156

>the white paper of golem

Be sure to smoke some crack while reading the fine print, it makes the technicals really pop out

>> No.2035509
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holy shit I bought 100 GNT and 200 SYS and already lost $5

I should have never listened to /biz/ shills

>> No.2035519

bitbean is over. If you were capable of doing your own research you'd know this coin is going absolutely nowhere. Sad buys, major walls. over 20BTC till 40 sat on bittrex. I'm rofling and lmaoing because I bought at 15 and exited at 30 as was intended. You got meme'd and you wasted your money, friend. Take it as a lesson. DO YOUR RESEARCH, And don't get shilled this easily.

>> No.2035529

buy GUP senpai

>> No.2035533

you: a retard, someone who doesn't understand the surge in demand for cheap decentralized computation

>> No.2035542

>What does /biz/ think?

I'm completely against GNT as a long term value proposition but the market says otherwise for now

>> No.2035573

you bought when bitcoin dropped, what do you expect

>> No.2035584

fucking idiot you're DOING IT RIGHT for once. Sell back after the weekend when you start making gains. track your trades somehow. blockfolio is shit but it works if you're willing to make money

>> No.2035619

sell for what? I'm on poloniex and there seem be no fiat only some USDT

>> No.2036046

RLC better. Golem's devs are newbies in comparison.

>> No.2036065

Buy before it's released later this month!

The tech is legit. It's an ethereum based token for sharing distributed computing power. It's already being used to render Blender across the network.

>> No.2036177

goys will golem brass be a separate coin?

>> No.2036345
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everything golem is GNT

post yfw two years from now the crypto market has exploded and GNT is worth $20

>> No.2036346


"buy stocks, they belong to companies run by professional businessmen, don't get involved with crypto - it's just a bunch of geeks programming things"

>> No.2036351

Wheres the golem DD?

>> No.2036354

i hope youre right, i have 3750 golem tokens. i could use 70k

>> No.2036380

>tfw didnt buy @ 0.01
>tfw miss every train

>> No.2036706

the jewish ownership has me a bit concerned.
Can we be sure they won't just pull some shifty shit and run away with their profits?