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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 250x247, iExec_RLC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20316616 No.20316616 [Reply] [Original]

Amazon onboarding
Microsoft onboarding
Still not pumping
Still not 1b market cap
Still being gayed by the Jews

What's it's fucking problem?

>> No.20316647

Its being purposefully suppressed

>> No.20316663

I fucking hate niggers

>> No.20316672

Tell that to that 50c poster

>> No.20316697

>reads off script
y-yes friends, it is most certainly not over for mr gilles

>> No.20316758
File: 35 KB, 623x702, 1554753350866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we call them joggers here

>> No.20316763

nvidia eom

>> No.20316784
File: 160 KB, 3520x939, 1594642607566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking problem is that the truth is far from rosy.
It is nothing but a pajeet shill. This is all the breadcrumbs it gonna get.

Don't say I've not warned y'all. Sell while you still can. It finna be dropping to 0.5.

If it doesn't EOW Imma eat a dead dragonfly.

>> No.20316798

>What's it's fucking problem?
Burgers can't buy, unless they list RLC on Coinbase the price will never surpass $1

>> No.20316799

Look at that shit attempt at making an announcement picture. Fucking stupid pajeet what is that font Arial black?

>> No.20316822

Also I fucking hate you, jogger nigger

>> No.20316832

is it known when blog posts/news will next be announced?

>> No.20316929
File: 33 KB, 331x347, inteliexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patience man, it takes time for the broader market to realise the gems. /biz/ is usually first, then it takes a year or two until norms catch on. Just look at how ETH went in the past or LINK. Same will happen with RLC. just be patient, try to accumulate while its cheap and unknown. I am in a few crypto groups, almost no one knows RLC and no one knows it has DEFI tools and will be driving the whole DEFI space + much more. its the hidden gem. be glad you know about it and take action to accumulate. enjoy the ride.

>> No.20316954

This post has connections with Microsoft, Lenovo, and Google.

Wonder how?
I am using Lenovo laptop, Microsoft Windows and Google Chrome to post.
Thank you

>> No.20317007

Yeah I guess I'm just sad
Fuck off kike

>> No.20317333

I have 1 BTC stucked since 3 hours in the mempool to buy some more.

>> No.20317362

>burgers cant buy

burger here, bought 500 yesterday

>> No.20317482


>> No.20317517

bro BTC is dying. the only thing its good for is holding, use ETH or XMR between exchanges. or hell een BCH, maybe XLM if you need fast. never use BTC it sucks.

>> No.20317614


>> No.20317700

Bought more yesterday. Coinbase listing is happening soon though.

>> No.20317846

So what does RLC actually do? I invested in chainlink because I knew what it did and saw its value, but Ive put money into rlc because biz told me to

>> No.20317881

Yeah I know but the total conversion fee would have fucked me from $20 more since I sold other alts without ETH pairs.
I will just wait, the order book is kinda thick anyway.

>> No.20317985

The website has a lot of ressources, begin here

>> No.20318015

>begin here
Yes I have begun at biz, but now where do I go

>> No.20318911


Guys what's your problem? I don't even hold any RLC (may buy some soon though) but the chart looks just fine to me, and it is over $1.

Why are you people complaining like that?

Also redpill me on this shit, is it a pajeet scam? should I buy this or Cardano instead?

>> No.20318935

all I asked was what rlc actually does why the fuck are you responding to me

>> No.20318961


I didn't mean to quote anybody.

Also fuck joggers.

So, Cardano or Iexec and why?

>> No.20318993

why would you not quote me in saying you didn't mean to quote me instead of quoting yourself

>> No.20319026


I meant to quote you the second time but I quoted me instead.

Are you happy now.

>> No.20319160
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you quote two separate posts, you only need to quote one when referring to who you are talking to on boards with ID's.

>> No.20319199


Are you a jogger?

>> No.20319553

decentralized cloud computing
Gilles has been working on it since 2001

They have a ton of connections, e.g.

>> No.20319850

So what are the odds of it going to the moon?

>> No.20319902


>> No.20319966

What are the odds of making it with a 500 stack?

>> No.20320014

It's possible to be honest

>> No.20320092

Neat. So why did it go to 4 dollars a few years ago then die off? I know there's apparently an announcement soon, but if it's a nothingburger is it ogre?

>> No.20320104

Except it's literally dumping right now

>> No.20320134

it was binance listing in dec 2017. and then in January 2018 all crypto went down.

>> No.20320139

>down 4 cents
its fucking over bros, take the l

>> No.20320211

>is it ogre
if they fail to deliver gold "tech giant" news, then it couls be ogre

>> No.20320241

not gold, but good

>> No.20320286
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, 50-cent-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laughing at y'all niggas so hard right now.

Straight to 0.5. 0.5 is my buy limit.

All things planned just according to keikaku

>> No.20320302

People speculate amazon or Microsoft but that's retarded. Can you imagine the fucking moon mission if it actually was them or Microsoft

I somewhat speculate they're saying it to pump it so idiots will buy our bags, but if it's actually about cloud computing, there might be real potential it's a big company. Has there ever been a crypto that mooned to an obscene amount from a partnership announcement? Usually that shit flies under the radar.

>> No.20320322


Are you the one who sold at $0.70 trying to swing?

>> No.20320344

it's a scamcoin, amazon is not on board, where is the proof idiot?

>> No.20320410

they have been quite careful with announcements after Julien was fired. so i think that they might have something big. someone from ccc of course. otherwise back to 5k sats we go

>> No.20320961

He sold near bottom and went mental on all platforms btw he is indian