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20295378 No.20295378 [Reply] [Original]

Hi All,

I hope you all are well in this fine Sunday vibe.

I have a serious question.
Why does Biz hate XRP?

XRP does sound like it has amazing potential. What is the reason that its so off putting to you guys? I just want to know what I am getting myself into or not.

>> No.20295459
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>> No.20295514

All the memes aside, I really want a answer from someone knowledgable from crypto.

>> No.20295517

>one of the oldest coins
>pumped once
>has not done anything since but slowly decline in value
>trying to become the standard crypto when crypto eventually is used for something other than internet drugs and investment scams

people who have held for a long time lost money and are mad. for years there has been one theory or another, some hope that it will moon. two schools of thought;
1) it'll never do anything, don't bother
2) one day it will be used as an international currency, so buy a hold forever until then

i personally have 2500, dunno what muh long term plan is

>> No.20295553

sigh... I almost don't even want to answer this but I'll take the bait:
>Jed McCaleb is a known scammer
>illiquid on most fiat pairs and volatility means banks will never use it for its intended purpose
>could easily use a stablecoin like xDAI for the same purpose
>probably tens of thousands of normie bagholders shilling on Twitter
>team routinely dumping on the market
>21 centralized nodes
>team hired the bitlicense architect onto their board of directors to help them get listed on New York exchanges
Did I mention Jews?

>> No.20295590

Thanks for a good answer.

I see where you are going with this.

But the technology does sound like it can challenge swift and therefore have some kind of value?

>> No.20295951

yeah np. i honestly don't really know what to do with it. the guy above seems to know about it. i bought in to xrp because of a theory on biz called the mellon larp, saying xrp will go to 2k usd in sept.

you know what they say about things that sound too good to be true, but i figured i'd buy some just in case it does something. this is a good example why people are so mad.

2-3 weeks ago i bought about $600 worth of xrp. it has gained about $70 in value. over the last 2-3 weeks, i could have doubled my money on link. i could have made $600+ on amplscam, pnk, vechain. sitting here watching xrp do literally nothing can be painful. this is why people get mad. i may sell some and hold 1500 long term in the event it one day pumps.

>> No.20296058


been holding 10k for 6 years

hows it going

>> No.20296161

do you plan on holding forever? over those years, is there any indication xrp will pamp soon?

>> No.20296180

this is why i got xrp, because of it's jewish vibe.
Am i making a mistake?
stop me now if i am.

>> No.20296485
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i just dumped my 10k bag a little while ago at an over 50% loss over the course of 3 years. Put it all in link and got all of my money back and then some. Sometimes it really is worth it to let it go

>> No.20296563

Shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.20296916

Why didnt you dump in 2018?

Imagine what you would have had if you traded that 10k bag for link 3 years ago