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File: 259 KB, 787x512, 0_ghTLiepjkOrZcmFl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20289888 No.20289888 [Reply] [Original]

Write a persuasive essay on why this coin is either a shitcoin or a gem depending on your opinion

>> No.20290134


There's too many competitors out there for a new dex to show up and take over. The DeFi bubble is about loans, not trades. Established day trades do so on exchanges with low fees and high volume. This has a large fee, and essentially no volume right now, apart from the rich mother fuckers being the liquidity partners running the agg bots.

The '1 MN to make it' thing doesn't work either, cause if they really want this dex to take over, they will need to lower the fees to around Binance/Bitfinex level. Which wold make 1 MN return $6 a day with 500M daily trading volume.

The project should have came out around 5 years ago. POSW started it, and it might have actually done well if it came out before all the new age DeFi. But it's a bit late now. Established traders are using the proper exchanges with low fees, and the new people to crypto are using newage DeFi sites.

>> No.20290236

Why would someone bother to write something like this. Think about it, there’s a clear answer.

>> No.20290253

It’s a shitcoin until they actually launch the DEX at which point it will be a gem.
The question isn’t whether their value prop is legit, it is. The question is whether they can deliver which, as someone who has been holding for over a year now and been hearing “DEX just around the corner” the whole time, is a legit question.

>> No.20290374

>anything other than absolute praise is fud

Whatever man. You can't open your mind and have a decent discussion.

>> No.20290383


>> No.20290472

Either you intentionally lied with the "500M vol / $6 a day" MN returns, or you're a brainlet. Which is it? If you disagree, please provide the numbers you used.

>> No.20290551

We should make a pastebin to post just to btfo of the constant fudding. Might write one later.

>> No.20290650
File: 54 KB, 1000x563, early-adopters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gem in innovator stage on verge of early adoption.

>LN was poorly implemented
I don't see how Lightning will take off beyond a hobbyist phase without massively centralized interests getting involved.
>Stakenet designed an ecosystem that takes what Bitcoin implemented for LN and makes extraordinarily powerful use of it
Stakenet's solution is notable for embedding LN nodes into masternodes so the LN nodes have access to all the collateral locked in the MNs (quasi-centralized liquidity pool within a purely decentralized network). The nodes will be running 24/7 in the background atop all that liquidity to rout payments and should take very little maintenance to keep up.

It could very well solve multiple problems in the industry by meshing the gears of many underutilized together.

>Lack of liquidity. Not profitable enough at the individual level.
>Inflationary. Sometimes to an extreme. Underutilized use-case outside of securing the integrity of the network.
>Low liquidity, low volume, paper-thin orderbooks, AND difficult to access for 99.9x% of the world.
Atomic swaps?
>A big win for DEXs but still potentially very slow depending on which coins are being swapped.
>Like so many staking coins, what do they do other than secure the integrity of the network and inflate the circulating supply?

Using m a s t e r n o d e s and the collateral locked within them to power L i g h t n i n g A t o m i c S w a p s which serve as the infrastructure for what could very well become the speediest and most liquid D E X in the industry and using a conservative inflationary supply to gradually produce more m a s t e r n o d e s which, in a way, provide an opening to expand the exchange with additional servers so it doesn't hit a bottleneck. It's both genius and shocking that no one in crypto seems to even know that it exists.

>> No.20290701

This is a poorly laid out pasta, at a glance you could say it's fudding against XSN. You should not post this again.

>> No.20290711
File: 90 KB, 900x706, Steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in a not so fortunate family. Lowerclass citizens. We immigrated to the western lands in 1993. I was 7 years old at the time. I watched my parents struggle day in and day out. Sweating, breaking their backs even sleeping on the carpet with mere blankets to maintain heat (not even a mattress let alone bed). I remember growing up in school and always being insecure, being that eventually the family moved into a middle class area merely due to my father leveraging himself to the tips of his nipple hairs on the mortage. Barely making payments happen, nontheless allowing his children to see the potential of the "land of opportunity". I later learned to hate the middle-class lifestyle and despise all these kids that I grew up with that had no tangible understanding of the world's mechanics and simply "lived in the moment" whilst worrying how they look in their instagram photos. 1/4

>> No.20290737

However,, thats not what this post is about. This post is about Steak. Just like discipline and originality in thought wasn't a reality to most of the unfortunate souls growing up in bubble wrap, steak wasn't a tangible concept for me. Don't get me wrong, I've read all about steak. The farmed cows that get slaughtered in commercial farms. The beef that people have when they get mad at eachother. Even Terence Mckenna's stoned ape theory where primate man during environmental changes migrated into whats now known as Indian lands looking for food. During the hunt, they came across cow excrement and unironically flipped it upon which they discovered psychedelic mushrooms. They began to ingest these mushrooms and the reaction of such chemical compounds in the brain essentially helped kickstart our "human state of awareness" (Hence why the Hindu religion believes the cow to be a sacred creature). Anything you could find out about steak, I knew. I was considered the steakmaster by some of my acquaintances. The sad reality is however, I never felt "steak". It was like man searching for god in scripture though we all know word is too limited to translate the known. Thus,, my journey continued.. 2/4

>> No.20290754

It wasn't till 2019 July when I first discovered the through the internet web of thought that someone had tapped into an endless potential of steak, and I mean REAL steak. Not the costco steak, superstore or even chainlink steak. I mean Steak. Having lost alot of resources in the real world due to lawyer fees, I was devastated. Most of my life was spent off-grid coming up with shady ways to finesse and it finally became apparent to me. Perhaps this is what is known as repenting for one's sin($). All I've ever wanted was Steak, and I've deprived myself of steak through actions I believed would help get me steak. 3/4

>> No.20290768

Long story short, fast forward 11 months. I am here. After paying off my lawyer, fixing my ways of life. Here I am. I do yoga every morning. I have a wife with 2 beautiful twins on the way, both genetically strong boys as I put all concentration into the divine sexual experience upon ejaculation. I am also a vegan. There was a lot at stake to get this far. However, what is most cherishable is ironically is the 63 pieces of steaknet that are dropped into my wallet every 32 hours ($10.50 USD daily) from a handful of Masternodes. I generally spend my days relaxed now. I yell at the top of my lungs whenever I feel like it during my nature walks that I go about barefoot(rubber soles prevent electrical current balance between us as people and Gaia). I don't go into town much but when I do, I always make sure to walk by "The Keg Steakhouse". I always spend atleast five minutes peeking through the windows and laughing at all the little piglets thinking they know "Steak". Even now it makes me giggle like a little kid. Sometimes I even point at the fat little kids and make eye contact with their parents. Before I leave I always breathe and fog up a litte portion of the window and write 3 simple letters. "X S N" . As much as I hate most people, deep inside I still have hope that maybe one of the kids was there due to a birthday invite and is also like me. Wondering what REAL "Steak" is all about. 4/.4

>> No.20290778

Thank you for that reasonable answer. The shilling and fudding around this coin is off the charts so it is hard to judge for someone like me who doesn't understand these things at a deep level

>> No.20290791

I think you're just grasping at straws to FUD, anon

>> No.20290880


Mining/staking suffers the same problem as energy: the ones who profit most are incentivized to keep us on crude oil and dinosaur technology for their own profit. Same with mining transactions there’s no incentive for large groups to switch over to more efficient models which eliminate their business models profitability. Ironically this is also a problem for up and coming projects that need large volume to achieve profitability from their value proposition of lower fees but it’s unlikely most of the market will leave binance and coinbase desu.

Stakenet has some funny chadmemes I guess but you’re also assuming the trade volume you see is real. There is a shit load of wash trading to reduce fees and fake exchange trade volumes to make the exchange attractive. That simply won’t translate to efficient tx fee environment as it’s not necessary so you’ll find out how little is actually being traded when reality sets in.

>> No.20290920
File: 25 KB, 537x671, MN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 7 MNs you imbecile.

>> No.20291085
File: 71 KB, 249x249, 1594307497014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 MNs

>> No.20291202
File: 298 KB, 1200x1063, Ovnis en la Biblia Ovnis, Dios y extraterrestres en el Apocalipsis y el nuevo testamento. (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one gives a full man.

>> No.20291233

People don't mention this very often but the dex is only one (1) dapp that will run on top of the stakenet masternode network. They plan on releasing an sdk at some point which will enable anyone to start developing their own dapps. This will enable even more avenues of income for masternode holders. Imagine a dapp that turns your masternode into a chainlink oracle. I'm sure you autists can imagine the implications of this for the world of defi.

I've been shilling xsn for 2 years now not because I want people to buy my bags, because I want you guys to make it.

>> No.20291270

It's coming from the bushes and raping all shitcoins. Eth 2.0 is here, and it's called Stakenet.

>> No.20291384
File: 111 KB, 900x747, 101-1019194_gladiator-pepe-clipart-png-download-gladiator-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XSN can't be stopped, t b h

>> No.20291665


Fuck off, DYOR.


So talking nonsense out of your ass is now considered discussion..

>> No.20292061

>Math doesn't check out

Binance charges 0.1% trading fees

Let's say that with Stakenet the trading fee is 0.05%

And let's also say that by the time we hit 500m daily trading volume, we have 3000 master nodes.

$500,000,000 * 0.0005 = $250,000

$250,000/3000 = 83$/masternode

So that's 83$ per day alone from trading fees if our trading fee is half that of Binance.

It's not 6$...

>> No.20292107

How did this person come up with 6$ a day?

Did you try to check the math?

Genuinely interested, please reply if you can back up these claims.

>> No.20292402

I see this pasta posted all the time and if you just scan through it then it does look like fud. Think you should rethink it and rewrite is so it’s doesn’t look so bad

>> No.20292771

It's pretty old. >1 year

>> No.20292906
File: 158 KB, 1024x912, 20200712_054236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ETH 2.0 is here, and it's called Stakenet.
I'm down with that analogy

>> No.20293145

has a nice ring to it

>> No.20294147

wouldnt that be $166/masternode since there is a buyer and seller paying fees for each tx?