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File: 80 KB, 1639x1126, ampl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20281571 No.20281571 [Reply] [Original]

This review is well done and what convinced me to buy AMPL in the first place. This is not a scam or a pnd. Its a brilliant new way of providing collateral for crypto markets. Read it:


>> No.20281593

Anons are either A. reverse FUDding and failing badly or B. actually not buying and will nek in 6 months.

>> No.20281618
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>> No.20281654
File: 237 KB, 828x791, 1E95E16D-FEEF-4FD4-8923-52EBD08D12BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20281679

There's still time to get in anon

>> No.20281766


>> No.20281799

any tl dr, I dont have time to read all this nigga

>> No.20281849

Buy 0.01% of AMPL and hold. Enjoy the gains as it becomes used as elastic collateral for the entire crypto market. Never get diluted out of your 0.01%, even if Bezos comes in and buys a billion AMPL

>> No.20281861

Do you little fucks really think this is sustainable, do you rlly think they’d let us all get rich this easy? Allow me to explain what COMPOUND LOSS is.
Once your little circle jerk is over, it’ll be a gas war to get out before it’s practically too late. If this dips below a $1 or even gets near people will sell to hedge against negative rebase, and those who don’t, are going to lose 50% DAILY until it is nothing but zero. Just as it is feeding off of fomo right now, it will collapse under fud. Do you know what happens when all of the liquidity incentives are rid of? Don’t you think the whales (hundreds of them) who bought in early aren’t going to dump their fat bags onto you? This is a ticking time bomb, and if you were smart you would stay away. Have you even looked at the growth of this coin? This isn’t sustainable by any means. Hence, this is why the team is scrambling to come up with a solution for those in the gayser by just simply printing more inflated money. Look at the liquidity chart. It’s unironically over. Even if the team pulls something out of their ass, we will see consistently negative rebases for a long time. It wasn’t even supposed to be able to hit $3 and the supply hasn’t even caught up to the demand. You know what this means? Prepare your anus for the legendary drop to 50 cents until the supply is at a realistic level for what it should be. Market cap should theoretically be completely dependent on the supply. It’s over ampl bro’s, it was fun while it lasted. Thank me later.

>> No.20281900

Lol keep dreaming there are no 1 billion ampls

>> No.20281911

You might be right eventually, but the 1000% APY in behive for 90 days makes your point a non-issue for the present. As long as whales are still making money there will be enough liquidity to sustain the run

>> No.20281913


Biz can we all take a second to pay our respects to this anon... I would be absolutely seething if I sold 20k AMPL and lost it gambling on shitcoins too. Hang in there buddy, you will see brighter days, the wondeful thing about the crypto market is you can always get back in. I lost 400k on fucking REQ but I didn't rope, and I'm back in the game

>> No.20281922

Its an elastic supply. There will be eventually

>> No.20281926
File: 85 KB, 1387x702, 1594412346632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You found this gem you can always find another fren

>> No.20281936


>> No.20281956

Your copypasta fud bullshit isn't gonna stop us...

>> No.20282035

I bought AMPL on uniswap. This morning I checked my balance but it did not increase. How come?

>> No.20282080


How many AMPL did you buy? And when did you buy them... if you bought after 10pm EST you missed that days rebase and have to wait til the next one that night

>> No.20282196

Am I too late to buy some AMPL?

>> No.20282216

No easy 10x from here over 1 month