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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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202783 No.202783 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never finance ships to explore and conquer the new world
>you will never trade obsidian knives as a proto-man
>you will never travel with a caravan of tin and copper
I can't be the only one who has these feels.

>> No.202784

>you will never be violently raped and murdered by ottomans as your empire seeks a non-land based spice route but that came too late for you

>> No.202787

I don't get the reference.

>> No.202796

Become the first asteroid mining trillionaire.

Problem solved.

>> No.202830

>Become the first asteroid mining trillionaire.
>Implying SpaceX will let me invest in them
Fuck those guys so much, I just want my asteroid bux.
>tfw you will never have the capital to launch something that cool

>> No.202833
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>you will never mortgage private planets to plutocrats

>> No.203883

>You will never melt coins and trick a population with your Jewry
>You will never say 'caveat emptor' to complaints about your merchandise
>You will never get to count your money while wretches on the street are wiped out by famine and disease
Anyone else fantasize about being godly, super-wealthy while everyone else is fighting each other over a scrap of bread? To be a patrician that watches slaves and peasants get eaten by lions in the Coliseum? Those must have been the days.

>> No.203890

Why would I have feels about ancient, inefficient economies?

I want to sell ad space on the moon.

>> No.203927

The sad thing is that most of us are that way, when compared wtih 99% of the world. We just don't even know it.

>> No.203942
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This fucking gif hahahahah

>> No.203953

Become elon musk

>> No.203973
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>tfw you will never be a leather-dress apprentice
>tfw you will never marry a rich widow and never be seen as upperclass by other rich people
>tfw you will never be given bad business advice by rich people who want to see you fail
>tfw you will never my worthless American dollars during the Revolution and then amass a fortune after the war when it is all repaid
>tfw you will never start you own trading company and send frying pans and wool mittens to the west indies
>tfw you will never roundup all the stray cats in boston and send them to the caribbean
>tfw you will never grow tired of your wive to the point where you tell visitors that she is dead
>tfw the visitors see her around the house you will never be able to tell them that they are seeing her ghost
>tfw you will never fake your own death just to see how people react
>tfw you will never be able to yell at and cane your wife from in a coffin for not mourning you hard enough at your fake funeral
>tfw you will never write a book with no punctuation and random capitalization
life is suffering

>> No.204227
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>tfw when you'll never be an utter failure in one place and simply move away, leaving your pathetic former self behind, since wherever you go, no one has any legitimate means of finding you out.

>> No.204241

I think becoming a trillionaire may prove to be somewhat difficult lest inflation makes the dollar worth less than a cent. Unless, of course, you're referring to Zimbabwe dollars.

>> No.204303

they had to shit in the public bathrooms (holes in the road) and in pots. No thanks.

I'd love to walk around and look at the architecture in big cities though

>> No.204429

>You'll never make a fortune buying and selling Tulips
>You'll never create the first transcontinental railroad
>You'll never be the first oil baron
>You'll never sail as a merchant marine in the East India Company

>> No.204541

>you will, however, peper and solt as you pleas

>> No.204555

There are asteroids in space worth over 100 trillion in raw materials. The owner's of whatever company becomes the first to come up with a way to harvest them will be the first trillionaires.

>> No.204561

Anyone else think its bullshit that in the 19th century the government was giving away land, all you had to do was stake a claim and mange the land.

Now people are corralled into preset regions with overinflated home prices (unless its Detroit) and all the millions of free acres are off-limits government parks.

>> No.204576
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>tfw when you will never finance privateer ships and reap the rewards of their plundered assets.

>> No.204690

You can re-capture this feeling by playing a Mount and Blade Warband mod. I think the mod is called Persistent World, it is a multi-player mod that focuses on being a medieval worker (farmer, smith, etc.), lots of fun.

>> No.204696

>you will never have 50 million dollars

>> No.204786


>> No.204805
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>being this mad

stay mad, pleb

>> No.205932

>implying there arnt other planets
>implying you cant right now
>implying anyone would ever enjoy doing that

>> No.205949
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Get in here bro

>> No.206019
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>you will never work in finance before there were computers, calculators, or phones.

>> No.206152
File: 144 KB, 682x800, bitcoinconference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never realize the significance of bitcoin before petrodollars collapse
>you will never trade in a truly unregulated market
>you will continue to repeat the lies that banks tell you for a false sense of safety and a real sense of slavery

I feel no more sympathy for idiots complaining about the "no more frontier" fallacy while they avoid the cryptocurrency revolution happening right under their noses.

>> No.206183

I'd like to add that all of you are pussies who would have neither A) stepped foot on the boat nor B) spent money on a boat that might not return, just like you are currently doing on bitcoin.

>> No.206206

b-but i can drive my boat.fuck hoes on my boat.

i dont wanna explain bitcoin to hoes

>> No.206787

>you will never master a skill that can't be automated

>> No.206809

>cryptocurrency revolution

revolution huh, is that what we're calling fads these days

>> No.206820

Quick put on a turtleneck your neckbeard is showing

>> No.206831

>you will never wear bird doctor costume while the world around you die of black plague

>> No.206914

>you will never establish a trading partnership with mesoamerica - trading advanced weapons for gold and thereby allowing them to kill those fucking spaniards

>> No.206941

>implying the exploitation of the fellow man can be automated

>> No.206974

>You will never be a slave trader
>You will never own a ludus.

>> No.206997
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I don't ever wanna feel....that feel I felt that day

>> No.207002


Yes I will

>> No.206999

I wonder how much it would take to start something like that up. Space X is focusing on sending astronauts into space and going to Mars. I'd rather mine an asteroid and get all dem precious metals.

>> No.207007


Yes I will. I'm winning it this Friday.

>> No.207050

use robots to mine for you

and space-x rockets to launch them for you

>> No.207060

Fuck me nice idea.