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2027448 No.2027448 [Reply] [Original]

In the early days of automotive manufacturing, there were 100's of car manufacturers. In the US, it reduced to a oligopoly of the 'big three' [Ford, GM, and Chrysler] for many years.

I fully expect the Crypto world to go through a similar consolidation. So many alt coins are junk. Money is seeking out the Crypto currencies with the best designs and history (start-up story).

For example, Bitcoin has first-mover advantage, but 10 minute block times are SLOW and the Bitcoin community is at a log jam on how to scale.

Litecoin on the other hand, has a community that can reach consensus, has a 2.5 minute transaction time (as-is without Lightning Network), and well documented start up (Charlie Lee started it out in the open and did NOT pre-mine - started on a mail list.)

Dash, for example, has reasonably good tech (I need to learn more about it), but the history is not so good. My understanding the original author accidentally pre-mined 2 million of them due to a bug. Since it will only have a limited supply (18 million I believe, the original author has 1/9 of the total supply - not a good start.)

It is my understanding that Ripple is a corporate coin, and the originating company kept 25% of them. Not a good thing.

Ethereum has some good technology but unfortunately does not have a limited supply (most cryptos have value because you know ahead of time that the supply is limited). Furthermore, Ether had a nasty split and both ETC and ETH now exist. Which is the real one?

Coins with bad history (Dash), inflation (ETH), or old technology (BTC), will eventually be superseeded by the crypto-currency with the best technology AND number of places accepted. Bitcoin is winning locations accepted, however, because Litecoin is essentially the same code base with small modifications (4x faster blocks, 84 million coins instead of 21 million, and better resistance to mining consolidation).

It will be interesting to see if Litecoin really takes off. With a $15 to $16 USD price,

>> No.2027455
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>> No.2027470

ETH is better than lite coin for the simple fact that it's a block chain network that you program apps onto that's been adopted by Microsoft, JP Morgan, Intel, and others, not to mention that there are crypto currencies that use the block chain that will be useful in the future. Cryptos are closer to the dotcom era more than anything

>> No.2027488
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most definitely but short game is in Litecoin now since other exchanges will start offering it to purchase. norms will buy just because it's an option.

>> No.2027599

Quoting warren buffett to talk about crypto makes me laugh.

>> No.2027612
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I am in it for a while now, got around 800 of them, Litecoin is a great coin and for 3 years people were chasing a blue bird, when they had it right next to them the whole time.

>> No.2027694

>Ethereum has some good technology but unfortunately does not have a limited supply

You're wrong.

exact wording:

"So, a year on, the network will continue to be useful for roughly 3-4 months, but eventually will reach an ‘Ice Age’ of sorts: the difficulty will simply be too high for anyone to find a block. This will allow us to introduce PoS, perhaps via Casper, if it proves itself."

There will exist ~90M ETH then.

At the present moment, the exact answer to your question is: PoS inflation rate is not yet finalized.

However, the lead PoS designer - Vlad - has mentioned multiple times that his aim is to design a system where PoS validators are paid trading fees only (i.e. zero inflation).

>> No.2027712

>Muh big names
Remember the R3 consortium?

Sorry, big names jumping in means nothing but pump and dump. It's the geniuses working on Bitcoin Core that are moving the entire crypto ecosystem.

LTC is a good hold but wait for it to correct, that rise was stupid, it will go back to 0.012 without days.

>> No.2027718

ETH will go throught a clusterfuck as it hard forks again.

Inb4 ETH, ETC, ETH-PoW, ETH-PoS lol

>> No.2027793

>Coins with bad history (Dash), inflation (ETH), or old technology (BTC), will eventually be superseeded by the crypto-currency with the best technology AND number of places accepted.

The US dollar had a bad history, old tech, and inflation. Now #1 world reserve, because of low risk.

BTC is the crypto world reserve. Oldest most stable chain. That is real value. Every exchange must hold (cover) every deposit with BTC. Whats the incentive to change to a mutable, shorter chain where the characteristics are subject to revision by "personalities" and shills? Thats risk.

>> No.2027820

segwit is locked in but not operational for another 6 days, what makes you think it will dip when the revolutionary technology isn't even in motion yet? high quality fud get the fuck out of here kid

>> No.2027837
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>T. Elmer FUD

>> No.2027892

Have a look at monero anon. The only reliable fully private coin so far. Great devs and huge community.

>> No.2027894


Its pretty amazing how kek'd the banks are they are stealing crypto market share by using tried n true market manipulation & fleecing millions of suckers.

Hmm, we provide them pump n dump, short term profits, we are able to take huge chunks of crypto value out the back door, draining the markets, the users, etc.

>> No.2027912 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2027930
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The guy that founded Ripple is the same guy that founded Mt. Gox. Go figure.

>> No.2027932

Anyone wants to help a poor college student? I want to join the ride but with 300$ a month I can't afford to invest.

>> No.2027960

>The guy that founded Ripple is the same guy that founded Mt. Gox. Go figure.

Jed McCaleb, yeah. I've looked into it. The story is MtGox collapsed shortly after he sold it someone else.

In those circumstances you have a lot of butthurt people, and incentives to look for scapegoats.

I'll say this, no one is ever going to know exactly what happened, but take a look at MtGox's underlying tech, it was a buggy beta piece of shit I'm not surprised it got hacked.

But look, he created Ripple, sold it to Ripple Labs and went on to bigger and better projects (STR/XLM Stellar). Look at how deep the Stellar team is (Stanford) and just listen to some interviews.

XRP is a banker coin for fleecing retards who think the banks are going to profit share with crypto newbs. XLM is the real end-run around the banks that will capture all the emerging economies.

People who hate on personalities based on hearsay and then plow their money into pump n dump banker coins, well, I hope you make some profits but ultimately XRP is just a leech on the crypto blood supply.

>> No.2028006

a proper begging would include a btc address

>> No.2028096


>cant even beg right, this is why strugglers are strugglers. Sorry to myself


>> No.2028104

People are not very generous, if somebody would have offered then I would have posted it. Here's the address if someone feels gifty, any buck would help : 16GuxQtuLRkT4Xo6QE4PdjHqfuU76vqXRq

>> No.2028124

Wrong address, it was for bitcoin. Litecoin address : LTTigSLyGH3SoNei4EJwocqUQNTYkjVa2y

>> No.2028130

Leeches and beggars get off my fucking board. Disgusting, shameless faggots. Kill yourself.

>> No.2028139

You know how is it to earn couple hundred bucks a month you faggot? Maybe there's some rich anon that could help my ass, maybe what I earn in a year he earns in a week, why shouldn't I try?

>> No.2028147
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>> No.2028164

Etherium's strength is that it isn't limited to an arbitrary cap. Currency's primary purpose isn't as a store of value, it's as a unit of exchange. The more people using it, the more you need available. It's also important that Etheriun has demonstrated an ability to adapt to a changing environment instead of clinging to a not-gold mindset like bitcoin.

>> No.2028229

Self respect nigger.

>> No.2028256

Maybe instead of begging on /biz/ you should be out working if you're so strapped, you cunt. Feel free to kill yourself anywhere, reprobate.

>> No.2028642

I'm up almost 200 since I posted this. I'm dropping 5 G's next weekend. hopefully catch a dip