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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 85 KB, 1082x697, dmg chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20268501 No.20268501 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah I'm thinking we're back

>> No.20268506

I'm so tired bro

>> No.20268643

It was a long week, I'll give you that anon, but this project is a hidden gem that's not even out of stealth mode yet. Stack while it's down and you will not be disappointed in the mid-long term

>> No.20268679
File: 739 KB, 1227x863, bird man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$10 eoy is FUD

>> No.20268782

I realize now that dmg isn't going anywhere. I tried to swing my stack once successful once a failure my 3k DMG is now 1k DMG but lessons were learned

>> No.20269061

Stack back up anon. It really isn't going anywhere. The fud is coordinated because Link marines are still stacking

>> No.20269092


Link holder here, no we're not. Linkies aren't dumb enough to pretend that buying a token that has value based on used car loans is a good investment.

>> No.20269156

Sure thing marine ;) keep up that "used car loan" stuff

>> No.20269180


>used car loan stuff

It's literally on their website under assets

>> No.20269187

Newfag, we've been talking about DMM months before the token sale was even announced. Lurk more if you want to be convincing

>> No.20269208

If you're being serious you have no idea how any of this works. They're not used car loans. They collateralized loans on chain. It's called DeFi. People can now collateralize their planes too. They're not "used plane loans". They're just loans with collateral backing them.

>> No.20269262

they're car equity loans you retard

>> No.20269296


The loan is only as valuable as the collateral backing it. They claim that the assets "generate real world income", but if that's true then why wouldn't I just buy a used car lot. Oh wait I wouldn't because used cars depreciate and don't generate income. It's the most obvious money laundering scheme I've ever seen.

>> No.20269299


>> No.20269311

kek committed to the character i like it anon

>> No.20269336

People borrow against the car they own. They make payments to a loan servicer. You're asking why you don't just start a business and do it? Nothing is stopping you, and there are many successful loan servicers. You're acting like no one has ever made a business out of this. Obviously the profits massively outweigh losses

>> No.20269370


>obviously the profits massively outweigh losses

Show me proof of this. Also when you look at their liens they have blatantly photo-shopped important pieces of information including the lien holder. How are people falling for this retarded scam so easily?

>> No.20269381
File: 155 KB, 602x1448, explorer-docs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20269439

Imagine having to directly address the retards on this board because anything they don't completely understand is just OBVIOUSLY a scam. kek

>> No.20269481


Ok well at least they addressed it. I will wait until the independent verification then. This is crypto, you don't just trust these "businesses" because there aren't any protections for buyers if they decide to exit scam.

>> No.20269516

Due diligence annon

I like you

Is cardano a scam?

>> No.20269548

I take back my retard comment. You seem like you can think critically when presented with more information. Best of luck in your future endeavors anon