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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 37 KB, 1000x600, ADA-10-e1593496150569-1000x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20268350 No.20268350 [Reply] [Original]

This month?August?

>> No.20268420

Also How many Cardanos to be millionaire before 2022?

>> No.20268658

august 18th

>> No.20268670

Really?I thought it was sooner

>> No.20268736

You can stake from the end of July with the first rewards being paid out in August.

>> No.20268760

aaaah yes yes yes

>> No.20268924

once people start staking, the price will dump. 80%

>> No.20268935

that makes no sense

>> No.20269017


>> No.20269071

My 2 cents , but he probably thinks there will be a huge pumo before staking is live followed by a huge dump by when its actually live, thats the most plausible scenario for a crash when staking goes live,I doubt this will happen tho.

>> No.20269138

The network wont be used. You cannot generate wealth from nothing. Simple as.

>> No.20269306

So this is a dead project with no future?

>> No.20269331

what's the staking reward percentage?

>> No.20269338

yes.. it's going live next month every month. looks like an exit scam

>> No.20269363

But I'm up.

I have 1K but I'm a poor f** so that's a lot to me.
Even if it's a scam I should be able to make money off of it right

>> No.20269789

Never. Ada is a scam

>> No.20269819

thats cool just sell soon cuz ADA always does this. They announce some new vaporware or delivery date and always miss it. Even if they deliver there is no way the system will work right or get adopted anyway so sell now and maybe buy back at 2 cents before the next scam pump.

>> No.20269960

Yeah right... Thats why we have gone from 2 cents to almost 13 cents in 4 months right?

>> No.20269962

Buying Ada is like getting BTC at 250$ if it delivers in the future. GL

>> No.20270027

it's happened before newfag.. there is no space for a top 10 coin that doesn't deliver shit to grow in a defi bull run when it wont even have smart contracts on mainnet for 2 years. this always happens. it pumps, draws in newbs like you, then bleeds them back down to. few cents. it'sbeen happening for 4 years.

>> No.20270041

I ride the cardano rollercoaster all the way down nigger get fucked , I always believed in it,now Im getting the benefits finally.

>> No.20270056

next month,. it is always next month...

>> No.20270106

>they so mad when they buy the top.. kek
go ahead. you won't be the first. might buy your bags at two cents then sell them to you again for 10 cents tho k?

>> No.20270119
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>the desperation of being powerless and watching your wealth melt away into the hands of pic related

>> No.20270197

That doesnt affect me anymore,maybe last year, not now,you will see...

>> No.20270252

Thanks for the insight. I do still have some optimism for ADA so i'll leave a couple Eth's worth on it

>> No.20270315

terrible fud. They have hit every milestone on the roadmap they released this year.

>> No.20270322

THIS, thats why fud doesnt affect me now , literally 0, sometimes I even laugh because of how funny it is.

>> No.20270332

>BLM is a Marxist revolution
-Charles Hoskinson

>We stand and march with BLM
-Ethereum employees

Tell me again who the degenerate faggots are?

>> No.20270346

>that's why moonbois are losing their shit as the price dumps and no delivery on the horizon
You got Chucked again anon.. The defi revolution will be long underway by the time this vaproware shitcoin even has smart contracts on mainnet, and it's already top 10. are you unironically retarded? This mathematically can't go up. Have fun buying Charles more birds.

>> No.20270367

>mad cope

>> No.20270376


>> No.20270394

Don't fall for this basic bitch 2018 fud. If ADA fails, it will be only because of lack of adoption. Technically, they are releasing a great product this year. If there's anything negative, it won't be because "muh vaporware". They are investing $20 million into dapp development with a focus on defi. They are making it easy to port Ethereum projects over to Cardano. There are many good things coming that WILL be delivered.

>> No.20270416
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>> No.20270436

I know. It's this same fudfag in every thread. Is the mos autistic form of concentration on something his mentally imbalanced mind is obsessed with hating. He's a joke at this point. You can recognize him by his obsession. I wish him well that he can get out of this negative loop. It's not healthy.

>> No.20270480


>> No.20270498
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See this.
Charles may have soiface, but he's more based than the Ethereum pony fucker faggots. Charles spoke out against BLM. Charles has spoken about "blood and soil" by refusing to be an expat and shitting on expats. He speaks in terms of this being his home and he will die here because it was the home of his father and grandfather....speaking in these spiritual terms that kikes and soulless NPCs can't understand. He has taken his wealth and put it towards building something worthwhile for the world in his strive toward legacy, something these baser beasts can't understand. He enjoys good cigars and fine whiskey. Despite his soiface, he's got everything else going in his favor compared to Otter Vitalik and his pony fucker friends.

>> No.20270509
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>Technically, they are releasing a great product this year.
>There are many good things coming that WILL be delivered

>> No.20270518
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Kek there are a ton of us and we are legion. Academics who find Charlie's academic LARPing distasteful, ETH adherents who see ETH2 launchnig this year before the holidays, ppl who think using Haskell is retarded, skeptics who have seen Charlie bungle its development and miss deadline after deadline while getting paid fat stacks, realists who see no adoption, people realizing there is a weak community, people who distrust Charlie bc he's greedy, etc etc etc

I just noticed he makes the s o y face constantly and that's enough for me to take a hard pass.

>> No.20270519

Go kiss nigger feet, you seething Grima Wormtongue faggot.

>> No.20270521

>I'm sure they'll do great when Charle's gets "cancelled" for being racist and they still have no product. It's over anons...

>> No.20270545
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>badger badger badger

>> No.20270557
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>> No.20270559

Enjoy your nigger mob
>we're on your side, bro!

>> No.20270573

This is a common type of cope seen in bagholders that buy the top of ADA pump and dumps.. first >muh haskell, muh formal proofs, then it devolves to panic, depression and insults. pretty toxic project actually.

>> No.20270589

You're face will be priceless when you realize they turn on you.

>> No.20270613

>says this on /biz/
Is it "problematic"?

>> No.20270629

>he still bought the top

>> No.20270641

>bought at 6c
>is up 100%
>is still not selling and will be staking the whole bag
Go back to your uniswap scams, pajeet.

>> No.20270668

see you under 3 cents when you panic sell. I will however be kind enough to sell them to you on the next PnD cycle at 7-8 cents. ADA newfags are like sitting sucks.

>> No.20270784

Carefull most Cardano holders left have iron hands.

>> No.20270920

I’m sorry. I can’t hear you over the sound of all these positive announcements and completed milestones. July 29th is going to feel pretty good as I stake my ADA. Nothing you say can take away that joy. You are impotent. You have no power here. It drives you crazy and I can’t help but admit I derive a small amount of pleasure out of watching you waste your time funding a project you appear to have no care for. I would wish you would be more productive with your time, but since you refuse to, I find pleasure in watching you thrash and flail against the inevitable.

>> No.20270947

Im out right now spending a fuck ton of money I made off my x10 DMG gains. Someone please screen shot all the brainlet fudders saying a 3B market cap project is a scam. These remind me of the same fucktards that fudded ETH at $7.

>> No.20270987
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>plebbit cope
3 cents incoming. Academia larp isn't working anymore anon. Smart contracts on mainnet in..... 3 years? Missed DeFi by a mile. There is no room for the MC to grow. You must be new.. go back to plebbit for a while and wait until you realize how retarded you are. then we will rehabilitate you.. after you are a broken shell with Charles' soi spoo dripping down your leg.

>> No.20271102

13 posts by this ID
You probably sold the bottom at $0.03....
Im not gonna lie I also FUD coins I sold way too early when they go up in value without me. Cope

>> No.20271173

hmhm, bitconnect,hmhm. remember anon? yes you do.

>> No.20271215

I sold all my DMG for ADA

>> No.20271273

i bought at .50 and sold at 1.10 and it's still down about 90% from where i sold. pretty comfy, never fucking buying

>> No.20271287

This is such low quality fud. Smart contracts have already been in development for over 2 years with the creators of Haskell itself working on Plutus. Once Shelley goes live, Goguen (smart contracts) will go on test net and will be released Q4 of THIS year. You just sound retarded.

>> No.20271344

I’ll be enjoying 20-30c by August. None of your fud has any impact. ADA is such a comfy hold with such promise that I can go to sleep at night and not worry about it being dumped overnight. Can’t say the same for all the pajeet scams all over this board.

>> No.20271634

should hit that (or close to it) before coinbase listing and then catapolt like tezos did over the course of a year.

stake projects wont dump as hard as other shitcoins because there is value in holding and buying almost at any price. much more than the value than dumping since those selling before $1 will fomo in and buy higher anyway.

if it continues to play out this way we will see 40-60 cents with coinbase listing and then a slow growth over time to about 80 cents to $1+ after a year of being on coinbase.

cardano will have between 70-90% staking and will actually follow through on partnerships and collaborations unlike tezos that's been sitting around doing dogshit nothing for the last year and a half.

especially when you consider that a lot of long time holders will want to stake through their own wallets instead of staking on coinbase, while the new people who just learned about the project through coinbase wont mind holding on there meanwhile the scarcity will skyrocket and $1 is almost a guarantee at this point.

>> No.20271656

oh okay that makes more sense

>> No.20271782

My outlook is very good chance of 50c EOY. But if the Golden bull takes off, then $1 is totally in the realm of possibility. Regardless, it’s going to be very lucrative for early stalkers as the rewards should start off better early on. If they can nail the funded dApp development and get some projects to port to Cardano, we could really see the first big competitor to Ethereum. That is double the case if Eth2.0 continue to drag their feet. Even if Phase 0 comes out in 2020, it’s still only a portion of the problems being solved that Cardano will have already addressed.

>> No.20272051

alts have been giving signs of a potential run very soon. i wouldn't put it past basedCharles to want to coincide all of these announcements with the greater market forces to give ADA the best chance at dethroning ETH from the #2 spot. it could just be a happy coincidence, very glad i bought at .05 - .07 and didn't pay attention to all the seething mETH heads.

>> No.20272158

Yep. Smart buy. And it is perfect timing too if the bull takes off.

Being any kind of maxi is dumb. Spread risk and make bets on promising projects. At the end of the day, we are going to have multiple settlement layers that will need to be interoperable. Cardano is working on interoperability. The future is many chains interacting with one another, with each having their own domain or niche.

>> No.20272185

In your next life

>> No.20272707

Where do I stake? My Cardano is just sitting on Binance.

>> No.20272723

Kek you sold the bottom for $0.03

>> No.20272755

You can stake on Coinbase starting from August. You can also stake on Daedalus wallet. Coinbase. I would recommend Daedalus wallet over coinbase. As Coinbase staking is really just for normies

>> No.20272835

This is gonna be glorious, this year most of us will earn hundreds a month of pasive income thanks to Cardano, next year a thousand or even thousands!!!
Very excited for the future people!!

>> No.20272955

As another anon said, you will be able to stake from the Daedalus wallet or from Coinbase Vault service. Additionally, you can cold stake from a hardware wallet using the Yoroi wallet client. I think they will be adding cold staking from hardware wallet to Daedalus soon as well.

Staking first begins July 29th when Shelley mainnet goes live. First staking rewards will come from August 18th onward. I believe staking from July 29th - August 18th will just be part of the soft fork, so no rewards, but beginning with a fork block on August 18th, blocks will generate rewards.

>> No.20273093

Additionally, what is nice about Cardano is that you do not need to lose custody of your coins to delegate to a stake pool. There is a separate private key to delegate your stake, so you are not signing with your actual private key. This way you can cold stake from a hardware wallet or just the normal wallet. No need to give custody to an exchange or to a stake pool operator. You keep control of your ADA the whole time.

>> No.20273157

>you do not need to lose custody of your coins to delegate
retard. that's how they all work. not special.

>> No.20273193

Just trying to be informative. You’re such a sad, bitter man.

>> No.20273210

nah just tired of shills. you would be too if you weren't a tourist. Cardano will not have smart contracts on mainnet for over 2 years. It will miss the defi wave completely. Come back and shill this shit a few months before it becomes useful. right now it's another vechain or nano and should stay on plebbit

>> No.20273282

if you really believe this then you will not make it fren

>> No.20273287

>tired of shills
>fuds a Cardano thread that doesn’t shit up the board unlike all the pajeet scams that now take up 90% of threads
It’s a legitimate project and a thread on it is fine. If you want to spend your time fudding, go spend your time on all the uniswap shit.

>> No.20273310

And I don’t shill it. I’ll provide answers if people ask, but I have never made a Cardano thread. I only pop in the ones already made. It’s farther along that all the scam tokens that are actually shitting up this board.

>> No.20273329

If you really believe you are going to make it buying the top of a 4 year old scam in the top 10 that has only delivered a testnet and is going to completely miss the defi wave.. I feel bad for you anon. You fell for charles' academia larp and you think you found the one true coin.. you bought the top and now they are going to dump on you slowly while stringing you along and making you feel smart by association. the only thing smart about Charles is his scamming. he barely got a BA at a state college. He's all hat and no cattle anon.

>> No.20273352

Oh, I didn't even realize Cardano was on Coinbase. I don't keep up with them much. Any idea what staking rewards will be? I've only got 10K Cardano, but I don't plan on actively trading it. More of a long term hold for me. So staking is logical.

>> No.20273353

>If you want to spend your time fudding, go spend your time on all the uniswap shit


>> No.20273373

never seen such blatant copy pasta thanks for the laugh nigger

>> No.20273400

Around 6% to 11%
On test net I think it's closer to 11% But this figure could change. 10k ADA is a decent hold long term hold.

>> No.20273438

get back to your other thread nigger so i can laugh at your desperate cope some more

>> No.20273458

>No smart contracts for years
3 cents. you bought the top and it's killing you

>> No.20273482

Cardano is not on CB yet. They announced at the summit that they have signed an agreement with Coinbase so that ADA can be cold staked from the Coinbase Vault service, which is a service rolling out later this year. Many think that such an agreement means there is very likely a General Coinbase listing soon. But no announcement on that yet. I don’t think Coinbase would announce a listing until Shelley mainnet is live without issues. At that point, I think a CB listing could come and provide even more buy pressure, especially paired with staking on CB.

>> No.20273505

Smart contracts before EOY.
6 cents isn’t the top.

>> No.20273521
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17 posts by this ID

You are a total fucking psycho. What's your agenda? Tell us the truth you are fucking obsessed beyond normality. I'm guessing you panic sold the bottom in March only to watch it go x5 from the sidelines.. I know I'm right.

>> No.20273535
File: 67 KB, 1186x710, 422D9D2A-ABE0-45FD-A528-A8F9841142DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

August 14th... i believe each epoch is 4 days, meaning first rewards on the 18th. so far every date pn this timeline has been met.

>> No.20273551

bottom sellers are hilarious thanks again for the laugh fren LOL

>> No.20273560


>> No.20273599

i suppose that old work as well. choose your stake pool(s) early, but my guess is that the mehani doesn't kick in until the 18th or one epoch worth of days before that date

>> No.20273615

it's just FUD

>> No.20273693

Yeah, no block rewards until Aug 18th. They are doing it this way as a soft fork rather than hard fork. So each component of the fork is rolling out at different times. Staking can begin July 29th with mainnet, and this is so many people have already delegated by the time blocks start getting validated on Aug 18.

>> No.20273733
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, C6E9BFA1-5006-4129-9236-B50794D13280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17 posts by this ID
>this OBSESSED faggot yet again
>day after day after day
>the same fud despite getting his ass handed to him repeatedly.
imagine the cope and butthurt one must be experiencing to spend this much energy posting mongloid tier horseshit in cardano threads on a canadian poutan recipe board such as this
>day after day after day

>> No.20273786

he's got a notepad full of copypasta and just recycles it like a true NPC. he talks about selling at 9 cents by mistake in his other thread LOL it's so sad he's probably literally just copying responses he thinks are clever enough to save to his notes.

he doesn't even realize we're gonna push past 14 cents next week

>> No.20273796

i see you in every ada thread saying the same stale low IQ fud. what a sad little retard you are.

>> No.20273833

> ill buy for 3 and sell it for 9 hurrrr

LMAO what a loser it gives me so much pleasure seeing ADA pump because i know faggots like him are just fucking sitting there hating themselves every day.

someone post a suicide hotline for this poor soul

>> No.20273852 [DELETED] 

If he sold at $0.09 thats not even that bad. He could buy his stack back right now with at a 20% and still make it. He's probably so deluded that he thinks he can lower the price by spamming fud on biz. ADA is going to $1 this year.

>> No.20273877

If he sold at $0.09 thats not even that bad. He could buy his stack back right now at a 20% loss and he would still make it. He's probably so deluded that he thinks he can lower the price by spamming fud on biz. ADA is going to $1 this year.

>> No.20273883

i loaded up 200k at 0.035 and it's the comfiest shit ever. will stake forever.

>> No.20274113


>> No.20274447

Probably at least 250k maybe 500k to be safe.