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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20267672 No.20267672[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What was your board progression that lead you to /biz/?

> /b/
> /fit/
> /pol/
> /biz/

what you see there is a clear progression in mentality

/b/ - entertainment/coom and consoom focused
/fit/ - irl coom focused, achieve based physique for qts
/pol/ - qts achieved now watching degradation of the world
/biz/ - full realisation that anything external like politics has next to no affect on your life and the only thing that's worth learning and consooming is what is going to give you an immediate advantage in actual life

let's hear it /biz/

>> No.20267696

nigger newfag tier progression

>> No.20267731

here since 2008, probably before you were born fucking zoomer

>> No.20268163

poo poo pee pee

>> No.20268179
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>> No.20268193


>I feel something is not right with the world i'll check the internet maybe they know...
>/pol/: buat the fack
>/pol/: mmmm that seems reasonable
>/pol/: I must preserve the future of white race and a future for white children but for the plan to succeed I need some safe place to build it
>/jp/: Maybe here will be safe enough
>/jp/: As I thought this is the place I should settle to win the long game, but my life needs to be happy too... I must get a qt 3.14 nip gf to provide me of happiness while saving the white race
>/jp/: Settling in japan is expensive as fuck... I need more resources.. I will check /biz/ maybe the know...
>/biz/ (jun-2020): Fuck... I was late to link party... I must find a way to make it so that I can settle in japan with my qt 3.14 nip gf and live a comfy and happy life while building that device to save the white race.

Please be gentle

>> No.20268231


straight to biz during 2017 bull run, don’t fuck around on other boards much except gif when it’s coom time, lit, and fit when I’m feeling ambitious about my life

>> No.20268235

I’m a /biz/nessman now, but I’ll always be a /k/ommando at heart

>> No.20268243
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> r9k

>> No.20268265


>> No.20268283

The are the only boards i fuck around with


>> No.20268288

I didn't need /fit/ for my physical gains, personal development and the qts that I claimed afterwards. I started on /pol/ a couple years ago, recently began to frequent /biz/ more often

>> No.20268315


Since 2011:

Brief stint in /ck/,/mu/ and /k/
I plan on becoming /fit/ after I retire.

>> No.20268349

is /ck/ actually helpful? I want to learn to cook

>> No.20268360
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>/b/ - 2008
>/v/ 2009 - 2018
>/g/ 2010 - 2017
>/mu/fa/fit/ 2011 - 2018
>/biz/ 2017 - present
>/o/ 2017 - present

Most boards I still visit but it's mostly biz, trying to comb for gems like Link which I got in early on, and /o/ for the daily bike thread. Also I go to /sp/ for /f1g/

>> No.20268377
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you're not even late m8. You're late in for a /biz/ness man but in the wider world you're still early as fuck

>> No.20268396


>> No.20268411

t. consoomer

>> No.20268440
File: 714 KB, 635x673, Fren9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/b/ back in the 08-10 days with my buddy
/o/ because i was a carfag until I realized i was too poor for anything good.
/biz/ because I became money focused
/pol/ after taking the final redpill about the (((international monetary system)))
/biz/ because now all that matters is to aim to be like henry ford.

If i dont make it thats ok. Ill always remember the frens I made along the way here.

>> No.20268442

>straight to /biz/ since Aug 2017

>> No.20268469
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>> No.20268535

tried to kms a couple times two years ago, but couldn't

>> No.20268668

/biz/ in 2017, I made 6k out of 2k off of buying a bitcoin and then selling it 4 months later, putting that into litecoin, and selling it again. Then I left.
/fit/, because I was a hungry skelly 2 years ago.
/lit/, and /sci/ before I realized those anons didn't know what they were talking about,
/biz/ in 2020 when the crash happened.
Now I browse /ck/ for the comfy and /biz/ for the news and memes

>> No.20268819

/biz/ - /pol/

>> No.20268830


Not really. It’s mostly fast food viral marketing.

>> No.20268892



>> No.20268946
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! There is a cooking board. I learned something useful today

>> No.20268973

4 year break from chans

used /gif/ in parallel to all of them, for uh, research

>> No.20269100

I also took about a 2 year break after /pol/. what made you return anon?

>> No.20269248
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/g/ - 2012-2014
/k/ - 2013-Present
/pol/ - 2015-2017
/o/ - 2015-Present
/ck/ - 2018-Present
/biz/ - 2016-Present
Tried other boards for a few months, but these were the ones that stuck with me.