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20261474 No.20261474 [Reply] [Original]

What makes a normie?

>> No.20261489

They're just like you, except people find them sexually attractive.

>> No.20261510

hive mind, obedience, low sentience/reflexion, tradition

>> No.20261654

Nice try shlomo

>> No.20261662

ur mum

>> No.20261688

seems like he's referring more to unquestioningly following previous patterns

>> No.20261908

susceptibility to the prevailing zeitgeist, esp. narratives and visual cues presented in popular media.

>> No.20261969

Anyone with half a brain who isn't a subversive recognizes that traditions exist for a good reason that help cultures propagate themselves due to increased health, not just because people like to follow the latest fad our of a desire to be a part of the herd.

>> No.20261974

slave mentality

>> No.20262044

listens to rap

>> No.20262062

Anyone with half a brain also realizes all traditions aren't equally valuable.

>> No.20262065

Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.20262068

Literally this

>> No.20262084

Anyone that doesn't come here

>> No.20262107
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>> No.20262112

Read Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The main character Raskolnikov espouses his theory that there are two classes of men: the ordinary and the extraordinary. The extraordinary are those who aren't afraid to step over traditional moral boundaries in order to achieve a greater goal for the benefit of humanity. Meanwhile the ordinary or the "normies" go along with the flow and allow themselves to be ruled over by these extraordinary men. He uses the example of Napolean. But I'm sure in today's times there are many more examples of these extraordinary men that we can pull from.

>> No.20262354

Conditioning fron a early age, lack if imagination and fear of judgment. The average normie 30 Y.O. normie white male works 40 hours a week, drives a car he can't afford and doesn't own, has gone through divorce and thinks however he's told to think.

>> No.20262469

This. Tradition is to keep the npc’s in line towards higher ideals. Without tradition the npc will just fall victim to jew promoted degeneracy

>> No.20263367

Someone who buys VRA during the bubble

>> No.20263822


>> No.20263843

No intellectual curiosity.

>> No.20264551

To believe that you have to buy chicks drinks, instead of just grab'em by da pussy.

>> No.20264574

but i'm a sperg and i fuck a lot, i'm pretty good looking though