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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20259778 No.20259778 [Reply] [Original]

Is your college degree useful for your job? Do you think you can land that job without the degree?

>> No.20259785

No. Accountant here and it sucks.

>> No.20259797

>1 post by this ID: check
>stupid question: check

If I ever find out who you are, I will slit your throat OP. I wish the faggot jannies would purge you off of biz. How no one else realizes you spam the fuck out of this board with trannies and slide threads is beyond me.

>> No.20259829
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>> No.20259884

>useful or applicable for job
>get job without degree
I would need a bachelors degree of some sort to qualify for the entry level of my job but it didn't need to be my specific one. My degree was not one of the degrees listed as helpful for getting the job in the job posting.

>> No.20260009

Please be a guy i fuckin hate girls

>> No.20260082

please don't tell me bro's i don't want to hear it :(

>> No.20260320

I come to this board secretly to peek at tranny pics but I also am trying to refrain from fapping fuck

>> No.20261379

I am the least qualified person at my work (scientific software), and I have a BS in Math. I wouldn't have been able to get this job without the degree, since most people here are either super-experienced programmers, or Math/Phys/Eng PhDs.